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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Conversions>Warhammer>WH FRPG 2nd Edition>Races
FROM: Warhammer FRPG 2nd Edition
TO: HERO System 5th Edition
NOTE: Some rudimentary knowledge of the HERO System rules is necessary to understand this conversion document.

Warhammer FRPG 2e Races
The Warhammer setting is primarily populated by Humans, with Dwarves, Halflings, and several varieties of Elves scattered around the periphery. There are also some more unusual races, such as Skaven and Orcs, as well as Lizardfolk, Goblins, Undead, and freakish Chaos-influenced versions of all the above.
Several of the Race Packages below contain option groups, indicated by bordered sub tables with the caption "Select One". The intention is that an individual character get's any one of the abilities in the boxed group, chosen during character creation.
Example: The Human Package deal has many option groups. One of them gives the option of choosing Drive, Row, Sail, Ride, Swim, or Swift. When a player is making a Human character and takes this Package Deal, they must choose one of these abilities for their character during character creation.
Ability increases that are labeled with the Race name are not affected by NCM; instead they are added after NCM is applied. Ability increases that are not labeled with the Race name are affected by NCM. This also applies to negative modifiers to characteristics; they are applied after NCM is determined.
Example 1: Dwarfs have Dwarf Strength and Dwarf Durability, but also have Dwarf Legs, Dwarf Reticence and Dwarf Clumsiness. When considered together, this translates to mean that Dwarfs have an effective Altered NCM of 23 STR, 23 CON, 17 DEX, 15 PRE, and 9" of Running.
Example 2: Halflings get an ability called Halfling Charisma which is defined as +6 PRE. This is not affected by Characteristic Maxima; thus effectively Halfling have an NCM of 26 PRE. However, one of their option groups allows them to take the ability Suave which is also defined as +6 PRE; this is affected by Characteristic Maxima if taken.
Putting that into practice, if a player were to take the Halfling Race Package and chose Suave, then they would add 6 to their base PRE of 10 for a total of 16. Then the player applies Halfling Charisma for a total of 22 PRE. Normally the last 2 points of PRE would be over the NCM limit of 20 PRE and would cost double. However, for purposes of NCM, the character only has 16 PRE and thus is not affected by the cost doubling. Later the player decides to buy more PRE with Experience and raises the Halfling's PRE to 27, which brings the character's PRE over NCM by 1 point and thus the last point costs double. In effect the character now has 21 PRE + Halfling Charisma (6 PRE);
If using HERO Designer v2 to record characters, positive Race Characteristic modifiers can be accommodated by buying them as Powers (since Characteristics bought as Powers don't count towards NCM), but unfortunately there is no direct way to manage negative characteristic modifiers in this fashion. However, I have provided a tool to create Alternate NCM Templates, which is located here. Using this tool it is easy to create an adjusted the NCM for HERO Designer characters. The Directions page indicates how to do this.
The Trappings, if any, listed under "Options" are intended primarily as flavor. They indicate the sort of useful things a character of a given race might be expected to have on average. Individual GM's might prefer a different means of determining starting equipment, and vice versa individual players might prefer that their character be less typical than others and start off with a different array of stuff. Confer with your GM during character creation to establish an accord on this matter.
Package Deals
Presented below are the races that are more suitable for player characters in general.

Race Package Deal
Package Type: Race
Package Source: WHFRPG2e
Humans are the most common race in the Old World and the founders of the Empire. While they are neither as tough as Dwarfs or as wise as Elves, Humans are a vibrant and energetic race that has acheived much in a short period of time. They are tremendously adaptable which is both a great strength and a serious weakness. Whilst many heroic Humans have fought against the tide of darkness, it is an uncomfortable truth that they also provide the lion's share of the hordes of Chaos.
Compared to Elves and Dwarfs, Humans are a young race. They are however vigorous and have spread all over the world while older races have continued to decline. Several thousand yeas ago, a group of Human tribes migrated to the Old World from the south. These tribes became the founders of the Empire, as well as other nations like Bretonnia, Tilea, Kislev, and Estalia. Others continued north into frigid Norsca and beyond.
Cost Ability
3 Gossip: Conversation
Select One
3 Common Knowledge (of Choice): AK: of Choice
Language (of Choice): Language of Choice
Academic Knowledge (of Choice): KS: of Choice
Trade (of Choice): PS: of Choice
Select One
3 Common Knowledge (of Choice): AK: of Choice
Language (of Choice): Language of Choice
Academic Knowledge (of Choice): KS: of Choice
Trade (of Choice): PS: of Choice
Select One
3 Drive: TF: Wagons, Carts, Chariots
Row: TF: Rafts, Small Rowed Boats, Large Rowed Boats
Sail: TF: Small Military Boats, Small Wind-Powered Boats, Large Wind-Powered Boats
Ride: Riding
Swim: +3" Swimming
Swift: +1" Running and +1" Leaping
Select One
6 Acute Hearing: +3 PER Hearing Group
Coolheaded: +3 EGO
Excellent Vision: +3 PER Sight Group
Fleet Footed: +3" Running
Hardy: +3 BODY
Lightning Reflexes: Lightning Reflexes +4 DEX Only To Go First, All Actions
Marksman: +1 Range Level and Reputation ("Good Shot", Small Group 11-)
Mimic: Mimicry and Acting
Resistance to Disease: LS: Immunity to Disease, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Resistance to Harm: Power Defense (10 points), RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Resistance to Poison: LS: Immunity to Poison, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Savvy: +6 INT
Sixth Sense: Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -3/4)
Sturdy: +6" Running, Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), Only to Offset Encumberance Penaltys (-2)
Suave: +6 PRE
Super Numerate: Lightning Calculator and +3 INT
Very Resilient: +3 CON
Very Strong: +6 STR
Warrior Born: +1 HtH and One WF of Choice
Select One
6 Acute Hearing: +3 PER Hearing Group
Coolheaded: +3 EGO
Excellent Vision: +3 PER Sight Group
Fleet Footed: +3" Running
Hardy: +3 BODY
Lightning Reflexes: Lightning Reflexes +4 DEX Only To Go First, All Actions
Marksman: +1 Range Level and Reputation ("Good Shot", Small Group 11-)
Mimic: Mimicry and Acting
Resistance to Disease: LS: Immunity to Disease, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Resistance to Harm: Power Defense (10 points), RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Resistance to Poison: LS: Immunity to Poison, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Savvy: +6 INT
Sixth Sense: Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -3/4)
Sturdy: +6" Running, Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), Only to Offset Encumberance Penaltys (-2)
Suave: +6 PRE
Super Numerate: Lightning Calculator and +3 INT
Very Resilient: +3 CON
Very Strong: +6 STR
Warrior Born: +1 HtH and One WF of Choice
Select One
6 Acute Hearing: +3 PER Hearing Group
Coolheaded: +3 EGO
Excellent Vision: +3 PER Sight Group
Fleet Footed: +3" Running
Hardy: +3 BODY
Lightning Reflexes: Lightning Reflexes +4 DEX Only To Go First, All Actions
Marksman: +1 Range Level and Reputation ("Good Shot", Small Group 11-)
Mimic: Mimicry and Acting
Resistance to Disease: LS: Immunity to Disease, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Resistance to Harm: Power Defense (10 points), RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Resistance to Poison: LS: Immunity to Poison, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Savvy: +6 INT
Sixth Sense: Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -3/4)
Sturdy: +6" Running, Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), Only to Offset Encumberance Penaltys (-2)
Suave: +6 PRE
Super Numerate: Lightning Calculator and +3 INT
Very Resilient: +3 CON
Very Strong: +6 STR
Warrior Born: +1 HtH and One WF of Choice
Total Cost Of Abilities
Value Disadvantage
-20 NCM: Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Race (Human): DF: Human (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
Total Cost of Package
Cost Options and Miscellaneous Information
var Trapping: Hand Weapon of Choice
var Trapping: (2d6 * 25) Gold Coins
Select One
? Trapping: (2d6 * 25) Gold Coins
Trapping: Light Armour

Race Package Deal
Package Type: Race
Package Source: WHFRPG2e
Elves are a lithe and graceful race easily identified by their pointed ears and sharp features. They have a glorious but tragic history, filled with great triumphs and greater sacrifices. Though they once ruled the world as the height of civilization, they are very much a people in decline, their era of ascendance having passed long ago. Undoubtedly they are a mighty people, but they have given much to protect the world from great evils and are the worse for it.
Despite this, Elves are not universally liked in the modern era; there are some who fear or distrust them, and others that envy them to the point of irrationality. Others find their aloofness offputting and avoid their company. Nevertheless, they are still a force to be reckoned with, their merchants represent an important trade concern for many Humans of the Empire and beyond, and few nations would be eager to rush headlong into armed conflict with the Elves of the Old World.
Cost Ability
3 Academic Knowledge (Elf Culture): KS: Elf Culture
3 Speak Language (Eltharin): Language Eltharin
3 Speak Language (Reikspiel): Language Reikspiel
3 Elf Swiftness: +1" Running and +1" Leaping
9 Elf Grace: +3 DEX
10 Elf Adroitness: +1 SPD
6 Marksman: +1 Range Level and Reputation ("Good Shot", Small Group 11-)
6 Excellent Vision: +3 PER Sight Group
6 Nightvision: Nightvision and +1 PER Nightvision
4 Elven Lifespan: Life Support (Longevity: 1600 Years)
Select One
6 Aethyric Attunement: +1 Skill Level with Magic and +1 INT
Specialist Weapon Group (Bow): WF Bow Weapons and +1 OCV with Bow Weapons and Reputation ("Master of Bow Weapons", Small Group 11-)
Select One
6 Coolheaded: +3 EGO
Savvy: +6 INT
Total Cost Of Abilities
Value Disadvantage
-5 Aloof: Social Limitation: Distrusted and Disliked By Many (Occasionally 8-, Minor)
-20 NCM: Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Race (Elf): DF: Elf (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
Total Cost of Package
Cost Options and Miscellaneous Information
var Trapping: (3d6 x 50) Gold Coins
Select One
? Trapping: Longbow and 30 Arrows
Trapping: Longsword
Select One
? Trapping: Light Armour
Trapping: 2 Robes of Best Craftsmanship

Race Package Deal
Package Type: Race
Package Source: WHFRPG2e
Dwarfs are a short but burly and resilient race of warriors and craftsmen. Most live under the mountains in mighty holds, with mines extending deep beneath the earth. They are immediately recognizable by their stout frames, long hair, and thick beards. They tend to be gruff and short tempered and they are legendary for their ability to hold a grudge. However, Dwarfs are a courageous people and unswervingly loyal to their friends and allies. They are struggling to preserve the remnants of their mountain kingdoms from Orcs, Goblins, and other foul creatures. Dwarfs have strong ties to Humans of the Empire and many are now a part of Imperial society.
NOTE: Dwarfs are dour and very literal in all things, except when drunk. They use deep bass tones when talking, combined with a distinctive clipped accent. Dwarf language uses little metaphor or simile, thus Dwarfs are sometimes confused by the "flowery" talk of Humans and Elves. Dwarfs are direct, practical, and definitive in their speech and actions.
NOTE: The Dwarf Skills Group are the following Professional Skills (Armourer, Brewer, Gem Cutter, Gunsmith, Miner, Smith, Stoneworker) and Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Demolitions, and Survival (Underground).
Cost Ability
3 Academic Knowledge (Dwarfen Culture): KS: Dwarfen Culture
3 Speak Language (Khazalid): Language Khazalid
3 Speak Language (Reikspiel): Language Reikspiel
Select One
3 Trade (Miner): PS: Miner
Trade (Smith): PS: Smith
Trade (Stoneworker): PS: Stoneworker
6 Dwarf Durability: +3 CON
3 Dwarf Strength: +3 STR
1 Dwarfen Lifespan: Life Support (Longevity: 200 Years)
6 Dwarfcraft: +1 with Dwarf Skills Group and (WF: Axe or WF: Hammer)
6 Grudgeborn Fury: +2 OCV vs Goblinkind
15 Resistance to Magic: Magic Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%
30 Resistance to Chaos: Chaos Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%
6 Stout-hearted: +10 PRE, Defensive Use Only (-1) and Reputation ("Brave", Small Group 11-)
6 Sturdy: +6" Running, Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), Only to Offset Encumberance Penaltys (-2)
Total Cost Of Abilities
Value Disadvantage
-9 Dwarf Clumsiness: -3 DEX
-5 Dwarf Reticence: -5 PRE
-2 Dwarf Legs: -1" of Running
-15 No Magic: Physical Limitation: Cannot Be A Magic User (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)
-20 NCM: Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Race (Dwarf): DF: Dwarf (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
Total Cost of Package
Cost Options and Miscellaneous Information
var Trapping: (+1d6 x 100) Gold Coins
Select One
? Trapping: Axe
Trapping: Hammer
Select One
? Trapping: Medium Armour and (+2d6 x 25) Gold Coins
Trapping: Heavy Armour

Race Package Deal
Package Type: Race
Package Source: WHFRPG2e
Halflings are a small and dexterous race that look like Human children to the untrained eye. The fact that they cannot grow beards only reenforces this impression. Although they tend to be pot-bellied, since they eat twice as often as any other race, they are capable of great stealth. When combined with their well known skill with the sling, Halflings can prove to be suprisingly stubborn opponents. They are however a largely peaceful people; they are content to farm, eat, and smoke pipe weed for the most part. They are proud of their families and all Halflings can recite their family lineage back ten generations or more.
NOTE: Halflings tend to be enthusiastic, or at least exhuberant, in most things. They speak fast, using lots of slang, and frequently slur words together, invent new words on the spot, and otherwise debase the Imperial tongue. They also have a tendency towards catch phrases, or words they have newly learned, managing to work them in to conversation with disproportionate frequency. They are also fond of hand gestures and use them frequently in conversation, but in a much less refined (though some might say more expressive) fashion than Elves do.
NOTE: Halfling Weapon Group is Slings, Short Bows, Short Swords, Daggers, and Kitchen Utencils
Cost Ability
3 Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry): KS: Genealogy/Heraldry
3 Academic Knowledge (Halfling Culture): KS: Halfling Culture
3 Gossip: Conversation
3 Speak Language (Halfling): Language Halfling
3 Speak Language (Reikspiel): Language Reikspiel
Select One
3 Trade (Cook): PS: Cook
Trade (Farmer): PS: Farmer
10 Hyper Accuracy: +3 Penalty Skill Levels vs Range Modifier with All Attacks and Reputation ("Great Shot", Small Group 11-)
9 Halfling Agility: +3 DEX
6 Halfling Charisma: +6 PRE
6 Nightvision: Nightvision and +1 PER Nightvision
30 Resistance to Chaos: Chaos Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%
6 Specialist Weapon Group (Halfling): WF Halfling Weapons and +1 OCV with Halfling Weapons and Reputation ("Master of Halfling Weapons", Small Group 11-)
Select One
6 Acute Hearing: +3 PER Hearing Group
Coolheaded: +3 EGO
Excellent Vision: +3 PER Sight Group
Fleet Footed: +3" Running
Hardy: +3 BODY
Lightning Reflexes: Lightning Reflexes +4 DEX Only To Go First, All Actions
Marksman: +1 Range Level and Reputation ("Good Shot", Small Group 11-)
Mimic: Mimicry and Acting
Resistance to Disease: LS: Immunity to Disease, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Resistance to Harm: Power Defense (10 points), RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Resistance to Poison: LS: Immunity to Poison, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4)
Savvy: +6 INT
Sixth Sense: Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -3/4)
Sturdy: +6" Running, Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), Only to Offset Encumberance Penaltys (-2)
Suave: +6 PRE
Super Numerate: Lightning Calculator and +3 INT
Very Resilient: +3 CON
Very Strong: +6 STR
Warrior Born: +1 HtH and One WF of Choice
Total Cost Of Abilities
Value Disadvantage
-15 No Magic: Physical Limitation: Cannot Be A Magic User (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)
-5 Underestimated: Social Limitation: Often Not Taken Seriously (Occasionally 8-, Minor)
-3 Halfling Strength: -3 STR
-6 Halfling Frailty: -3 CON
-2 Halfling Legs: -1" of Running
-20 NCM: Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Race (Halfling): DF: Halfling (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
Total Cost of Package
Cost Options and Miscellaneous Information
var Trapping: Sling and 20 Sling Stones
Select One
? Trapping: (1d6+1 x 50) Gold Coins
Trapping: Light Armour
var Trapping: Bag of Snacks
var Trapping: Sharp Knife or Fork
Select One
? Trapping: Pipe and 3 days of Pipe Weed
Trapping: Cooking Kit with Rare Spices

Optional Races
The following races require GM permission to play.

Race Package Deal
Package Type: Race
Package Source: WHFRPG2e
Orcs are the largest and most powerful of the Goblinoid (aka "Greenskin") races and they use their strength to dominate their lesser cousins whenever possible. They are repulsive and brutish monsters who generally love inflicting pain and delight in cruelty and slaughter. Orcs live to fight, and if they can't find any real enemies to do battle with, they'll gladly fight each other. Orc tribes live in remote areas, favouring mountainous and wooded terrain equally. The Dwarfs are their most implacable foes and the two have been at war for ages.
NOTE: Orc Weapon Group is Hand Weapons, Choppa, Dagger, Bow
RESTRICTION: GM permission is required to play an Orc.
Cost Ability
3 Intimidate: +3 PRE
3 Outdoor Survival: Survival
3 Perception: +1 All PER
Select One
3 Ride: Riding
Swim: +3" Swimming
3 Scale Sheer Surfaces: Climbing
3 Speak Language (Goblin Tongue): Language Goblin Tongue
3 Torture: Interrogation
3 Orc Brutishness: +3 STR
6 Orc Toughness: +3 CON
7 Orcish Choppa: Deadly Blow: +1d6 (With Choppa)
6 Menacing: +10 PRE, Offensive Use Only (-1) and Reputation ("Scary", Small Group 11-)
6 Nightvision: Nightvision and +1 PER Nightvision
6 Street Fighting: Either (+1 HtH) or (Defensive Strike), and Reputation ("Scrapper", Small Group 11-)
6 Strike Mighty Blow: Either (+15 STR, Only For Damage (-1 1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)) or (Offensive Strike and 1 Weapon Element of Choice)
6 Specialist Weapon Group (Orc): WF Orc Weapons and +1 OCV with Orc Weapons and Reputation ("Master of Orc Weapons", Small Group 11-)
6 Sturdy: +6" Running, Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), Only to Offset Encumberance Penaltys (-2)
Total Cost Of Abilities
Value Disadvantage
-25 Animosity: Enraged: When Insulted (Very Common), go 11-, recover 11-
-20 NCM: Normal Characteristic Maxima
-15 Monstrous Race (Orc): DF: Orc (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Extreme Reaction, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
Total Cost of Package
Cost Options and Miscellaneous Information
var Trapping: Medium Armour
var Trapping: Choppa
var Trapping: Dagger
Select One
? Trapping: Bow
Trapping: Shield

Race Package Deal
Package Type: Race
Package Source: WHFRPG2e
Skaven are giant humanoid rats, a beastly mockery of Humans that rule a vast underground empire that stretches across the world. Many of the common peasantry of the Empire don't believe in them, but these malevolent creatures gnaw at the underbelly of the Old World in the name of the Horned Rat, the chittering God of the Ratmen. Skaven spread plague and decay, utterly dedicated to the destruction of the surface world.
Notably, Skaven have at their command weapons and technology made from a strange magical substance they call Warpstone, thought such arcane devices are rare and not entrusted into the hands of the rank and file. Additionally some Skaven are fearsome and fell assassins, quiet killers that slip in unnoticed in the night and disappear unseen once their work is done, leaving no witnesses behind.
NOTE: Skaven Weapon Group is Sword, Dagger, Thrown Dagger, Sling, Warplock Pistol
RESTRICTION: GM permission is Required to play a Skaven.
Cost Ability
3 Concealment: Concealment
3 Outdoor Survival: Survival
3 Perception: +1 All PER
3 Scale Sheer Surface: Climbing
3 Silent Move: Stealth
3 Speak Language (Queekish): Language Queekish
6 Specialist Weapon Group (Skaven): WF Skaven Weapons and +1 OCV with Skaven Weapons and Reputation ("Master of Skaven Weapons", Small Group 11-)
3 Swim: +3" Swimming
9 Skaven Nimbleness: +3 DEX
3 Skaven Swiftness: +1" Running and +1" Leaping
6 Nightvision: Nightvision and +1 PER Nightvision
6 Tunnel Rat: +1 DEX and +3 INT
Total Cost Of Abilities
Value Disadvantage
-6 Skaven Frailty: -3 BODY
-20 NCM: Normal Characteristic Maxima
-15 Monstrous Race (Skaven): DF: Skaven (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Extreme Reaction, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
Total Cost of Package
Cost Options and Miscellaneous Information
var Trapping: Hand Weapon (Sword)
var Trapping: Light Armour
Select One
? Trapping: Dagger
Trapping: Sling
Trapping: 3 Throwing Daggers