Monks train in the art of unarmed combat,
honing their bodies into a weapon, and eventually
developing a number of supernatural powers
in the process. |
Eventually, a Monk's bare hands become far
more lethal than any mere mundane weapon.
Many an overconfident swordsman has been
brought low by a "unarmed & helpless"
practitioner of barehanded fighting arts.
Monks develop their fighting skills much
like a Fighter, but most also develop mystic
powers and feats requiring unity of their
mind, body, and spirit. Monk characters
are well served by solid Characteristics,
particularly STR, DEX, CON, BODY, END, STUN,
REC, and EGO. As Monks generally don't wear
armor, a good DCV and the ability to absorb
a little damage are also essential. A starting
Monk with high Characteristics and one or
two special abilities can be a very viable
character. |
In the HERO System, a Monk would be well
advised to take full advantage of the HERO
System Martial Arts mechanics, which are
perhaps the best to be found in any RPG
on the market, or at a minimum a serious
contender for the title. I highly recommend
the HERO Games supplement The
Ultimate Martial Artist (UMA) for
any Fantasy HERO setting that includes some
form of Martial Art. |
The following guidelines provide advice
on how to take D&D Monks and convert
them into the HERO System. |
Monk Class Ability Considerations |
Several of the Class Ability conversion
suggestions below take a Limitation "Requires
a Meditation Skill Roll". The Powers
which take this Limitation expect that the
character will have a Power Skill (EGO):
Meditation with which to make these required
rolls. If they do not, you will need to
remove the Limitation from the suggested
abilities and replace it or refactor the
listed costs. |
Meditative Arts: Power Skill (EGO):
Meditation |
Real Cost: 3 Points |
Monks had a couple of different bonuses
to their Armor Class in the source material;
one from their Wisdom Bonus if any and another
from a Class Feature. The HERO System lacks
the Armor Class concept, but Combat Luck
can function similarly. For greater degrees
of protection, buy more levels of Combat
Luck. |
Best Way To Not Get Hurt: Combat
Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Not
While Wearing Armor (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 4 Points per level |
Monks were unique (at least initially) in
that all three of their "Saving Throws"
were "strong", meaning they had
the best possible rate of bonus advancement.
The HERO System lacks the "Saving Throw"
concept. However, a similar ability can
be modeled using Damage Reduction that allows
a Character to take less damage or effect
based upon a die roll. There are many options
to contend with if taking this approach;
the following list shows only a few of them. |
7 |
Basic Fortitude: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 25%; Requires A CON
Roll (-1) |
7 |
Basic Reflex: Energy Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25%; Requires A DEX Roll (-1) |
7 |
Basic Will: Mental Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25%; Requires An EGO Roll (-1) |
15 |
Fortitude: Physical Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 50%; Requires A CON Roll (-1) |
15 |
Reflex: Energy Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 50%; Requires A DEX Roll (-1) |
15 |
Will: Mental Damage Reduction, Resistant,
50%; Requires An EGO Roll (-1) |
30 |
Advanced Fortitude: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 75%; Requires A CON
Roll (-1) |
30 |
Advanced Reflex: Energy Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 75%; Requires A DEX Roll (-1) |
30 |
Advanced Will: Mental Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 75%; Requires An EGO Roll (-1) |
15 |
Spell Resistance: Magic Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25% |
30 |
Spell Resistance: Magic Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 50% |
60 |
Spell Resistance: Magic Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 75% |
: The RSR Limitation values will be lower
for Characters with higher values in their
CON, DEX, and / or EGO Characteristics. |
NOTE: Other Limitations can be applied
instead of or in addition to the ones indicated.
Consult your GM with any ideas you might
have. |
Some Characters and Monsters get more Attacks
per Round than others in D&D 3e, and
this bears special consideration when converting
into the HERO System.
For starters, all Characters are going to
get more "attacks per round" (or
per six seconds to be more accurate) in
the HERO System because the basic design
of the combat system revolves around twelve
second Turns in which all Characters make
at least one action, and often many more
than one.
However there are several mechanisms available
to ensure that those that have a lot of
Attacks in D&D 3e maintain their edge in
melee nonetheless.
SPEED Figured Characteristic |
The most direct method of increasing one's
actions in the HERO System is to simply
buy more SPEED. However since Fantasy HERO
is a Heroic level game with Normal Characteristic
Maxima in place this can get expensive once
the Maxima has been hit. Due to the "force
multiplying" effect of SPEED, many
GM's will actively resist Character concepts
pertaining to increasing it too far. |
But, if your GM is amenable, even
a single point of SPEED over the Characteristic
Maxima can give a definite edge in combat
and should be considered. |
Killing Machine: +1 SPD (Over Characteristic
Maxima) |
Real Cost:
20 points
Sweep |
Sweep is an Optional Combat Maneuver which
is accessible to all Characters for free
if it is allowed at all.
Sweep allows a Character to attack multiple
opponents in HtH as long as they are within
melee range, but at a stiff to hit penalty.
To ensure superiority at it a Character
could buy several +2 OCV Combat Skill Levels
with Sweep.
Willow parted Four Times: +6 OCV
with SWEEP {allows four strikes without
penalty} |
Real Cost:
12 points
NPA Autofire |
Alternately, with your GM's permission,
you can buy an Autofire Naked Power Advantage
(NPA) usable with any weapon of up to a
certain amount of Active Points.
This is a personal ability inherent to the
Character, and it is usable with any weapon
of the appropriate type. This will enable
your Fighter to strike multiple times with
each attack as described under Autofire.
However few GM's would permit NPA's 
taken to be applied to free Equipment; due
to their overpowering efficiency. |
If their use is common place then it likely
balances out but if only a few characters
have access to such abilties (such as the
PC's for instance), it can be very unbalancing.
Check with your GM prior to taking any NPA
based ability to determine whether or not
the GM allows them in their campaign. |
Flurry of Strikes: Naked Modifier,
Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) for up to 4d6 HKA
(15 Active Points); OIF (Sword of Opportunity,
-1/2) Costs 1 END |
Real Cost:
10 points
Signature Power |
With your GM's permission you could buy
a special Attack Power that allows your
Character to do damage to more than one
opponent at a time.
You can use variations on Area of Effect:
Any Area with No Range to indicate an ability
to accurately attack all the hexes adjacent
to your character, for example.
This is a more expensive option, but it
makes for interesting flavor for a given
Character; also, don't forget the advantage
of only needing to hit a hexes DCV of 3.
Reaping the Whirlwind: Killing Attack
- Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD),
+1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Area Of Effect
(4" Any Area; +1) (67 Active Points);
OIF (Sword of Opportunity; -1/2), All hexes
must be adjacent to own hex (-1/2) Costs
7 END |
Real Cost:
33 points
Another option is to take Two-Weapon Fighting
(HtH) which allows two attacks per Phase
without an OCV penalty (though there are
some other downsides to its use), and more
with a penalty. |
Flurry of Blows: Two-Weapon Fighting
(HtH) |
Real Cost: 10 points |
A feature unique to the Monk (at least originally),
the ability to fight effectively bare-handed
was a significant Class Feature and as a
Monk advanced a major advantage in terms
of the sheer punishment that a Monk could
dish out compared to mundane weapons (eventually
the Monk did 1d20 with as many as five Unarmed
Strikes per round, not counting Flurry of
Blows). In D&D 3e, the Monk's martial
arts were abstracted, with greater skill
expressed only has a bigger damage die.
The HERO System can be similarly abstracted,
but also has several ways to express a much
more detailed interpretation.
All characters in the HERO System may strike
things with their bare hands if they wish
for STR damage. A Monk might opt to buy
his STR up so that he inflicts more damage
when using this built in feature of the
game system. This is an abstracted means
of handling "martial arts". |
Big Monk On Campus: +10 STR |
Real Cost: 10 Points (unless STR
Maximum exceeded) |
Alternately, you might represent your Character's
Martial Arts with a simple Hand Attack,
with the details being handled as SFX and
flavor. This is an abstracted means of handling
"martial arts". |
Hit Like A Brick: +5d6 Hand Attack;
Hand Attack (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 17 Points; 3 END per Strike |
Similar (and perhaps in addition to) the
Hand Attack option above, you might represent
your Martial Arts with a simple Hand Killing
Attack, with the details being handled as
SFX and flavor. This is an abstracted means
of handling "martial arts". |
Lethal Weapon: 2d6-1 Hand Killing
Attack (plus STR) |
Real Cost: 25 Points; 3 END per Strike |
Combining the Hand Attack and Hand Killing
Attack options above, another very viable
way to depict martial arts is to buy two
or more powers in a Multipower. This option
is very expensive, but is also endlessly
expandable and flexible; as a Character
grows in a skill they need only add a new
slot and/or buy up their pool. |
My Body My Weapon: MP, 60-point reserve,
(60 Active Points); all slots Requires A
Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill
Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points PS: Martial
Arts "Style"; -1/4) |
Power Skill (EGO): Martial Arts Style +1 |
Real Cost: 53 Points |
Strike to Pummel: HA +5d6,
Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +1) (56 Active Points); HA (-1/2),
Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty
to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points
PS: Martial Arts "Style"; -1/4) |
Real Cost: +3 Points |
Strike to Kill: HKA 2d6-1
(2d6 w/STR) (vs. PD), Autofire (3 shots;
+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1) (56
Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (Active
Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20
Active Points PS: Martial Arts "Style";
-1/4) |
Real Cost: +4 Points |
You can also roll other Monk abilities into
the above Multipower such as Stunning Blow
variants, Ki Strikes, Deflect Arrow, and
Quivering Palm, making this a great approach
to take overall. |
Strike to Disable: Drain DEX
4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60
Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (Active
Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20
Active Points PS: Martial Arts "Style";
-1/4) |
Real Cost: +5 Points |
Strike to Stun: HA +4d6, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +1/2), AVLD (MD; +1 1/2)
(60 Active Points); HA (-1/2), Requires
A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill
Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points PS: Martial
Arts "Style"; -1/4) |
Real Cost: +3 Points |
Quivering Palm: Drain BODY
1 1/2d6, Uncontrolled (Terminates After
1 Phase per 50 Character Points of Monk
When Trigger Set) (+1/2), Trigger (At Will;
+1/2), Continuous (+1), IPE (Fully Invisible;
+1) (60 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge
which Recovers every 1 Week (-1 3/4), Requires
A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill
Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points PS: Martial
Arts "Style"; -1/4) |
Real Cost: +2 Points |
Ki Strike: HA +4d6, Autofire
(3 shots; +1/4), Affects Desolid Any form
of Desolidification (+1/2), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +1) (55 Active Points); HA (-1/2),
Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty
to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points
PS: Martial Arts "Style"; -1/4) |
Real Cost: +3 Points |
Deflect Arrow: (Total: 60
Active Cost, 48 Real Cost) Missile Deflection
(Bullets & Shrapnel), Missile Reflection,
Reflect At Any Target (45 Active Points);
Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty
to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points
PS: Martial Arts "Style"; -1/4)
(Real Cost: 36) |
+3 with Missile Deflection (15 Active Points);
Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty
to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points
PS: Martial Arts "Style"; -1/4)
(Real Cost: 12) |
Real Cost: +5 Points |
You might decide to model your bare handed
skills as a Martial Arts Style. Consult
the Ultimate Martial Artist by HERO Games
for more details on custom arts and maneuvers,
and discuss your would-be art with your
GM to make sure it fits in their campaign
setting and makes sense to them. Keep in
mind that your Monk is likely (but not necessarily)
the student of a specific Monastic Order
or Style and would practice a style appropriate
to their Order's teachings. Usually all
the Monks of a given Order practice the
same style, or at least share a common grounding
with multiple variations.
Following is merely a recommended "Default"
Monk Martial Art; the possibilities are
practically infinite however, and it can
be very rewarding to develop a custom martial
art of your own devising. |
One of the advantages of this method is
the point economy of the Martial Arts Maneuvers.
Your character can be a very effective fighter
and still have Character Points left over
for other things, allowing you to make a
very well rounded character. |
3 |
Martial Grab |
1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs,
+10 STR for holding on
3 |
Basic Strike |
1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike |
4 |
Martial Block |
1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4 |
Martial Disarm |
1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; +10 STR
to Disarm roll
4 |
Martial Dodge |
1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects
All Attacks, Abort
3 |
Legsweep |
1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR +1d6 Strike,
Target Falls |
2 |
2 |
Real Cost: 25 Points |
You can also handle some of the other Monk
abilities with Martial Arts Maneuvers such
as Stunning Blow, Improved Trip, and Evasion. |
5 |
Flying Dodge |
1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks,
Abort; FMove |
Real Cost: 5 Points |
4 |
Nerve Strike |
1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND (Defense:
Rigid Armor) |
Real Cost: 4 Points |
5 |
Killing Throw |
1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 1d6, Target
Falls |
Real Cost: 5 Points |
To increase the damage of your Character's
Martial Arts, you may buy Martial Arts Damage
It is recommended that a cap of
one Martial Art Damage Class per 100 Character
Points, rounded in the Character's
favor be enforced to maintain game balance.
. |
Thus a 1st Level Monk converted into the
HERO System using this conversion resource
could only have one Martial Arts Damage
Class (as the character only has 125
Points), but the Character could take another
Martial Arts Damage Class when they reached
151 Character Points, and again as early
as 251, 351, and 451 Character Points.
Confer with your GM to see if this restriction
is in place in their campaign if considering
this option |
NOTE: Remember that Martial Arts
Damage Classes increase Base Damage, which
can be important if your character is unusually
strong. |
There is a list of Monk weapons in the source
material which a Monk is able to use in
conjunction with his Flurry of Blows ability
and improved Unarmed rate of attacks. To
model this simply take one or more Weapon
Elements for a Monks Martial Arts if using
the Unarmed Strike as Martial Arts Maneuvers
The Monk will do more damage with the weapons
as he may convert extra Damage Classes coming
from some Maneuvers (Basic Strike in the
case of the Default Monk Martial Art), which
isn't a direct reflection of the source
material, but I don't consider it to be
a major issue and it's more point efficient
than any other option. Check with your GM
first, however. |
There are dozens of Martial Arts Maneuvers
available in The Ultimate Martial Artist,
as well as many pre-made Package Deals expressing
real-world Martial Arts in Hero Games terms.
It is very viable for a particular Order
of Monks to train in a style described in
The Ultimate Martial Artist. Just give it
a new, fantasy-appropriate name and you
are in business. |
Custom Martial Art Styles For Monks
document discusses this alternative in more
depth for those that have The Ultimate Martial
Artist and want to incorporate it into their
Fantasy HERO games. |
Monks gained the ability to "Stun"
opponents a certain number of times per
day in the source material. In the HERO
System, any attack wherein the STUN total
after Defenses equals or exceeds the target's
CON results in the target being Stunned.
So, effectively this ability looses much
of its usefulness in the HERO System. However,
any ability which increases the STUN inflicted
by the Monk, or which supersedes defenses
helps the Monk do this more often than other
characters. |
Based upon the option chosen to represent
Unarmed Strikes detailed above, examples
of how to handle Stunning Attacks were given
for both the Martial Arts and the Multipower
options. If neither of those options were
chosen, then Stunning Attack might be handled
as a separate Hand Attack bought as a Power
with Charges. As a character progresses,
they may increase the number of charges,
paying the difference in Character Points..
Stunning Blow: Hand-To-Hand Attack
+5d6, No Normal Defense (Make a CON Roll)
Extraordinarily Common Defense (+1/2) (37
Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Hand-To-Hand
Attack (-1/2)
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Monks gained the ability to avoid damage
from things that gave Reflex saves in the
source material. The HERO System does not
have Saving Throws, but does have the concept
of Diving for Cover, which is very similar
in effect to a Saving Throw, and all characters
can do this automatically as part of the
system. |
However, there is a Martial Arts Maneuver
called Flying Dodge which is essentially
a much-improved version of Dive for Cover.
This would be my recommended way to handle
Evasion, but the HERO System requires that
a minimum of ten Character Points be spent
on Martial Maneuvers, and Flying Dodge only
costs five points.
If the Monk has other Martial Maneuvers,
then Flying Dodge should be taken as well
without hesitation. Otherwise the player
should consider taking some other useful
Martial Maneuver's so that they can meet
the minimum requirement to get Flying Dodge.
I recommended Martial Grab and Legsweep
which are 3 Points each, or Passing Strike
for 5 Points. Martial Grab and Legsweep
are very efficient and useful and also correspond
to other abilities Monks get in the source
material that are difficult to do without
Martial Maneuvers, while Passing Strike
correlates well to the Monkish mobility
in the source material. |
5 |
Flying Dodge |
1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks,
Abort; FMove |
Real Cost: 5 Points |
Monks gained the ability to deflect arrows.
This is handled in the HERO System with
the Missile Deflection Power. |
Deflect Arrows: Missile Deflection
(Bullets & Shrapnel) (15 Active Points);
Will Not Work Against Heavy Missiles (-1/4) |
Real Cost: 12 Points |
Monks gained a resistance to Mind-Affecting
effects. This correlates directly to Mental
Defense in the HERO System, or simply more
EGO, or both. |
Still Mind Defense: +10 Mental Defense |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Still Mind Willpower: +5 EGO; Requires
Meditation Roll (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 7 Points |
Monks gained the ability to fall great distances
unharmed as long as they were near some
vertical surface they could use as a brake.
This ability can be handled in the HERO
System as either a very high Breakfall roll,
or a modified form of Gliding. I would recommend
the Gliding method. More inches of Gliding
can be purchased if desired. |
Slow Fall: Gliding 10" (10 Active
Points); Only in contact with Vertical Surface
(-1/2), Only to prevent falling damage (-1/2),
No Noncombat Movement (-1/4) |
Real Cost: 4 Points |
Monks eventually become immune to diseases.
This is directly represented in the HERO
System with Life Support. |
Purity of Body: (LS: Immunity to
Disease) |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
If using the Default Monk Martial Arts Style
above, it already contains the Legsweep
Maneuver which covers Improved Trip quite
nicely. Otherwise, it is recommended that
you use one of the "Opponent Falls"
Maneuvers from The Ultimate Martial Artist
Maneuver list. Legsweep and Killing Throw
are particularly well suited to this. |
3 |
Legsweep |
1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR +1d6 Strike,
Target Falls |
Real Cost: 3 Points |
5 |
Killing Throw |
1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 1d6, Target
Falls |
Real Cost: 5 Points |
Monks become able to heal themselves through
Meditation. This is easily represented in
the HERO System as a form of Self-Only Healing.
To be able to heal more damage, simply buy
more dice with additional Character Points. |
Wholeness of Body: 2d6 Healing, Simplified
Option, Self Only (-1/2), Requires Meditation
Roll (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Monks develop impressive leaping abilities.
This is readily mapped into the Leaping
Power. For greater leaping ability, buy
more inches of Leaping with Character Points. |
Leap of the Clouds: +5" Leap
x2 NCM |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Monks develop the ability to injure things
that normally require magic weapons to harm.
This is rooted in a game mechanic that simply
doesn't exist in the HERO System.
However, variations on the Ki Strike concept
could be designed in the HERO System to
allow the Monk to strike Desolid opponents,
or to bypass normal defenses allowing them
to harm even heavily armored opponents.
Also, if using a Multipower to represent
a Monks Unarmed Strike ability, an option
is given for a more powerful version of
Ki Strike. To advance Ki Strike, just buy
more dice of effect or add additional Advantages. |
Ki Strike -- Ghosttouch: HA
+4d6, Affects Desol Any form of Desolidification
(+1/2) (30 Active Points); HA (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 13 Points |
Ki Strike -- Dim Mak: HA +4d6,
Armor Piercing (+1/2) (30 Active Points);
HA (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 13 Points |
Monks eventually develop immunity to Poisons
as well as Disease. As with Purity of Body,
this is handled via Life Support. |
Diamond Body: LS: Immunity to Poison |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Abundant Step
Monks eventually develop an odd ability
to Dimension Door once per day. This ability
is a tad inexplicable, but easily enough
handled in the HERO System using Teleportation. |
Abundant Step: Teleportation 10"
(20 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Requires
Meditation Roll (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 6 Points |
Monks eventually develop Spell Resistance
in the source material. The following ability
can be used to model this benefit. |
Spell Resistance: Magic Damage Reduction,
Resistant, 25% |
Real Cost: 15 points |
Monks eventually develop an odd ability
to strike an opponent now, and have the
damage occur later at will.
This can be modeled in the HERO System with
a Power construct. Drain vs. BODY is recommended
over a Killing Attack as with a Drain if
the target isn't killed by the attack, they
will recover from the ordeal relatively
quickly, and any Armor or fleshy defense
used by the target will not protect them
from the attack which seems more appropriate
for an internal art such as this. |
If using a Multipower for a Monk's Unarmed
Strike capability detailed above, a version
of Quivering Palm is provided with the Multipower
description, otherwise it may be purchased
as a separate ability as described below. |
Quivering Palm: Drain BODY 1 1/2d6,
Uncontrolled (Terminates After 1 Phase per
50 Character Points of Monk When Trigger
Set) (+1/2), Trigger (At Will; +1/2), Continuous
(+1), IPE (Fully Invisible; +1) (60 Active
Points); 1 Recoverable Charge which Recovers
every 1 Week (-1 3/4), Extra Time (Full
Phase, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase,
Real Cost: 18 Points |
Monks eventually become apparently ageless,
not showing the ravages of time. Their lifespan
is not extended past human norm, but they
don't have to suffer through the ignominy
of decrepitude. This, like Purity of Body
and Diamond Body, falls under Life Support
in the HERO System. However, Life Support
Immunity to Aging or Longevity extends a
character's lifespan. Thus a custom 1 Point
variant is suggested instead, Immune to
Aging Effects. The character's lifespan
is not extended, but the character need
not ever take the Age Disadvantage and would
not be affected by any unusual Powers inflicting
Age or the effects of Age. |
Body: Life Support , Longevity:
Immune to Aging Effects (but still Ages) |
Real Cost: 3 Points |
Oddly, Monks eventually gain the ability
to make themselves understood in practically
any language. This is easily represented
with the Universal Translator ability in
the HERO System. |
Tongue of the Sun and the Moon: Universal
Translator 14- (23 Active Points); Concentration
1/2 DCV, Must Concentrate throughout use
of Constant Power (-1/2), Requires A Meditation
Skill Roll (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 11 Points |
Very advanced Monks develop the ability
to go Ethereal for short periods of time,
stepping into a Transitive Dimension. They
cannot interact with the real world in this
state but can sense and speak normally.
While in this state a Monk can interact
with other Ethereal creatures, walk thru
walls and ceilings, escape bonds, and other
useful things. This is all directly convertible
into the HERO System with a Power Construct
based on Desolidification. |
Empty Body: Desolidification (affected
by Ethereal Affecting) (40 Active Points);
1 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 1 Minute
each (-3/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV, Must
Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power
(-1/2), Requires A Meditation Skill Roll
(Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1
per 20 Active Points -1/4), Extra Time Delayed
Phase (-1/4) |
Real Cost: 14 Points |
Finally, at the apex of their achievement,
Monks become Outsiders, ascending beyond
the mortal coil. This has a number of pros
and cons which don't map directly into the
HERO System as they deal primarily with
game mechanics specific to D&D3e. However,
the following are offered as approximations. |
Outsider: Force Field (5 PD/5 ED/5
Mental Defense/5 Power Defense/5 Flash Defense:
Hearing Group/5 Flash Defense: Sight Group),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent
(+1/2), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight
Groups (Detectable By Alignment Detection,
Mystic Senses; +3/4) (82 Active Points);
Not vs. Attacks That Affect Desolid (-1/4),
Always On (-1/4) |
Outsider State: Physical Limitation:
Affected by Alignment Specific Effects targeting
Law; Real Cost -5 Points |
Real Cost: 55 Points / 50 Points
after Disadvantages |
Not all warriors fight with steel in their hands; some fight bare handed instead.
Much like other warriors these Pugilists emphasize personal skill and learned techniques
backed up by physical conditioning. Where more conventional combatants rely on equipment,
such as armor and well crafted swords, Pugilists need nothing to be deadly.
Presented below are an assortment of Basic Packages, Extension Packages, and Composite
Packages for your use.