Sample Paladin:
Sir Beck from
Ptolus, City by the Spire |
Paladins are devout warriors who devote
their lives to service to some greater being
or a transcendent ideal. Their faith is
rewarded with the gifting of supernatural
abilities which better enable them to serve
the subject of their faith. |
Paladins combine the fighting skills of
a dedicated warrior with the Divine magic
use of a Cleric. They can be dangerous opponents,
particularly to Evil entities. Paladins
concentrate on improving their martial and
Divine casting skills. |
In the HERO System, a Paladin would be well
advised to harbor some Points with which
to buy and expand a Divine Magic VPP rather
than just constantly buying up Characteristics
and more Combat Skill Levels. Fighting skill
alone does not a Paladin make. |
Fictional and mythical characters that can
fit the Paladin archetype range from Lancelot
to...uh...well, Lancelot really. |
The following guidelines provide advice
on how to take D&D Paladins and convert
them into the HERO System. |
Paladin Class Ability Considerations |
Some Characters and Monsters get more Attacks
per Round than others in D&D 3e, and
this bears special consideration when converting
into the HERO System.
For starters, all Characters are going to
get more "attacks per round" (or
per six seconds to be more accurate) in
the HERO System because the basic design
of the combat system revolves around twelve
second Turns in which all Characters make
at least one action, and often many more
than one.
However there are several mechanisms available
to ensure that those that have a lot of
Attacks in D&D 3e maintain their edge in
melee nonetheless.
SPEED Figured Characteristic |
The most direct method of increasing one's
actions in the HERO System is to simply
buy more SPEED. However since Fantasy HERO
is a Heroic level game with Normal Characteristic
Maxima in place this can get expensive once
the Maxima has been hit. Due to the "force
multiplying" effect of SPEED, many
GM's will actively resist Character concepts
pertaining to increasing it too far. |
But, if your GM is amenable, even
a single point of SPEED over the Characteristic
Maxima can give a definite edge in combat
and should be considered. |
Killing Machine: +1 SPD (Over Characteristic
Maxima) |
Real Cost:
20 points
Sweep |
Sweep is an Optional Combat Maneuver which
is accessible to all Characters for free
if it is allowed at all.
Sweep allows a Character to attack multiple
opponents in HtH as long as they are within
melee range, but at a stiff to hit penalty.
To ensure superiority at it a Character
could buy several +2 OCV Combat Skill Levels
with Sweep.
Willow parted Four Times: +6 OCV
with SWEEP {allows four strikes without
penalty} |
Real Cost:
12 points
NPA Autofire |
Alternately, with your GM's permission,
you can buy an Autofire Naked Power Advantage
(NPA) usable with any weapon of up to a
certain amount of Active Points.
This is a personal ability inherent to the
Character, and it is usable with any weapon
of the appropriate type. This will enable
your Fighter to strike multiple times with
each attack as described under Autofire.
However few GM's would permit NPA's 
taken to be applied to free Equipment; due
to their overpowering efficiency. |
If their use is common place then it likely
balances out but if only a few characters
have access to such abilties (such as the
PC's for instance), it can be very unbalancing.
Check with your GM prior to taking any NPA
based ability to determine whether or not
the GM allows them in their campaign. |
Flurry of Strikes: Naked Modifier,
Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) for up to 4d6 HKA
(15 Active Points); OIF (Sword of Opportunity,
-1/2) Costs 1 END |
Real Cost:
10 points
Signature Power |
With your GM's permission you could buy
a special Attack Power that allows your
Character to do damage to more than one
opponent at a time.
You can use variations on Area of Effect:
Any Area with No Range to indicate an ability
to accurately attack all the hexes adjacent
to your character, for example.
This is a more expensive option, but it
makes for interesting flavor for a given
Character; also, don't forget the advantage
of only needing to hit a hexes DCV of 3.
Reaping the Whirlwind: Killing Attack
- Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD),
+1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Area Of Effect
(4" Any Area; +1) (67 Active Points);
OIF (Sword of Opportunity; -1/2), All hexes
must be adjacent to own hex (-1/2) Costs
7 END |
Real Cost:
33 points
Paladins gain the ability to cast some Holy/Good
oriented Spells as early as fourth Class
Level with good statistics, or sixth Class
Level otherwise. This ability was not particularly
defining for Paladins, but did give them
some flexibility.
To add Spellcasting of this sort to your
Paladin simply add the "Invested"
Extension Package Deal provided in the Package
Deals section. |
Paladin Spells were ranked Levels 1 thru
4 in the source material, which is handled
as 15, 30, 45, and 60 Active Point Spells
in the Divine Magic System set forth by
this conversion resource. This also corresponding
to Spell Levels 0 thru 3 for a Cleric or
It is assumed that Paladins use a Variable
Power Pool defined as follows for their
Spellcasting abilities.
- Only Divine Magic (-1/2)
- Very Limited List of Spells (Investiture
Magic) (-1; can't be removed)
- Only Change Spells With Meditation (Requires
unmodified Faith Roll and 1 hour of Meditation;-1/2)
- All Spells Must Have 1 Charge Each (-1/4)
- Only Usable While In Good Standing With
Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
- Variable Limitation (-1/2; each Spell must
take -1 of Limitations from Focus (Holy
Symbol), Extra Time, Concentration, Incantation,
or Gesture in any combination at a MINIMUM)
Total Control Cost Limitation: -3 |
Control Cost per Spell Level (15 Pool) =
1.75 Real Points |
Total Cost per Spell Level (15 Pool) = 17
Real Points |
Paladins have an Expanded Real Cost Limit
on their Magic VPP's; a Paladin may prepare
Spells with a Real Cost equal to or less
than their Magic Pool times 3 (RC Limit
= Pool x3) each day. The Pool size is still
the upper limit on Active Points however.
EXAMPLE: Lord Yarovik is a powerful
Paladin with a 60 Pool Divine Magic VPP;
he may prepare up to 180 Real Cost worth
of Spells that each have one Charge every
day, all of which must have 60 or less Active
Points. |
When a Spell is cast from a Paladin's VPP,
it locks out a portion of the VPP equal
to its Real Cost. A Paladin cannot prepare
a Spell, cast it, and then prepare another
Spell using the portion of the Pool previously
occupied by the first Spell.
EXAMPLE: If Lord Yarovik were to
cast a Spell with has a Real Cost of 30,
he would have 150 Real Cost worth of Spells
remaining in his Pool. He may not prepare
another Spell using the 30 Pool previously
occupied by the Spell he cast until the
following day; it has been expended by casting
the Spell. |
A selection of Paladin Spells has been made
available on the
Spells Page. |
NOTE: As an organizational aid, Paladin
Spells have been designated "Investiture"
Spells on the Spells Page. This is simply
a programmatic convenience so that the Spell
page's logic did not have to deal with Paladin
Spells as a special case. Ignore the term
or use it as you prefer.
There is nothing preventing a Paladin Character
from starting play with Paladin Spells,
not having any at all, or advancing them
to a much higher degree in the HERO System.
It is up to the individual GM to determine
at what rate a character may progress their
Spellcasting; in my own campaigns I allow
the point expenditure to dictate the rate.
If a players wants to spend the points on
it, then I allow them to advance their Spellcasting
as quickly as they can afford and prefer. |
Paladins work magic via their faith in their
patron deity. They use a EGO based Power
Skill called Faith, which also serves as
both a KS: Religion, and PS: Paladin for
the Paladin in addition to being used whenever
a Spell Skill Roll is needed.. |
Faith: Power Skill: Faith |
Real Cost: 3 Points |
Paladins cannot create new spells by default;
their Spell List is fixed, and well defined.
Paladins may only select Spells from the
Paladin Spell List and only the
GM may alter this list. |
When a Paladin character has obtained sufficient
Pool in their Magic VPP to cast the next
higher Spell Level of Spells, the Character
instantly and automatically knows all Paladin
Spells of that Spell Level, but the first
time they attempt to prepare a new Spell
of that Level to their VPP the Paladin must
make a PS: Faith Skill Roll at -1 per 10
Active Points in the Power. |
If the roll is failed the Paladin may not
prepare the Spell, and must roll again each
following day they wish to prepare the Spell,
trying no more than once per day. Once the
Paladin has successfully prepared the Spell
once, they never need to roll to add it
to their VPP for the day again.. |
Paladins have the ability to tell if a person
or thing is Evil. This is easily handled
as a custom Detect in the HERO System. |
Detect Evil: Detect Evil [Sight],
Sense; Only When Serving The God's Purposes
(-1/2) |
Real Cost: 3 Points |
Paladins are particularly resistant to undesirable
effects, shielded by their faith.
Consider the following options with or without
a "Only When Serving The God's Purposes
(-1/2)" Limitation applied. |
The HERO System lacks the "Saving Throw"
concept. However, a similar ability can
be modeled using Damage Reduction that allows
a Character to take less damage or effect
based upon a die roll. There are many options
to contend with if taking this approach;
the following list shows only a few of them. |
7 |
Basic Fortitude: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 25%; Requires A CON
Roll (-1) |
7 |
Basic Reflex: Energy Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25%; Requires A DEX Roll (-1) |
7 |
Basic Will: Mental Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25%; Requires An EGO Roll (-1) |
15 |
Fortitude: Physical Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 50%; Requires A CON Roll (-1) |
15 |
Reflex: Energy Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 50%; Requires A DEX Roll (-1) |
15 |
Will: Mental Damage Reduction, Resistant,
50%; Requires An EGO Roll (-1) |
30 |
Advanced Fortitude: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 75%; Requires A CON
Roll (-1) |
30 |
Advanced Reflex: Energy Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 75%; Requires A DEX Roll (-1) |
30 |
Advanced Will: Mental Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 75%; Requires An EGO Roll (-1) |
15 |
Spell Resistance: Magic Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25% |
30 |
Spell Resistance: Magic Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 50% |
60 |
Spell Resistance: Magic Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 75% |
: The RSR Limitation values will be lower
for Characters with higher values in their
CON, DEX, and / or EGO Characteristics. |
NOTE: Other Limitations can be applied
instead of or in addition to the ones indicated.
Consult your GM with any ideas you might
have. |
Alternately Divine Grace might be represented
with Power and Mental Defense instead. |
Divine Defense: (Only When Serving
The God's Purposes (-1/2)) |
+5 Mental Defense |
+5 Power Defense |
Real Cost: 6 Points |
Paladins are able to heal by touch alone,
channeling their holy energies into the
touched subject. They can also heal themselves
if they wish. |
Lay On Hands: Healing 4d6, Simple
Healing Option; Extra Time (Full Turn, -1),
4 Charges (-1), Only When Serving The God's
Purposes (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 6 Points |
Paladins are immune to diseases, including
those of magical origin. |
Immune to Disease: LS: Immune to
Disease; Only When Serving The God's Purposes
(-1/2) |
Real Cost: 7 Points |
Paladins are highly resistant to fear, and
also help those near them resist fear (with
a PRE attack vs. his comrades to bolster
their spirits). |
Stalwart: (Only When Serving The
God's Purposes (-1/2))
+10 Mental Defense |
+10 Power Defense |
+10 PRE; Only to Resist Fear (-2) |
Real Cost: 7 Points |
Paladins are able to inflict great damage
upon those of Evil bent. There are many
ways to handle this in the HERO System,
but I recommend using a variation of Deadly
Blow combined with modified Overall Skill
Levels. |
Limited Overall Levels |
Using Limited Overall Levels allows a Paladin
to be good at whatever they need to be to
defeat a particular foe. This grants a good
deal of flexibility in combating "Evil"
no matter what threat they pose. |
Smite Evil: +1 Overall, Only vs.
Evil (-2) |
Real Cost: 3.3 Points per level |
Deadly Blow |
There is a specific version of Deadly Blow
listed in Fantasy HERO for Paladins to use
vs. Evil, and it is the most straightforward
means of enabling them to do more damage
vs. Evil opponents. |
Smite Evil Wounding: +1d6 Killing,
only vs. Evil Creatures (+1d6 HKA;
OIF: Weapon of Opportunity (-1/2))
Real Cost: 7 Points per die; Costs
1 END per die |
Paladins are able to cure other people of
disease. There is no direct way to do this
in the HERO System as there are many of
different Power Constructs which might have
a SFX defined in whole or in part as "Disease".
Thus, I recommend using a form of Transform
to turn the infected person into a non-infected
version of the same person. |
Remove Disease: Minor Transform 3d6
(Diseased Person To Healthy Person, Magic,
Other Transforms), Lingering up to 5 Minutes
(+1) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn
(Post-Segment 12), Character May Take No
Other Actions, -1 1/2), 1 Continuing Charge
lasting 5 Minutes (-1), OIF (Holy Symbol;
-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations
(-1/4), Gestures (-1/4)
Real Cost: 13 Points |
As Paladins progress in power and ability,
they are able to Remove Disease multiple
times per day. Just increase the number
of charges, paying the difference in points
as needed. |
Paladins are able to repel and even destroy
the Undead. Referring to the most recent
edition of Fantasy HERO for HERO System
5th Edition, Undead Turning is handled as
a form of Presence Attack in the HERO System;
refer to Fantasy HERO 5e pg 128 for
the specifics of this ability, but a summary
follows. |
Turn Undead: +50 PRE Only To Make
PRE Attacks (-1), Only vs. Undead Creatures
(-1), Full Phase, Delayed Phase (-3/4),
Limited Effect (-1), Only Usable While In
Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed;
-1/4) |
Real Cost: 10 Points; +5 PRE for
1 point |
Paladins often have a special mount with
unusual abilities, for reasons that have
never been very clear to me.
To model this ability, simply use the Follower
rules to make an appropriate mount.
In the source material, Paladins have to
comply with a strict Code of Conduct, or
lose all of their special Class abilities.
With GM Permission a Paladin may take some
or all of the following Disadvantages as
Personal Disadvantages to define a default
Code of Conduct.
Vow of Asceticism: May only keep
10% of income; must give the rest in service
to whatever church or cause the Paladin
serves (Frequently, Limiting); Disadvantage
Value: -10 Points |
Vow of Association: May not willingly
associate or tolerate Evil individuals
(Frequently, Limiting); Disadvantage Value:
-10 Points |
Vow of Acknowledgment: Must obey
members of the clergy in a position of authority
in whatever church or cause the Paladin
Serves (Frequently, Limiting); Disadvantage
Value: -10 Points |
Vow of Accordance: Must act in accordance
with the precepts of the religion the Paladin
serves or loose all special "Only While
Serving The God's Purposes" abilities.
(Infrequently, Severe); Disadvantage Value:
-10 Points |
Vow of Atonement: Must go through
lengthy quest or some other form of personal
sacrifice to regain abilities if the Vow
of Accordance is violated. (Infrequently,
Severe); Disadvantage Value: -10 Points |
With GM approval, you may design a custom
Code of Conduct for your Paladin. This is
particularly appropriate if your Character
is not a generic "force of good"
and instead serves a specific deity. If
the GM has made custom Package Deals for
different sorts of Paladins that exist in
their setting, you should probably use one
of them instead. There is an almost infinite
variety of things that can be done with
the general concept of "holy warrior",
and different Packages for such "invested"
martial representatives of a deity or power
can run the gamut. |
EXAMPLE: Maya the GM has developed
an involved cosmology for their setting,
and has redefined the idea of a Paladin
as a "holy warrior" invested with
special abilities by whichever entity they
One of the religious organizations he has
defined for his settings is dedicated to
Nantunas, a deity of mercantilism, and he
has made several Package Deals to suit various
roles within that organization; the priestly
Tradesmiths and
Tradesmith Acolytes, a more
Rogue oriented
Envoys, as well as a group of warriors
invested with special abilities called
As the Tradewardens don't have the same
moral and ethical restrictions as some more
strongly aligned "holy warriors",
Maya has defined only very mild restrictions
for them in the form of a Social Limitation
that requires service to their organization.
Individual Tradewardens might have more
extreme Disadvantages, but as a whole the
only thing their deity requires of them
is that they serve the will of the Tradesmiths. |
Paladins are holy warriors that couple martial and spiritual might.
Compared to other professions they emphasize piety and strict adherence to a rigid
moral code.
Presented below are an assortment of Basic Packages, Extension Packages, and Composite
Packages for your use.