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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Conversions>Warhammer>WH FRPG 2nd Edition
FROM: Warhammer FRPG 2nd Edition
TO: HERO System 5th Edition
NOTE: Some rudimentary knowledge of the HERO System rules is necessary to understand this conversion document.
Background How to use Converting Characteristics Race Packages Character Abilities
Warhammer Skill Conversion Warhammer Magic Conversion Trappings Disadvantages Career Packages

The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game was released in 1986 by Games Workshop, the UK based game company responsible for the Warhammer line of Table-top miniature games.
The Warhammer FRPG License was allowed to sit and collect dust by Games Workshop in the early 90s despite its popularity amongst gamers due to a change in company focus and a lack of sales in the U.S., but the License was later renewed by a new publisher called Hogshead Games who reprinted some of the main supplements and added some new content as well. Hogshead allowed the License to lapse later, and more recently the game has been reprised by Chris Pramas of Green Ronin and material is being printed again, in glossy color this time.
The new version is very well designed and is arguably an improvement over the already awesome original game. Some key enhancements include a cleaner and clearer presentation, a simplified characteristics model, and a better Magic System. All in all the new edition of Warhammer FRPG, referred to here out as WHFRPG2e, is a very playable and fun role-playing game.
However, all things are made better by the HERO System, so I took it upon myself to convert this latest edition of Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing Game into the HERO System

The intention of this Conversion Document is to allow the easy conversion of Warhammer FRPG 2e characters into the HERO System.
Generally it is assumed that when characters are converted into the HERO System the paradigm of the original game is not being imposed on them thereafter. However, an individual GM is free to also carry forward other elements of the source material as they see fit.
For example,  it is assumed that the Career path restrictions of Warhammer are not enforced in the HERO System and that character advancement is done in the normal HERO System fashion post-conversion; however a GM could certainly dictate that the Warhammer Career progression restrictions remain in force.
The most direct use of this document is to do a strict ability to ability conversion of existing characters from Warhammer FRPG into the HERO System.
This document could also be used to facilitate a looser "feels about right" translation or re-expression of a Warhammer character into the HERO System.
Alternately, a lot of the provided material, such as Package deals and the HERO System versions of abilities could be used to create new characters but still instill in them a certain Warhammer-esque flavor.
For example,  a player could make a new character by taking a Race Package and one or more "Career" Packages to start with and adding other miscellaneous abilities to suit. The resulting character would "feel" like a Warhammer character, even though it was never actually expressed in actual Warhammer abilities.
In the pursuit of bringing characters from Warhammer FRPG into the open-ended and flexible HERO System the focus of the Conversion is on options rather than didactic "hard" mappings between the two Game Systems. Further, if an individual GM or player feels prefers some other mapping for various abilities, it is inconsequential to overrule the mappings provided herein with some other ability.
For example,  Bob the GM doesn't agree that Dodge Blow should map to +1 DCV; he decides that Dodge Blow should be handled as Penalty Skill Levels to Offset the Roll with Punch optional Maneuver and that it should cost only 3 points to make it more consistent with other Warhammer Skill conversions. Thus he states that Dodge Blow = +2 PSL to Offset Roll With Punch; Real Cost: 3 points.
Along those same lines, it's not unreasonable for players or GM's to swap out individual conversion items on a case by case basis if it seems appropriate. There's often more than one way to "skin" the same "cat" in the HERO System after all.
For example,  Jay the player is converting his Hunter into the HERO System, and decides that he would rather express the Perception ability as +3 INT rather than +1 All Perception and asks the GM if that would be ok. If it is, then he adjusts the converted character appropriately; no harm no foul.
If converting a character directly, just add all the abilities they are supposed to have according to the Conversion documents, and add up the cost at the end to determine the cost of the character.
If making a new character, or if doing a loose conversion, then buy abilities as appropriate, but remember that one of the key concepts behind any point based role-playing game like the HERO System is that each cost paid also has an opportunity cost associated with it. I.e., if you spend too much on ability A, you might not have enough points to get ability B. Exercise frugality when buying character abilities and remember that in a point based system it is generally better to start off mediocre at a broad range of things than it is to start off a past-master at one thing but be otherwise useless due to Character Point shortfalls.
The following conversion document assumes a 50 point Base, with a maximum of 50 points of Disadvantages.
If creating a new character in the HERO System but using the material herein as part of a "Hammer HERO" campaign, so to speak, then assume that this is in effect unless the GM indicates that the Base or maximum Disadvantages are other than 50+50, or awards extra starting Experience to start the characters off more seasoned.
If converting an existing character into the HERO System, then just buy all the characteristics and abilities that the character has in Warhammer, and whatever they add up to be is the character's point total; any point cost beyond what is covered by the Base points and Disadvantages is treated as Experience.

Converting Characteristics
When converting a Warhammer FRPG character into the HERO System compare each Warhammer FRPG Statistic to the adjoining chart to determine which Warhammer FRPG Statistic maps to which HERO System Characteristic, including any math necessary. The following text supplements the chart with explanations for how to manage the more unusual conversions.
Warhammer FRPG Statistics to HERO System Characteristics
Warhammer FRPG Profile HERO Characteristics
Ag/3 DEX
(Discretionary) COM
(Derive Normally) Figured
A-1 Special
(WS-Ag)/3 Extra HtH Combat Levels
(BS-Ag)/3 Extra Ranged Combat Levels
M+2 Running
For Comeliness just assign a value appropriate to the character's general appearance.
For the Extra Combat Levels generated by WS and BS, round off in the character's favor, and combine the HtH and Ranged Levels into All Combat Levels where possible.
EXAMPLE 1: If a character had 42 WS, 25 BS, and 37 Ag, that converts as so: (42-37 = 5/3 = 1.66 rounds to 2) and (25-37 = 0). Thus the character would get 2 HtH Levels.
EXAMPLE 2: If a character had 52 WS, 44 BS, and 37 Ag, that converts as so: (52-37 = 15/3 = 5) and (44-37 = 7/3 = 2.33 rounds to 2). Thus the character would get 3 HtH Levels and 2 All Combat Levels.
For Attacks, add (A-1) extra SPD until the character hits CHAR Maxima. After that for every additional point of Attack left over give the character the following abilities in order: In the interests of being fair to the character, it is permissible to round figured SPD off at the normal cost before adding this bonus SPD if their Figured SPD has a .5 or greater remainder.
  1. Rapid Attack (HtH); Real Cost: 5 points
  2. Rapid Attack (Ranged); Real Cost: 5 points
  3. Adept Footing: +4 DCV, Only to Calculate 1/2 DCV (-1); Real Cost: 10 points
EXAMPLE: If a Warhammer character had Ag 48 and A 3, then they would convert to having (48/3 =  16 DEX), and thus a Figured 2.6 base SPD; 4 points is added to the Figured SPD to bring it up to 3 SPD. Next the character adds up to (3-1 = 2) to their SPD; but if the character hits CHAR Maxima at 4, then they get 4 SPD and Rapid Attack (HtH) instead.
The Magic statistic is handled in the Magic System Conversion; disregard it at this step.
The Insanity Point statistic is discussed more in depth under Disadvantages below; disregard it at this step.
There are several ways of handling the idea of Fate Points in the HERO System. Personally, I consider the fact that all HERO System characters intrinsically have more character-saving options available to them in the form of defensive actions that they can Abort to when their life is on the line to be sufficient coverage. However, for those who don't agree, the following options are presented.
Fate Points as Luck
This option is not available in my campaigns
A simple conversion of FP is to simply take 1d6 Luck for every Fate Point the character has. I recommend the "Count the Normal BODY to determine re-rolls per game" variant for this situation.
Fated: 1d6 Luck per 1 FP; Real Cost: 5 points per d6
Fate Points as Combat Luck
This option is not available in my campaigns
Another option is to convert Fate Points as Combat Luck. This isn't an exact match, particularly since Combat Luck won't save a character from something they aren't aware of or when they are stunned or unconscious. However, it does make a character much more survivable in most circumstances.
Near Miss: 1 level of Combat Luck per Fate Point; Real Cost: 6 points per level
Fate Points as DCV
This option is not available in my campaigns
Another option is to convert Fate Points as DCV Levels. Similar to the Combat Luck option, there are some intrinsic downsides to this method, but it does confer a high level of protection in a wide variety of circumstances.
Hard To Hit: +1DCV per 1 FP; Real Cost: 5 points per +1 DCV
When converting non-Humans into the HERO from Warhammer FRPG 2e, don't worry about their Statistic enhancements at this juncture. Go ahead and base the conversion off of the character's full Advanced Profile, including their Race bonuses. However when adding a Race Package later, you must ignore any HERO System Characteristic modifiers in the Race Package that are labeled with their Race name.
You may feel the urge to adjust a few Figured Characteristics at this point, but you should wait until after you have added a Race Package and any Profession Packages to the character.
It is left to GM's discretion whether an exact conversion of Statistics to Characteristic is required without variance or if the resulting HERO System Characteristics can be tweaked.
Another option available with GM permission is to flush a character's Warhammer FRPG Statistics altogether, and start the character at the normal HERO System "Base 10" for all Base Characteristics. Many of the Profession Packages (detailed below) give Characteristic bonuses appropriate to that particular profession. By not spending points on Characteristics now you will have more points to spend on these Profession Packages later, many of which will give the character Characteristic increases.
This is more of a "loose" conversion approach, which is perfectly viable, but as a caveat to that the GM will have to determine a point limit for characters made in this fashion.
The following example demonstrates a conversion between Warhammer Statistics and HERO System Characteristics.
Shown below is distinctive Warhammer Profile representing a Warhammer character's Statistics. An extra row has been added below the Warhammer Statistics; in this row the equivalent HERO System Characteristic value is displayed for each Warhammer Statistic.
Warhammer FRPG 2e Perspective
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
33 45 42 38 36 34 27 32
-- +3 Range Levels 14 STR 13 CON 12 DEX 11 INT 9 EGO 11 PRE
3 14 4 3 5 0 5 2
4 SPD 14 BODY N/A N/A 7" Running -- -- --
The adjoining chart simply shows a HERO-centric perspective of the same conversion shown above from the Warhammer perspective.
HERO System Perspective
STR 14 10 4
DEX 13 10 9
CON 13 10 6
BODY 14 10 8
INT 11 10 1
EGO 9 10 -2
PRE 11 10 1
COM 10 10 0
PD 3 3 0
ED 3 3 0
SPD 4 2.3 17
REC 6 6 0
END 26 26 0
STUN 28 28 0
Running 7 6 2
Other Abilities COST
+3 Range Levels 15

Total Cost

When you are finished, calculate the Total Characteristics Cost in the HERO System and move on to the next step.

Select Race Package Deal
Warhammer Race Package Deals
Each character must have one (and only one) Race Package Deal, which may or may not modify the character's Characteristic Maxima, and which contains any race-specific benefits that all members of a certain race enjoy.
A Race Package cannot be modified directly; all abilities listed in the Package must be taken. No Race Package may cost less than 0 points.
If your character was a member of an non-standard Race that is not provided for here, ask your GM to provide you with an appropriate Race Package.
Race Package Deals are treated as a closed purchase at the listed Total Cost. The Disadvantages, if any, within the Package are not counted as part of the character's Disadvantage Total, they are subtracted directly from the cost of the Package Deal.
Another way to think of this is that a character's maximum Disadvantage points are increased by the total value of the Disadvantages in their Race Package Deal. This means that some Races effectively have more character points than others assuming the same Base points and Experience, but at the cost of inflexibility and a larger load of Disadvantages that can't be gotten rid of or altered.
NOTE: This is a specific variation from the HERO System rules. If your GM is uncomfortable with this exception he will let you know how to handle the discrepancy.
EXAMPLE: The Halfling Race Package Deal has 91 points of abilities and 56 points of Disadvantages and Characteristic decreases and thus costs a character 35 Character Points rather than 91 Character Points.
Ability increases that are labeled with the Race name are not affected by NCM; instead they are added after NCM is applied. Ability increases that are not labeled with the Race name are affected by NCM.
If using HERO Designer v2 to record characters, this can be accommodated by either buying the Race Characteristic bonuses as Powers, or using the Alternate NCM Template maker provided here to adjust the NCM appropriately.
Example: Halflings get an ability called Halfling Charisma which is defined as +6 PRE. This is not affected by Characteristic Maxima; thus effectively Halfling have an NCM of 26 PRE. However, one of their option groups allows them to take the ability Suave which is also defined as +6 PRE; this is affected by Characteristic Maxima if taken.
Putting that into practice, if a player were to take the Halfling Race Package and chose Suave, then they would add 6 to their base PRE of 10 for a total of 16. Then the player applies Halfling Charisma for a total of 22 PRE. Normally the last 2 points of PRE would be over the NCM limit of 20 PRE and would cost double. However, for purposes of NCM, the character only has 16 PRE and thus is not affected by the cost doubling. Later the player decides to buy more PRE with Experience and raises the Halfling's PRE to 27, which brings the character's PRE over NCM by 1 point and thus the last point costs double. In effect the character now has 21 PRE + Halfling Charisma (6 PRE);
As noted briefly above under Converting Characteristics, when converting a character into the HERO System from Warhammer, you have essentially already accounted for the various bonuses and penalties different races get, since they were already included in their Warhammer statistic profiles. When applying a Race Package to such characters, do not apply Characteristic Bonuses to them that are labeled with the Race's name. The NCM exemption for these abilities still apply however.
Example: Joe the player converts his crusty Dwarf Troll Slayer Grignir into the HERO System. When converting characteristics, Joe uses the full values for Grignir's Strength and Toughness to determine his STR and CON, even though they are higher than normal thanks to the Dwarf's starting bonus to both statistics; conversely he uses Grignir's Agility, Fellowship, and Movement values to determine DEX, PRE, and Running even though they are lower than normal due to the penalty Dwarfs take on those statistics in Warhammer.
 After taking care of determining his Characteristics in the HERO System, Joe goes to the next step and applies the Dwarf Race Package to Grignir. However the Dwarf package deal includes Dwarf Strength, Dwarf Durability, Dwarf Clumsiness, Dwarf Reticence and Dwarf Legs which give bonuses to STR and CON and assign penalties to DEX, PRE, and Running. These are intended for new characters being created fresh in the HERO System; thus Joe ignores them as they have in effect already been applied by virtue of the Warhammer version of the character having them embedded in their Warhammer statistics profile.
However, Grignir still has an effective Altered NCM of 23 STR, 23 CON, 17 DEX, 15 PRE, and 9" of Running by virtue of being a Dwarf..
After selecting the appropriate Race Package, add the Package's Total Cost to the character's Point Total and move on to the next step.

Translate Character Abilities
Warhammer Career Conversions
Warhammer Skills Conversion
Warhammer Magic Conversion
Warhammer characters moved through various Careers as they progressed, and the Careers each gave access to various character abilities that were bought with Experience Points. The Careers have no real relevance in the HERO System (since the character is effectively the sum of their actual abilities in the classless HERO System), but they can still serve as useful Package Deals and template.
A selection of Career Packages are provided in the Warhammer Career Conversions document.
NOTE: The Career Conversion Packages are a work in progress. While the goal is to eventually have all the Basic and Advanced Careers mapped, the new rulebook has over a hundred Careers, and it takes time to get them all converted into the HERO System. Currently all of the Basic Careers are provided; the Advanced Careers will be forthcoming.
Skills and Talents are the primary ability set in Warhammer. The HERO System also has ability categories called "Skills" and "Talents", but that's where the resemblance stops. Warhammer Skills don't necessarily map to HERO System Skills and Warhammer Talents don't necessarily map to HERO System Talents.
Determining what kind of ability in the HERO System best parallels a Warhammer Skill can be tricky, since the same solution doesn't work for all situations. To facilitate this process a table categorizing Warhammer abilities into the HERO System is provided in the Warhammer Skills Conversion document. 
Some Warhammer abilities do map to HERO System Skills that have associated Skill Rolls. Simply determine the HERO System Skill Roll normally for that Skill according to it's base Characteristic.
Example: Silent Move in Warhammer maps to Stealth in the HERO System. Stealth is a DEX based Skill, and thus its starting Skill Roll will vary depending on the DEX of the character in the HERO System; a character with a 15 DEX will have a 12- Stealth Roll, while a character with a 20 DEX will have a 13- Stealth Roll.
The new Warhammer FRPG still has a relatively low magic level when compared to other Fantasy RPGs, but it is much more flexible than the old Warhammer FRPG Magic System, and more interesting. A full conversion of it is provided in the Warhammer Magic Conversion document.
After mapping Warhammer Skills and any Magical Spells into abilities in the HERO System, add the abilities and their costs to the character's Point Total and move on to the next step.

Character Trappings
Some Warhammer FRPG characters collected a few Magic Items in their Careers, while most make do with mundane swag. Converting either into the HERO System is fairly simple.
For magic items simply build an Independent Power Construct in a Universal Focus that does whatever the Magic Item does in Warhammer. Keep in mind that Warhammer was generally low magic when making items, however.
Example: Boots of Leaping grant their wearer the ability to make prodigious leaps. In the HERO System that might be written up as Boots of Leaping: Leaping +8" (Accurate), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (19 Active Points); Independent (-2), IIF (Magic Boots; -1/4); Real Cost: 6 points.
Magic items cost Character Points to make, but not to acquire.
If converting a character from Warhammer FRPG, just match the list up with equivalent items in the HERO System. Find entries for your mundane weapons and armor on whatever weapons and armor list your GM is using for Fantasy HERO and you are done.
Normal Equipment can also be bought with money, to include mundane weapons and armor. The Fantasy HERO Price list, the Warhammer FRPG Price list, a custom list, or an arbitrary economy determined by the GM are all valid means of determining how much things cost. You should check with you GM to determine what kind of economy they intend to use, what Price list, and what weapons & armor chart they intend to use.
Mundane Equipment does not cost Character Points.
When finished, add any Costs to the character's total and move on to the next step.

Select Personal Disadvantages
Character Disadvantages are a concept not found in Warhammer FRPG and therefore appropriate Disadvantages must be approximated from aspects of characters that are left mechanically undefined in Warhammer FRPG.
The primary purpose of Disadvantages in the HERO System is to add flavor and context to a character, and to give the GM story hooks with which to involve a character with the setting. In many cases it's a character's quirks and flaws that make them stand out rather than their capacity to kill things, manipulate a fictional magical system, or use arbitrarily determined skills and abilities. Have fun with your character's Disadvantages rather than rotely taking them just to get more character points.
In this context "Personal Disadvantage" refers to any Disadvantage which does not stem from a character's Race Package Deal.
Note: this is a specific exception to the HERO System rules, wherein Disadvantages from Package Deals DO count towards a character's Disadvantage limit. If your GM is uncomfortable with this exception he will let you know how to handle the discrepancy.
It is up to individual GM's to determine any minimums or maximums for how many points of Disadvantages converted characters should take. Personally, I would recommend requiring at least 50 points worth of Disadvantages for converted characters. Any player that can't come up with 50 points worth of flavorful and appropriate Disadvantages simply isn't trying.
The maximum points from Personal Disadvantages is assumed to be 50 points (but check with your GM). If the full 50 points is not taken then the character has fewer Character Points with which to buy abilities. Thus if a starting character only takes 50 points of Personal Disadvantages, then that character only has 100 Character Points available to him initially (50 Base + 50 Disadvantages).
Consider your character's background, history, and events that have occurred in game play as potential sources of Disadvantages.
Any mental disorders a character has acquired in the source material via Insanity points should be translated into appropriate Psychological Disadvantages.
If a character has any Chaos Mutations, buy the beneficial aspects (if any) as Powers, and the hindrances as Disadvantages.
When finished, tally the Disadvantage Total and move on to the next step.

Final Tweaking and Math Check
By this step you should have an almost finished character. Go back and review the character and make sure you have covered everything. Once you are happy with the character make sure that it tallies correctly, meeting the Character's Point Limit and that any Power constructs are calculated correctly. Finally, make sure that the character is not only mathematically correct, but also well balanced and apparently fun to play.
It's up to the GM whether or not a character can be modified beyond just mapping their characteristics and abilities directly as part of a Conversion. However as a general rule of thumb a GM might allow a dispensation of 5% of the character's total point cost in discretionary points to adjust the converted character with, with any particular tweak subject to veto.
Thus if a character totaled up to 183 points after all their abilities and characteristics were directly converted, the GM might allow that character 9 extra character points to personalize the character with.
Figured Characteristics are very important in the HERO System; they are a very active part of a character. PD and ED help a character resist damage, SPD controls how many actions a character gets, REC determines how fast a character can "bounce back", END correlates to how long a character can keep going, and STUN is how much damage the character can take before getting knocked out.
At this point you may have a few points left over. A good place to spend them is in adjusting your character's Figured Characteristics. For example, you may want to round off your character's SPEED, bump up Recovery, fatten up Endurance, etc. However, try to avoid tweaking your character's Base Characteristics to take advantage of point recursions. If this practice is commonplace, all Fantasy HERO characters tend to polarize on a few "sweet spot" increments in various Characteristics, which robs characters of a lot of their flavor.
As mentioned above, a GM might allow converted characters some number of discretionary points; an excellent place to spend some or all of them is on Figured Characteristics.
When you are satisfied, move on to the next step.

Game Master Approval
Simply turn the character over to your GM for final approval. If the GM has any issues with the character, address them and make any requested corrections. Once the GM is happy with the character, you are finished with Character Creation and are ready for play.

Sample Characters
Gunther Hachenlufter