Sample Dominine:
Bakuda Rabusha (Prepared VPP
Model) |
VARIANT: Vancian Magic System |
NOTE: Dominine is essentially intended
to model the Cleric Class of D&D 3e.
However, the model is flexible and can be
used as a powerful means to model Divine
Magic in a wide variety of settings.
This document will reference one or more
fully described Magic Systems below.
To use this variant with one of those Magic
Systems, simply use the reference document
in its entirety with the exception of sections
that have been "overidden" and/or
"extended" by this document, as
indicated in the section headers below. |
The style of Magic described in this document
is not a complete Magic System with it's
own mechanics; instead it is intended to
extend, override, and/or change the look
and feel of a more fully described Magic
System, which is referred to as a "base
Magic System". |
NOTE: Practitioners of Dominine
(DAHM-en-EEN) are collectively called Domini
(DAHM-en-EE). However, in practice followers
of individual Patrons are referred to by
the Patron they serve, and/or any organization
they are in dedicated to serve that Patron. |
Domini are generally powerful complements
to any adventuring group, but Domini that
follow different Patrons run the gamut of
character types and motivations. Compared
to other professions Domini emphasize spiritual
devotion to their patron power, carrying
out the doctrine and agenda of their religion.
Domini are almost as durable as most warriors,
and also wield powerful Magic.
The basic concept of Dominine
may be implemented with each
of several base Magic Systems as described
To implement Dominine with Prepared
Casting simply use the rules set
forth in the
Wizardry document, except where
overridden below. Thus, the Dominine School
Skills given below replace the Wizardry
School Skills, the guidelines given for
creating Magic Items replace the guidelines
for doing so in the Wizardry document, and
the Packages provided replace those provided
for Wizardry. |
To implement Dominine with Gestalt Casting
use the rules set forth in the Arcanis Magnicus
document, except where overridden below.
Thus, the Dominine School Skills given below
replace the Arcanis Magnicus School Skills,
the guidelines given for creating Magic
Items replace the guidelines for doing so
in the Arcanis Magnicus document, and the
Packages provided replace those provided
for Arcanis Magnicus. |
Some settings could support Domini built
on either of the base Magic Systems described
above concurrently without any ill effect.
EXTEND: Means to Power |
Domini act as proxies to higher powers,
referred to as Patrons, and are empowered
by their Patrons to use granted powers (which
are called Spells throughout for consistency,
though they need not be called this in actual
gameplay). Domini often make use of props
such as prayers, hymns, catechisms and the
like (incantations), motions with ritual
significance (gestures), and Holy Symbols
(foci) to assist them in the casting of
their Magic. |
Domini are entrusted with an ever-greater
tap on the Power of their Patron as they
advance in wisdom. As they gain experience,
their ability to focus the powerful Magical
forces granted them by their Patron increases,
as does the mental endurance required to
focus their will. Essentially, as a Domini
progress, their ability to cast larger and
more powerful Spells increases assuming
the player of such a character spends Experience
Points appropriately. |
Domini use the Spell Level to Active Points
model of the base Magic System. |
Dominine don't "learn" Spells
per se. Dominine have a huge array of Spells
provided for their usage by the Patron which
they serve. A Dominine essentially "knows"
all the general Spells of a given Spell
Level up to the capacity of their Magic
VPP, and can prepare their daily Spells
freely from this list so long as they are
in good accord with their religion.
This can make Dominine extremely powerful,
as each time they expand their Magic VPP
they gain a plethora of new Spells. They
don't need to use "Magic Skill Rolls"
to learn their Magic, and in truth don't
even need to understand it. They are simply
conduits for their Patron's power. |
In addition to the normal Spellcasting Domini
inherit from the base Magic System, they
also are granted special access to topical
groups of Spells determined by the interests
of the Patron they serve. These topical
groups are called "Domains".
All Domini must have at least one Domain,
and this Domain must be chosen from a list
offered by the Domini's chosen Patron. |
Domains are bought as Custom Talents that
cost 10 Character Points each and which
are defined as follows: |
This Talent allows a Divine Spellcaster
access to a Domain Spell List comprising
one Spell per Spell Levels 1 through 9,
and slightly extended Spellcasting capacity.
This Talent is only usable while the Divine
Spellcaster is in Good Standing with their
Religion. |
Domain Access: +10 Real Points per
Domain |
A character may cast one Spell per Spell
Level per Day chosen from all of their Domains,
up to the maximum Spell Level they can cast
normally as determined by their normal Spellcasting
ability. Thus if a Domini has a Prepared
or Gestalt VPP that allows them to cast
up to 5th Level Spells, then they may also
cast one Domain Spell per day for 1st thru
5th Level Spells in addition to the Spells
they can cast from their VPP. |
Having multiple Domains does not increase
the number of Domain Spells that may be
cast per day, they merely expand the list
of available options from which a Domini
may choose. |
NOTE: Some Domain Spells are granted
at a Spell Level other than what their Active
Points would indicate if the Domain Spell
were treated as a normal Spell. For instance
the Sun Domain grants
Flight of the Phoenix as a 5th Level Spell,
though it only has 75 Active Points and
would normally be a 4th Level Spell; however
the Sun Domain also grants Symbol of Blinding
as a 6th Level Spell despite it having 135
Active Points, which would normally be a
8th Level Spell. |
EXAMPLE: The player Joe is making
a new character named Tyloh, who Joe decides
is going to be a Domini of Pipule, the Goddess
of Journeys. Pipule grants access to the
Travel, Luck, and Knowledge
Domains. |
Travel Domain Extention Package
gives access to the
Travel Domain Spell List which is
composed of Spells relative to moving via
Magic. |
Luck Domain Extention Package gives
access to the
Luck Domain Spell List, which is
composed of Spells that manipulate probability
and good fortune. |
Knowledge Domain Extention Package
grants access to the
Knowledge Domain Spell List, which
is composed of Spells that give the Dominine
great insights and the ability to know things
normally beyond mortal ken. |
Since the character's background concept
has Tylah traveling to assuage his curiosity
about the world and to discover what's over
the horizon, Joe opts for the
Travel and
Knowledge Extention Packages.
If Tyloh started the campaign with a Divine
Magic VPP with 30 Pool (whether Prepared
or Gestalt based), he has access to all
General Cleric Spells of Spell
Level 0 and 1st Spell level.
Additionally Tyloh can also cast an extra
1st Level Domain Spell each day chosen from
either of his two Domains. The 1st Level
Travel Spell is Expeditious Retreat, and
the 1st Level Knowledge Spell is Detect
Secret Doors. He can cast one or the other,
but not both. |
When Tyloh expands his Divine Magic VPP
to 45 Pool, he gains access to all 2nd Level
General Cleric Spells (31
to 45 Active Points), and may also cast
one of his 2nd Level Domain Spells (Locate
Object or Detect Thoughts) each day in addition
to his 1st Level Domain Spell. |
With GM Permission, a Domini may also have
one or more Granted Powers appropriate to
their Patron's area of concern. A character
might start with such abilities or buy them
later with Experience Points at the GM's
discretion. Granted Powers always cost character
points to have. |
All of the Domain Extention Packages provided
for use with type of Magic combine a Domain
Access Talent with one or more Granted Powers.
This might be sufficient for many Patron's;
however some Patrons might grant additional
abilities beyond those bundled with the
Domains. |
All Granted Powers should take the "Only
Usable While In Good Standing With Faith
(can't be removed; -1/4)" Limitation,
which as noted can never be removed (i.e.
bought off with experience). Following are
a few example Granted Powers; GM's should
consider listing what Granted Powers certain
Patrons offer before hand. |
Following are a few example Granted Powers;
GM's should consider listing what Granted
Powers certain Patrons offer before hand. |
NOTE: Turn Undead, listed below,
is a common Granted Power and might even
be standard for many religions in some settings. |
Clear of Mind: +5 Mental Defense;
Only Usable While In Good Standing With
Faith (can't be removed; -1/4) plus 25%
Mental Damage Reduction; Only Usable While
In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed;
-1/4); Real Cost: 16 Points |
Deadly Blow: +2d6 Killing, any Weapon,
any Circumstance (+2d6 HKA; OIF: Weapon
of Opportunity (-1/2); Only Usable While
In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed;
-1/4)); Real Cost: 17 Points |
Spell Resistance 15-; Only Usable
While In Good Standing With Faith (can't
be removed; -1/4); Real Cost: 15 points |
Divine Favor: 2 Levels of Combat
Luck (6 PD/ 6 ED); Only Usable While In
Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed;
-1/4); Real Cost: 10 points
Lightning Bolt: 4d6 RKA (Electric),
AoE: Any Area (6" Any Area; +1); (120
Active Points); 1 Charge per Day (-2), Concentration
(1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase;
-1/2), No Range (-1/2); Only Usable While
In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed;
-1/4); Real Cost: 27 points
Turn Undead: +50 PRE Only To Make
PRE Attacks (-1), Only vs. Undead Creatures
(-1), Full Phase, Delayed Phase (-3/4),
Limited Effect (-1), Only Usable While In
Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed;
-1/4); Real Cost: 10 Points; +5 PRE for
1 point |
NOTE: Fantasy HERO for 5th Edition
page 107-108 gives rules for how to use
PRE to Turn Undead. |
(Un) Holy Terror: +50 PRE Only To
Make PRE Attacks (-1), Full Phase, Delayed
Phase (-3/4), Limited Effect (Fear Only;
-1), Only Usable While In Good Standing
With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4); Real
Cost: 12 Points; +4 PRE for 1 point |
OVERRIDE: Restrictions |
There are a number of restrictions which
apply to this type of Magic Use, as follows. |
Dominine has a slightly different selection
of modifiers on the Control Cost of their
Magic VPP regardless of whether Wizardry
or Arcanis Magnicus is used as the base
Magic System.
If the base Magic System is Wizardry, replace
the Wizardry VPP Control Cost with the following: |
- Only Divine Magic (-1/2)
- Set List of Spells Available (-0; can't
be removed)
- Uses Domain Model (-0; can't be removed)
- May Change Spells as a Half Phase Action;
No Skill Roll Required; Only to bring in
Healing Spells; Expends Charge of Spell
swapped out (+1/2)
- Only Change Spells With Meditation (Requires
unmodified Faith Roll and 1 hour of Meditation;
- Only Usable While In Good Standing With
Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
- All Spells Must Have 1 Charge (-1/4)
- Variable Limitation (-1/2; each Spell must
take -1 of Limitations from Focus (Holy
Symbol), Extra Time, Concentration, Incantation,
Gesture, Limited Range, or RSR: Magic Skill
vs. Spell Resistance in any combination
Total Advantage: +1/2; Total Limitation:
-2 |
Control Cost per Spell Level (15 Pool) =
3.3 Real Points |
Total Cost per Spell Level (15 Pool) = 18.3
Real Points |
Dominine have an Expanded Real Cost Limit
on their Magic VPP's; a Domini may prepare
Spells with a Real Cost equal to or less
than their Magic Pool times 3 (RC Limit
= Pool x3) each day. The Pool size is still
the upper limit on Active Points however.
Also, see
Cast Spells and Real Cost below. |
EXAMPLE: Ulatha, Dominiess of Alluxamar
the Bloody Handed, is a moderately powerful
Domini with a 90 Pool Magic VPP; she may
prepare up to 270 Real Cost worth of Spells
each day, all of which must have 90 or less
Active Points. As indicated later, each
Spell must also have 1 Charge, and using
these Spells "locks out" its Real
Cost from the VPP for 1 Day. |
Some Spells on the
Spell List are marked as "Healing"
or "Harm" in their Subtype field;
these Spells may be switched into the Domini's
VPP as a Half Phase Action, exchanged for
some other Spell of equal or greater Active
Points. Domini of benevolent or peaceful
Patrons may swap out for Healing Spells,
while Domini of malevolent or violent Patrons
may swap out for Harm Spells. The swapped
out Spell must be of the same "Spell
Level" as the Healing Spell or higher. |
NOTE: Rather than apply 1/2 Phase
Change and No Skill Roll Requires (+1 1/2)
to the Control Cost and then apply a major
Limitation to restrict the behavior to the
intended purpose, I opted for a custom Modifier
instead to streamline the process and also
to result in a reasonable price for the
ability without unreasonably inflating the
Active Points of the VPP. |
To switch out the Spells in their VPP a
Domini must spend at least an hour in prayer
or religious observation (or some other
activity appropriate to the deity such as
doing weapon katas for a god of War or singing
for a god of Song) either at dusk or dawn
as appropriate to the Domini's Patron, and
then make a Meditation or Faith Skill Roll
at no penalty.
If the Skill Roll is successful the Domini
may switch their VPP around as they wish,
otherwise they retain their VPP allocation
from the previous day. The Domini may try
again, taking another hour of meditation
or prayer and gaining another roll at the
end of this period, but each additional
check suffers a cumulative -1 penalty. |
If a Domini has both Meditation and a Faith
Skill then they may use their Meditation
for a Complementary Skill Roll to their
Faith Skill Roll. |
If the base Magic System is Arcanis Magnicus,
replace the Arcanis Magnicus VPP Control
Cost with the following: |
- 1/2 Phase Change, No Skill Roll Required
(+1 1/2)
- Only Divine Magic (-1/2)
- Set List of Spells Available (-0; can't
be removed)
- Uses Domain Model (-0; can't be removed)
- Only Usable While In Good Standing With
Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
- All Spells must Use Charges (+/-0)
- Variable Limitation (All Spells Require
-1/2 in Incantations, Gestures, RSR: Spell
Resistance, Extra Time, or Concentration;
Control Cost per Spell Level (15 Pool) =
8.75 Real Points |
Total Cost per Spell Level (15 Pool) = 24
Real Points |
The following explain modifiers common to
both the Prepared and Gestalt VPP Control
Costs. |
Dominine Spells are always Divine in nature. |
Dominine have a finite
Spell List of Magic Spells available
to them which they cannot extend. On the
other hand they also instantly have access
to all of these Spells as soon as their
Magic VPP is large enough to cast them.
The relative pros & cons of this arrangement
are assumed to balance out for a -0 Limitations.
This Limitation may never be removed. |
Domini must use the Domain Model, which
is to say the idea of a common general
Spell List topically extended by
Domain Talents as described previously.
They may not mix this method of gaining
Spells with other Divine Magic Systems.
This is a -0 Limitation that may not be
removed. |
This is the Catch-22 of Divine Magic use.
Power comes easily, but with a major caveat:
a requirement of specific behavior and limitations
upon how it may be used. In many ways, a
Divine caster has more of a Power of Attorney
over their Magical abilities than actual
direct control. If the Domini violates the
tenants of their Patron and/or religion
(as determined by the GM), they immediately
loose all access to their Magic VPP, their
Domains, and any other separate abilities
that have taken this Limitation. |
The duration of time for which a Domini
loses access varies depending on how serious
their violation was. For minor infringements
they might lose access to their abilities
for a only a day or a week, but more serious
infractions might require an Atonement (as
described below).
This Limitation may not be removed. |
More of a story element than a mechanical
resolution, it is up to the GM to determine
what task or tasks are necessary for a Domini
to regain "Good Standing" with
their Patron or religion. Once the Domini
has accomplished their Atonement they regain
the use of their abilities. |
At the GM's option, a Domini that has fallen
out of favor with their Patron or religion
might seek service for a different Patron
rather than Atone. Typically, many Fantasy
deities have oppositional deities whom they
struggle against. It's possible that a Domini
that has irritated their own Patron has
in the process pleased an enemy Patron.
If the GM allows this, a Domini could seek
out and join the service of a rival Patron,
regaining their various "Only While
In Good Standing" abilities either
all at once or apportioned over time at
the GM's option. Such a character should
be refactored to remove abilities appropriate
to the first Patron and replace them with
abilities appropriate to the new Patron.
The character should be kept at or around
the same general power level usually, but
the needs of the story might indicate otherwise. |
This sort of dodge should usually only work
once however, if at all. |
(SFX) |
Magic Spells have very broad Special Effects.
In addition to any specific SFX that a particular
Spell might have such Electricity for a
Lightning Bolt Spell or Fire for Flamebolt
Spell, all Dominine Spells also automatically
have the additional SFX of Magic,
plus Divine, any "descriptors"
of the Spell such as "Healing"
or "Mind-Affecting", and the Patron
that granted the Magic. These mandatory
SFX cannot be altered by any means, including
Variable Special Effects.
Note: A Cure Light Wounds Spell cast by
a Domini of Shanamaya the White has the
SFX of Divine Healing Magic of the
deity Shanamaya. |
The following requirement is in addition
to the Required/Forbidden Modifiers of the
base Magic System.
Domini Spells require that a Holy Symbol
of their Patron be brandished or at least
visible to be cast. The same symbol can
be used for all Spells for all religions,
though a particularly finicky religion might
have several Holy Symbols, with some being
appropriate for various tasks based upon
their religious significance. |
Holy Symbols can also, in some cases, be
generally functional items. The Holy Symbol
of a War God might be a weapon for instance,
while the Holy Symbol of a Protector God
might be a shield. |
OVERRIDE: Magic School Skills |
Dominine does not segregate Magic into Schools;
instead each Domini needs a single EGO based
Power Skill called "Faith".
Faith |
PowS: Faith (EGO) |
Faith serves as a KS: [Patrons] Religion
and PS: Domini of [Patron]. A character
wishing a broader knowledge of other Religions
would still need to take KS: Religion. |
Investiture |
KS: Investiture |
Used by the followers of some Patrons that
allow them to literally invest a portion
of their Patron's might into a physical
form. These items are usually only usable
by either a faithful of the granting patron
or at least those not found displeasing
to that Patron, using a modified version
Independent. (Permanent Magic items) |
Scroll Scribing |
KS: Scroll Scribing |
Used to create Magic Scrolls holding a readied
Spell needing only a few words or a gesture
(or the equivalent) to complete. (Ephemeral
Magic items) |
Wandcrafting |
KS: Wandcraft |
Used to create Ephemeral Magic Wands that
have a finite amount of Magical energy stored
in them allowing them to activate a specific
Spell effect a certain number of times.
(Ephemeral Magic items) |
Alchemy |
KS: Alchemy |
Used to create potions, powders, special
inks, and the like. (Ephemeral Magic items) |
A GM might allow the option for Dominine
to use 0 Level Cantrips without having to
allocate any points from their VPP to them
via the use of their Faith Skill. If the
GM allows this, a Dominine can cast any
Cantrip on their Known Spells List at will
(subject to any initialization Limitations
such as Incantations and Gestures) by making
a Faith Skill Roll at a flat -2 circumstance
penalty. |
However, a GM should be careful to allow
this only when it is used appropriately,
and if players abuse or attempt to min /
max with this ability then the privilege
should be curtailed. |
Dominine does not interact with Spellcraft.
Domini are basically all Specialists, in
as much as their Domains function to "Specialize"
them. There is no mechanical effect to this
beyond what is already described above under
Domains. |
OVERRIDE: Learning
New Spells |
Domini do not need to learn Spells as described
above under
Number of Spells Known. |
OVERRIDE: Creating
New Spells |
Domini cannot create new Spells. The Patron
they serve provides them with Spells effects,
and that is the limit of their capacity
to work Magic. If the Patron a Domini serves
does not provide an effect, they simply
must do without it.
EXTEND: Creating
New Magic Items |
Some religions represented by Dominine have
a healthy tradition of making Magic Items.
Dominine can create new Magic Items using
the Item Creation Skills indicated on the
Skills chart above, and as described on
Item Creation Page. |
OVERRIDE: Package Deals |
A number of Package Deals for Domini are
here. |