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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Conversions>D&D>D&D 3rd Edition>DM to GM>Meta Magic Feats
Conversion Resource
FROM: D&D 3e
TO: HERO System 5th Edition
Metamagic Feats present a distinct challenge for converting into the HERO System for several reasons.
The primary reason is that in the HERO System, Power Constructs are priced according to their base effect, plus a premium for any enhancements to that base effect, minus a rebate for any detriments to the enhanced effect. Thus if you want a better version of a Power Construct, you simply design a version of the Power Construct that has the improvements you want and pay the Character Points indicated.
Another obstacle is that a given GM may be using whatever form of Magic they think appropriate for their campaign in the HERO System, so providing Metamagic Feat conversions that will work universally is practically impossible.
Finally, since many Metamagic Feats work by increasing some aspect of a Spell's base effect, this often translates into the HERO System as an Advantage. The cost of Metamagic Feats to Spells in D&D 3e is to raise Spell Levels in flat increments, but the cost of Advantages in the HERO System are assessed as a cost multiplier; thus applying them has a greater effect on the cost of more potent (higher point cost) Power Constructs than applying the equivalent Metamagic Feat would have on a Spell's level in D&D 3e.
This web site provides detailed conversions of each of the D&D 3e Magic Systems, and thus a method of converting Metamagic Feats with those Magic Systems can be provided. If your GM is using the Magic System conversions offered on this web site or close variants, then the following method will work for you to convert your Character. Consult with your GM on the subject.
Most of the Metamagic Feats can be correlated into effects that are meaningful in the HERO System. For simplicities sake it is recommended that each Feat be represented by a Custom Talent, detailed later.
The Magic System conversions provided for Wizardry and Sorcery (and Bards by extension) include detailed instructions for both creating new Spells and learning existing Spells.
The Magic System conversions provided for Clerics, Paladins, Druids (and Rangers by extension) indicate that such Divine Spellcasters cannot create Spells, but conversely don't have to learn them either; they automatically know and can cast any Spell on their relevant Spell Lists that they can fit into their VPP's Pool restrictions.
If these various rules are used, then a Character that has a Metamagic Talent can also automatically add virtual versions of a Spell they learn, create, or gain via their Divine Spell List that is modified as indicated by the relevant Metamagic Talents that are applicable to that Spell to their "Known Spell List" for free.
These virtual Spell versions do not count against a Character's maximum number of Spells per Level limit, require any Skill Rolls to learn or create, or pose a detriment to the Character in anyway.
NOTE: Characters using the Dominine Magic System cannot apply Metamagic Talents to Spells they gain from their Domains; only to the Spells they gain from the common Spell List for their type of Spellcaster. Individual GM's may allow this however if they feel it does not unbalance the game.
A Character still must be able to cast Spells of the modified version's Spell Level to use any such variants. Further, the Character cannot teach or Scribe a Scroll with a Spell version using a Metamagic Talent (unless the GM so permits).
Characters using either the Spontaneous or Gestalt Casting methods can chose to use a Metamagic version of a Spell "on the fly", but the casting of that Spell automatically takes at least a Full Phase; if it already takes a Full Phase to cast then the Metamagic version of the Spell takes an Extra Phase to cast beyond what it already takes.
Further for Characters using the Spontaneous or Gestalt Casting methods, casting a Spell modified by a Metamagic Feat expends a Charge from the appropriate Spell Level Multipower (as determined by the standard (AP/15)+1 method used by all of the Vancian Magic Systems provided on this web site).
EXAMPLE: A Sorcerer with Spontaneous Magic Multipowers for Spell Levels 0 through 5th has the Empower Talent and uses it to cast a 3rd Level Spell that has 60 Active Points from his 3rd Spell Level Multipower. The Empowered version of the Spell has 30 more Active Points and thus is considered to be a 5th Level Spell; therefore casting this Spell expends a Charge from the Sorcerer's 5th Spell Level Multipower instead of the 3rd Spell Level Multipower.
Characters using the Prepared Casting method must prepare Metamagic versions of Spells to their VPP in the normal fashion indicated in the relevant Magic System documents. Casting a Metamagic version of a Spell expends the Real Cost of the Metamagic Spell from their VPP just like any other Spell such a Character casts.
EXAMPLE: A Wizard with a Prepared Magic VPP of 90 Pool can have 270 Pool Real Cost worth of Spells that each have only one Charge also has the Empower Talent.
In the morning the Wizard is preparing his Spells (i.e. allocating his 270 Real Cost to buy Spells from his Known Spell List that he will be able to cast that day), and decides to Prepare an Empowered version of a 3rd Level Spell that normally has 60 Active Points and a Real Cost of 20 due to having -2 in total Limitations.
Normally if the Wizard wanted to Prepare that Spell they would allocate 20 Real Cost to it from their 270 Real Cost limit for that days Spells.
However the Empowered version instead has 90 Active Points (as it adds 30 Active Points to the base effect of the Spell), and a Real Cost of 30 (due to having the same -2 in total Limitations); thus the Wizard must allocate 30 points from his 270 Real Cost limit for Spells for that day in order to prepare and be able to cast the Spell later in the day. 
When the Wizard casts the prepared Empowered version of the Spell, it is expended and he cannot reuse the 30 Real Cost allocated to it for some other Spell until the next day.
Custom Talents can be used to model most -- but not all -- of the Metamagic Feats.
Some of the Metamagic Feats just have no meaning in the HERO System, or else overlap so much that they convert into the same ability in the HERO System making one or more redundant. If your Character had one of these Metamagic Feats, just pick a different one and call it a wash.
The Feats that do not convert into the HERO System, overlap too much with another Feat, or deserve special mention are:
  • HEIGHTEN SPELL: This Feat is designed to interact with the saving throw rules of D&D 3e, which doesn't translate well into the HERO System. It simply has no use and no conversion is provided.
  • ENLARGE / WIDEN SPELL: These two Feats merge together in the HERO System. If your Character had one or the other, then you are not affected by this. If your Character had both, then just take a different Feat for the second slot.
  • AUGMENT SUMMONING: This is not categorized as a Metamagic Feat, but it essentially functions like one and is treated as such by this material.
Your Character is able to summon more powerful versions of Creatures using Summoning Spells.
Your Character may cast a version of a Summoning Spell they have access to that has up to 15 Active Points more effect, allocated towards the Character Points available to the creatures they Summon
Real Cost: 1 Point
Your Character is able to cast more powerful versions of Spells they have access to.
Your Character may cast a version of a Spell they have access to that has up to +30 Active Points applied to the base effect of the Spell (but is otherwise unchanged).
Real Cost: 1 Point
Your Character is able to cast Area of Effect (AoE) Spells with an increased Area of Effect.
Your Character may cast a version of a Spell they have access to that has either the Explosion or Area Of Effect Advantages with up to 15 Active Points applied towards increasing the area affected by the Explosion or Area of Effect Advantage.
Real Cost: 1 Point
Your Character is able to cast Spells that normally require components without those components.
Your Character may cast a version of a Spell they have access to that normally has either a required Focus Limitation, or a Restrainable by Spell Pouch Limitation without those Limitations.
Real Cost: 5 Points
Your Character is able to cast Spells that have duration and have them last longer than usual.
Your Character may cast a version of a Spell they have access to that uses a Continuing Charge with up to 15 Active Points more effect applied towards increasing the duration of the Continuing Charge.
Real Cost: 1 Point
Your Character is able to cast Spells that have the maximum possible effect for a Spell of that type.
Your Character may cast a version of a Spell they have access to that does damage or otherwise determines effect by rolling some number of d6, with the addition of a special +1 Advantage called "Maximum Effect" which causes the Spell to have the maximum possible effect based upon the number of dice available to it.
For instance, a Maximize Spell version of a Spell that had a 10d6 Energy Blast effect would do 60 STUN and 20 BODY, with no roll necessary (Knockback would still be determined normally).
Real Cost: 1 Point
Your Character is able to cast a version of a Spell that they have set up earlier at will.
Your Character may cast a version of a Spell they have access to with the addition of the following version of the Trigger Advantage:
Trigger (Activate the Trigger at will as an action that takes no time, Trigger is reset by casting the same Spell again; +1/2)
Real Cost: 1 Point
Your Character is able to cast Spells that normally require Incantations without speaking.
Your Character may cast a version of a Spell they have access to that normally has Incantations without that Limitation.
Real Cost: 5 Points
Your Character is able to cast a version of a Spell they have access to that normally has Gestures without that Limitation.
Your Character may cast a version of a Spell they have access to that normally has Gestures without that Limitation.
Real Cost: 5 Points