Sample Metruvian: Shapup Dao
Sample Metruvian: Thia Halamodavis
Sample Metruvian: Kallinius Vright
Sample Metruvian: Seaphul Kort
Metruvians (meh-TRUE-vee-an) are excellent complements to most adventuring groups,
adding an impressive array of functionality to a party's capabilities. Practitioners
of the Metruvius Magic System, Metruvians are flexible and powerful, able to adapt
their collection of base effects and Advantages to best suit a given situation.
Compared to other professions Metruvians emphasize the practical application of
power and a concentration on having a smaller selection of very flexible abilities
instead of a collection of semi-redundant and highly structured static Spells.
A player can expect their Metruvian to start off respectably capable and progress
primarily by increasing their flexibility rather than their actual potency. Metruvians
tend to be more tool-box oriented rather than concentrating on raw power, but on
the other hand don't have a restrictive graded Spell Level scheme or other structured
approach to categorizing and or rating the power of their Magic.
Means to Power
Rather than learning to cast static Spells, Metruvians master the secrets of basic
building blocks of magical power and essential theories of manipulating that power
in very abstract and broadly applicable ways. By combining their knowledge of basic
principles which are called Famillia (fah-MILL-ee-uh) with advanced methods of manipulating
them called Facillia (fah-SILL-ee-uh), Metruvians are able to manifest a bewildering
variety of finely nuanced Magic.
Familiarities with base effects called Famillia, and Naked Power Advantages (NPA's)
called Facillia are a Metruvian's primary abilities.
A Metruvians real power is determined both by the combined potency of their Famillia
and Facillia (how many Active Points are in their base effects plus their NPA's
when used together) and the total number of Famillia and Facillia they have.
Famillia and Facillia are described in great detail in the
Metruvius System document.
What exactly indicates "Master" Metruvian status might vary from setting
to setting, or even from region to region within the same setting, and Metruvius
is difficult to measure in terms of simple points to begin with.
However a Metruvian with at least six Facillia usable with at least 60 Active Points
of base effect and six Famillia with at least 60 Active Points can generally be
considered to be a "Master".
Metruvians may use a Magic Endurance Reserve, but must define all of their Famillia
and Facillia as using the Magic Endurance Reserve if they have one. The Standard
"May Use Either Personal END or END Reserve" +1/4 Advantage may be taken
as a Facillia if desired.
Metruvians are limited in the number of Character Points they can spend on their
Endurance Reserves by the following formula.
Scaling Capacity Point Cap = Total Character Points / 20
The result is rounded in the character's favor.
EXAMPLE: A Character with 250 total points could spend up to (250 / 25 = 12.5 ~round up) 13 of those
points on a Metruvian Endurance Reserve. This could consist of 60 END and 7 REC
or 120 END and 1 REC or anything in between with a Real Cost of 13 points.
Many Metruvians take the Mage Sight Talent as described in Fantasy HERO for 5th
Edition at least at the five (5) point level, or some equivalent ability to make
it easier for them to sense and interact with Magic. However this isn't required;
it is simply a convenience.
Metruvians may take Life Support (Longevity) at up to the ~400 year level, unless
the GM prefers to disallow this.
Working with Magic marks Metruvians in subtle ways, and they have a recognizable
aura that is detectable by those with appropriate senses. Metruvians should take
the following Disadvantage.
DF: Metruvian (Not Concealable; Always Noticed
and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses; Not Distinctive In
Some Cultures)
Disadvantage Value: -5 points
Learning New Famillia and Facillia
Learning new abilities is fairly straightforward for Metruvians.
For a Metruvian to learn a new Famillia they must first have enough character points
to pay for the Famillia Familiarity, must have a source to learn it from (either
a mentor or written text) or create it themselves, and must contemplate for 3d3
days of game time per 1 point in the Familiarity.
This study doesn't need to be intensively sequestered; it can be done while adventuring
assuming the character can spend at least a couple of hours of thought and meditation
per day. It should be noted that this is more of a process of internal growth than
an intellectual exercise and it doesn't really matter if a Metruvian dedicates their
full attention to it or reflects on it in the background while doing other things.
At the end of this period of time the Metruvian makes a single Metruvian Lore Skill
Roll at -1 per 10 Active Points in the Power Construct. If they succeed at the Skill
Roll the character pays the character points for their new Famillia Familiarity
and add it to their character sheet. If the Skill Roll is failed the Metruvian must
start over again from the beginning if they still wish to learn the ability; the
character points are not lost in the case of failure.
For a Metruvian to learn a new Facillia they must first have enough character points
to pay for the Naked Power Advantage it represents.
Additionally the Metruvian must contemplate for a number of days of game time as
shown in the adjoining table.
(AP/10) + (RC/10) in days.
This study doesn't need to be intensively sequestered; it can be done while adventuring
assuming the character can spend at least a couple of hours of thought and meditation
per day. It should be noted that this is more of a process of internal growth than
an intellectual exercise and it doesn't really matter if a Metruvian dedicates their
full attention to it or reflects on it in the background while doing other things.
At the end of this period of time the Metruvian makes a single Metruvian Lore Skill
Roll at -1 per 10 Active Points in the NPA. If they succeed at the Skill Roll the
character pays the character points for the NPA and add it to their character sheet.
If the Skill Roll is failed the Metruvian must start over again from the beginning
if they still wish to learn the ability; the character points are not lost in the
case of failure.
A Metruvian may take twice as long contemplating a Famillia or Facillia, with each
doubling of time resulting in a cumulative +1 bonus to the eventual Metruvian Lore
Skill Roll. In the case of Famillia, the doubling is applied to the random d3 days
prior to the roll being made; thus a doubling would take 6d3 days per point in the
Example: Thia wishes to learn a new Famillia that represents a Power Construct
with up to 30 Active Points. The Familiarity will cost 3 points, and it normally
would take 9d3 days of contemplation for Thia to learn this ability. However, Thia
could opt to take 18d3 days instead for a +1 to his eventual Metruvian Lore Skill
The roll for number of days comes up as 42 days. After 42 days of contemplation,
Thia must make a Metruvian Lore Skill Roll, and he gets a +1 bonus for a single
doubling of time.
Improving New Famillia and Facillia
Improving existing abilities is relatively easy for Metruvians.
A Metruvian may improve an existing Famillia by increasing the Active Points of
the underlying Power Construct the Famillia represents in increments of 10 Active
Points by spending 3d3 days of contemplation, making a Metruvian Lore Skill Roll
at -1 at the end of this period of time, and spending 1 character point to increase
the cost of the corresponding Familiarity by one.
Example: Thia wishes to improve his Occult Orbs Famillia. After a period
of 3d3 game days he makes a Metruvian Skill Roll at -1. If he succeeds he pays 1
more character point to the Occult Orbs Familiarity and increases the Active Points
available to the underlying Power Construct by 10. If he fails the skill roll, he
does not spend a character point and the available Active Points are not raised.
If Thia still wanted to improve the ability he would have to start over again at
the beginning.
For a Metruvian to improve a Facillia they already have, they must have enough character
points to pay for the new Real Cost of the Naked Power Advantage.
Additionally the Metruvian must contemplate for a number of days of game time as
shown in the adjoining table. Extra AP and Extra RC represents the difference between
the new values and the existing values.
(Extra AP/10) + (Extra RC/10) in days
At the end of this time period the Metruvian must make a Metruvian Lore Skill Roll
at -1 per 5 Active Points being added to the NPA, and if successful must pay the
difference in character points.
Example: Thia wishes to improve his Effortless Facillia from its current
state, which has 30 Active Points and a Real Cost of 17. The upgraded version has
45 AP and 26 Real Cost. This is a difference of 15 AP and 9 RC, so it takes
(15+9) = 24 game days of contemplation to do this.
After 24 game days, a Metruvian Lore Skill Roll must be made at -3 (for 15 AP being
added); if the roll is successful Thia must pay 9 character points and the character
sheet is updated. If the Skill Roll is failed, the character points are not spent
and if Thia still wants to raise the ability he will have to start over at the beginning.
Creating New Famillia and Facillia
Metruvians that know at least five (5) Famillia can figure out new Famillia and
Facillia without the need of a mentor or book, "feeling" their way into
new discoveries. Their form of Magic is understood at a deep level, and intuition
is as much a part of it as anything else. Metruvians that do not yet know five or
more Famillia cannot create new Famillia or Facillia.
Creating a new Famillia is exactly like learning an existing Famillia as described
above, save that the penalty to the eventual Metruvian Lore Skill Roll is doubled.
Creating a new Facillia is exactly like learning an existing Facillia as described
above, save that the penalty to the eventual Metruvian Lore Skill Roll is doubled.
This option is in effect in my campaigns
By default, any Metruvian can create their own effects. If for some reason a particular
type of Metruvian cannot they may take a Physical Limitation Disadvantage indicating
this. This Disadvantage also prevents the improvement of abilities already known.
Thus Metruvians with this Disadvantage may only learn Famillia and Facillia from
others, and without variation. This is a serious Disadvantage for this type of Magic
Use and a player should think carefully before taking it.
Arcane Spell Sterility: Phys Lim: Cannot create new Famillia or Facillia
(Infrequently, Greatly Limiting; -10 points)