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Spellweaving System Spellweavers Spellweaver Package Deals
Variant: The Order Of Esow Variant: Brotherhood of Stahryc Variant: Derwydda
Sample Spellweaver: Vadim Ardovich
Spellweavers (SPELL WEAVE-ERS) run the gamut of abilities, and many use their master of Spell Skills to enhance their abilities in some other line of work, and thus they are an extremely diverse and capable bunch.
Spellweavers are excellent complements to most adventuring groups, adding an array of functionality, adaptability, and flexibility to a party's capabilities.
Compared to other professions Spellweavers are somewhat complex and require a high degree of knowledge of the HERO System Power creation rules on the part of the player and a certain mental limberness on the part of the GM.
A player can expect their Spellweaver to start off somewhat sketchy, but their powerbase is easily grown wider (by buying more Spell Skills) and a Spellweaver can mature into a very robust Magic User with patience. Spellweavers tend to be more tool-box oriented rather than concentrating on raw power, but have neither a graded Spell Level or set Spell effect mechanic and thus lack the straight-jacketing some other Magic Systems rely on as a control mechanism.
Means to Power
Spellweavers learn to cast Spells, often making use of props such as incantations, gestures, etc. to assist them in the casting of their Magic. Spellweavers go through various levels of understanding and capability as they advance. As they gain experience, their ability to manipulate the metaphysical Laws of Magic broadens, as the mental endurance required to focus their will increases. Essentially, as they progress their ability to cast more Spells and cast them more often improves (assuming Experience Points are spent to increase them).
Spellweavers don't learn set Spell effects, instead they learn how to work magic in a broad, theoretical way which they apply to whip up specific effects as needed. Their Spell Skills are effectively like open-ended VPP's, but only for effects designed using one base Power. However, the more powerful the effect (as measured by Active Points), the harder it is to successfully cast such an effect, and further stiff penalties are assessed for trying to do such a thing in the midst of combat.
The specifics of how this all works are discussed in the Spellweaving System document.
Because Spellweavers are at their best when they can take their time and not have to worry about getting attacked or disturbed, they make very good use of Triggered effects. Players of Spellweaving characters should read the Trigger rules thoroughly and understand their use.
What exactly indicates "Master" Spellweaver status might vary from setting to setting, or even from region to region within the same setting, and overall capability as an Spellweaving is difficult to measure, and in many ways is unimportant.
However, as a general rule of thumb an Apprentice should have at least 15 points spent on Spell Skills and know at least 5 different Spell Skills, a Journeyman should have around 30 points spent on Spell Skills and know at least 10 different Spell Skills, a Master should have around 50 points spent on Spell Skills and knows at least 15 different Spell Skills, and an Archmaster should have around 80 points spent on Spell Skills and knows at least 20 different Spell Skills
Spellweavers do not have a concept of "Specializing" in a formal sense, though Spellweavers with different selections of Spell Skills have a high degree of variation. For instances, a Spellweaver with a lot of Spell Skills for Mental Powers will play out very differently from a Spellweaver with a lot of Spell Skills for Attack, Defense, and Movement Powers.
This option is not available in my campaigns.
By default Spellweavers may not use a Magic Endurance Reserve to power their Spell effects. 
However, a GM might want to adjust the overall combat functionality of the Magic System to better fit their campaign, and an easy way to do that is to allow an Endurance Reserve. If such an approach is taken, it is still recommended that a cap be enforced, such as the following limit on how many actual points can be spent on such an Endurance Reserve and its Recovery.
Scaling Capacity Point Cap = Total Character Points / 25
EXAMPLE: A Character with 250 total points could spend up to 10 of those points on a Spellweaving Endurance Reserve. This could consist of 50 END and 5 REC or 90 END and 1 REC or anything in between with a Real Cost of 10 points or less.
Spellweavers may take the Mage Sight Talent as described in Fantasy HERO for 5th Edition, or an equivalent ability, to make it easier for them to sense and interact with Magic.
During Character Creation a Spellweaver character may take Life Support (Longevity) up to any level the GM allows (including none).
Spellweavers have a recognizable aura that is detectable by those with appropriate senses. Spellweavers should take the following Disadvantage.
DF: Spellweaver (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
Disadvantage Value: -5 points
Learning New Spell Skills
Spell Skills can only be learned from other Spellweavers who know that Spell Skill or from rare and highly prized texts called Codeci plural, or a Codex singular. Codeci are explained in more detail below under Creating New Magic Items.
Often when a Spellweaver teaches a Spell Skill to another Spellweaver, that other Spellweaver will teach them a Spell Skill as well concurrently. However, any form of accommodation can be reached between two Spellweavers for the teaching of a Spell Skill, and is often purely commercial in nature; the would-be mentor sets a price and the would-be student pays it if they want to learn the Spell Skill.
Example: Lezentae wishes to learn a Spell Skill for the Running Power, allowing him to cast Spell Effects that grant improved Running ability. On his journeys he has inquired of other Spellweavers if they can teach this Spell Skill to him, and eventually was directed to seek out a Spellweaver thought to know it.
Lezentae finds the Spellweaver named Gorja and the two reach an accomodation; Gorja will teach the Spell Skill of Running to Lezentae and Lezentae will teach him the Spell Skill of EGO Attack.
For a Spellweaver to learn a new Spell Skill they must first have enough character points to pay for the Spell Skill, must have a source to learn it from (a mentor or a codex) and must conduct a period of Research and Experimentation (R&E).
It takes 30 - the Spellweaver's INT in Days of dedicated study to learn a Spell Skill. At the GM's discretion a Spellweaver may study in less than dedicated fashion (say, while on the road or adventuring if their mentor accompanies them or they have a codex), or if they are splitting time teaching a Spell Skill to another Spellweaver while being taught in turn. In an case, it takes twice as many Days or more at the GMs discretion to learn a Spell Skill in such circumstances.
At the end of this period of R&E the Spellweaver character pays the Character Points and adds the Spell Skill to their character sheet.
Example: Lezentae has a 20 INT, and Gorja has an 18 INT. Gorja is teaching the Running Spell Skill, and Leznetae is teaching the Energy Blast Spell Skill. Normally it would take Lezentae 10 Days and Gorja 12 Days to learn, but since they are splitting time teaching each other it will take both twice as long to master the Spell Skills.
In 20 Days Lezentae is able to add the Running Spell Skill to his Character Sheet, paying 3 character points for the basic Skill. After 24 Days Gorja is able to add the Energy Blast Spell Skill to his Character Sheet, paying 3 character points for the basic Skill.
Improving Known Spell Skills
A Spellweaver may improve their Spell Skill roll at any time simply by paying 2 character points per +1 with the Skill roll. This has no affect aside from raising their probability of success when casting Spell Effects with that Spell Skill.
Creating New Spell Skills
There is a Spell Skill for each non-Special base Power (save any Power the GM wishes to exclude), and thus there is no need to create new Spell Skills. Creating Spell Effects with Spell Skills on the other hand can be done at any time as if the Spellweaver has a Cosmic Variable Power Pool for Spell Effects based on base Powers they have a Spell Skill for, unless the GM puts restrictions upon it for the sake of easing game play.
It is quite reasonable for the GM to insist that all Spell Effects be written up between sessions and approved by the GM in advance, particularly for Spell Effect that are more complex. Along those same lines, the player of a Spellweaver should keep a physical copy of each Spell Effect that they use, so that over time they build up a repertoire of Spell Effects for which the various penalties and bonuses have already been largely precalculated.
Creating New Magic Items
Spellweavers do not create Magic Items; their Magic is far too personal for that.
However, Spellweavers can and do make Codeci (Codex singular), which are arcane texts describing what is possible with a particular Spell Skill, and a comprehensive treatment of how to apply it. These Codeci are not Magical in and of themselves, but have equivalent value among Spellweavers and are difficult to create similar to Magic Items.
These Codeci are the only other means to learn Spellweaving other than learning directly from a mentor and thus they are highly prized by Spellweavers.
Codeci are a powerful bargaining chip, and a valuable commodity in areas where Spellweavers are common. They are often traded as currency or as payment for favors, or as direct swaps (my Codex for your Codex) between Spellweavers, and they are also a powerful enticement to gain the services of a Spellweaver as payment for a Codex.
A Spellweaver may write a Codex for a single Spell Skill that they know, but it is time consuming and difficult to do so. To write a Codex a Spellweaver must have a separate INT Based Knowledge Skill called "Scribe Codex", and it takes (3d6 x 3d6) days of uninterrupted (8 hours per day) scholarly work and writing before the Spellweaver is able make their Scribe Codex Skill Roll to see if they succeeded in creating a Codex. The Scribe  Codex Skill roll suffers no penalty, but if the Spellweaver fails the roll their scribblings are confused drivel and of no use to anyone.
Spellweavers don't have any mystic language or the like, so Codeci are language dependent;  if a character can't read the language a Codex is written in it is of no use to them for learning a Spell Skill. As a consequence to this most experienced Spellweavers tend to learn at least the basics of other major languages so that they can make use of more Codeci.