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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Conversions>D&D>D&D 3rd Edition>Eight Conversion Steps>Characteristics
STEP 2: Converting Characteristics

D&D 3e to HERO System Conversion Steps

Step 1: Available Points Step 2: Characteristics Step 3: Character Race Step 4: Character
Step 5: Gear, Followers,
Step 6: Disadvantages Step 7: Finishing
Step 8: Character
Like most role-playing games both D&D 3e and the HERO System include a concept regarding the measurement of peoples basic physical and mental attributes via a ranking system. In D&D 3e these are called Statistics, while in the HERO System they are called Characteristics. While there is not a 100% direct correlation between the attributes of the two Game Systems, there is still a close similarity that makes translating a Character from one system to the other fairly easy.
How To
When converting a D&D 3e Character into the HERO System compare each D&D 3e Statistic to the adjoining chart to determine which D&D 3e Statistic maps to which HERO System Characteristic. With the exception of BODY and Comeliness, Simply take the value of the D&D 3e Statistic as the value for the HERO System Characteristic.
D&D 3e Statistics to HERO System Characteristics
D&D 3e Statistic HERO Characteristic
Strength Strength
Dexterity Dexterity
Constitution Constitution
Intelligence Intelligence
Wisdom Ego
Charisma Presence
(Hit Points/15) +10 Body
(Discretionary) Comeliness
For BODY divide the Character's Hit Points by 15 (rounding in the character's favor as per the normal HERO System metarule) and add the result to 10.
For Comeliness assign a value appropriate to the character's general appearance.
EXAMPLE: A character that has 18 Strength and 55 Hit Points in D&D 3e has STR 18 and BODY 14 n the HERO System.
NOTE: Be sure to remove any Race modifiers to D&D 3e Statistics before converting a character; otherwise the character will get a double raise when adding their Race Package Deal later on in the conversion process.
EXAMPLE: In D&D 3e Pasha the Elf Wizard has Strength: 12 Dexterity: 19 Constitution: 11 Intelligence: 16 Wisdom: 9 Charisma: 11. Elves benefit from a +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution in D&D 3e, so remove these modifiers, adjusting Dexterity to 17 and Constitution to 13 before converting.
In the HERO System Pasha has STR: 12 DEX: 17 CON: 13 INT: 16 EGO: 9 PRE: 11.  Pasha has always been described as very attractive, so the player sets him at COM 18; if Pasha had 4 Hit Points then his BODY: 10 for a total cost of 41 Character Points. Pasha's Figured Characteristics work out to PD: 2 ED: 3 SPD: 2.8 REC: 5 END: 26 STUN: 23.
Figured Characteristics
The HERO System has several secondary statistics called Figured Characteristics whose starting values are based on the values of a character's Primary Characteristics. After you have converted your D&D 3e Character's statistics into HERO System Characteristics, calculate the Figured Characteristics normally.
You may feel the urge to adjust a few Figured Characteristics at this point, such as rounding off the figured SPD or END or STUN for instance, but you should wait until after you have added a Race Package and any Profession Packages as they often have Characteristics increases as well.
Using the Conversion mapping given above is one way to consistently translate D&D 3e Characters into the HERO System, but its certainly not the only way.
It is left to the GM's discretion whether an exact conversion of Statistics to Characteristic is required without variance or if the resulting HERO System Characteristics can be tweaked.
If the GM does not mind, rather than simply reflect your Character's D&D 3e stats, which were typically generated randomly or semi-randomly, you could adjust the HERO System version of the character to reflect what you would have preferred your Character's stats to be.
In the end, the higher you raise your Characteristics the less points you will have available for abilities later on.
Another option available with GM permission is to just flush a Character's D&D 3e stats altogether, starting the Character at the normal HERO System "Base 10" for all Primary Characteristics, and then apply the Character's Race Package (many of which include Characteristic modifiers).
By not spending points on Characteristics now to model the Character's D&D 3e stats, you will have more points to spend on Profession Packages later, many of which include Characteristic increases appropriate to the Profession they represent. Then, towards the end of the process, remaining points can be applied to Characteristics as desired.
When you are finished converting your Character's Characteristics, calculate the Total Characteristics Cost in the HERO System and move on to Step 3.