Sample Barbarian:
Kargas the Bold from Ptolus, City
by the Spire |
"Brave, often reckless warriors",
Barbarians are undisciplined and primal
warriors, typically found in the wild lands.
Unspoiled by the corruption of convenience
and structure, they fight with their heart
rather than their heads, and are as tough
as old roots. |
Barbarians excel in rugged environments
and generally prefer to avoid overly "civilized"
lands. Rough and tumble suits them best.
While other classes develop special abilities
and practice arcane arts, Barbarians tend
to get tougher and meaner, developing their
physical skills, hardiness, and sheer bloody-mindedness.
The following guidelines provide advice
on how to take D&D Barbarians and convert
them into the HERO System. |
Barbarian Class Ability Considerations |
Some Characters and Monsters get more Attacks
per Round than others in D&D 3e, and
this bears special consideration when converting
into the HERO System.
For starters, all Characters are going to
get more "attacks per round" (or
per six seconds to be more accurate) in
the HERO System because the basic design
of the combat system revolves around twelve
second Turns in which all Characters make
at least one action, and often many more
than one.
However there are several mechanisms available
to ensure that those that have a lot of
Attacks in D&D 3e maintain their edge in
melee nonetheless.
SPEED Figured Characteristic |
The most direct method of increasing one's
actions in the HERO System is to simply
buy more SPEED. However since Fantasy HERO
is a Heroic level game with Normal Characteristic
Maxima in place this can get expensive once
the Maxima has been hit. Due to the "force
multiplying" effect of SPEED, many
GM's will actively resist Character concepts
pertaining to increasing it too far. |
But, if your GM is amenable, even
a single point of SPEED over the Characteristic
Maxima can give a definite edge in combat
and should be considered. |
Killing Machine: +1 SPD (Over Characteristic
Maxima) |
Real Cost:
20 points
Sweep |
Sweep is an Optional Combat Maneuver which
is accessible to all Characters for free
if it is allowed at all.
Sweep allows a Character to attack multiple
opponents in HtH as long as they are within
melee range, but at a stiff to hit penalty.
To ensure superiority at it a Character
could buy several +2 OCV Combat Skill Levels
with Sweep.
Willow parted Four Times: +6 OCV
with SWEEP {allows four strikes without
penalty} |
Real Cost:
12 points
NPA Autofire |
Alternately, with your GM's permission,
you can buy an Autofire Naked Power Advantage
(NPA) usable with any weapon of up to a
certain amount of Active Points.
This is a personal ability inherent to the
Character, and it is usable with any weapon
of the appropriate type. This will enable
your Fighter to strike multiple times with
each attack as described under Autofire.
However few GM's would permit NPA's 
taken to be applied to free Equipment; due
to their overpowering efficiency. |
If their use is common place then it likely
balances out but if only a few characters
have access to such abilties (such as the
PC's for instance), it can be very unbalancing.
Check with your GM prior to taking any NPA
based ability to determine whether or not
the GM allows them in their campaign. |
Flurry of Strikes: Naked Modifier,
Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) for up to 4d6 HKA
(15 Active Points); OIF (Sword of Opportunity,
-1/2) Costs 1 END |
Real Cost:
10 points
Signature Power |
With your GM's permission you could buy
a special Attack Power that allows your
Character to do damage to more than one
opponent at a time.
You can use variations on Area of Effect:
Any Area with No Range to indicate an ability
to accurately attack all the hexes adjacent
to your character, for example.
This is a more expensive option, but it
makes for interesting flavor for a given
Character; also, don't forget the advantage
of only needing to hit a hexes DCV of 3.
Reaping the Whirlwind: Killing Attack
- Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD),
+1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Area Of Effect
(4" Any Area; +1) (67 Active Points);
OIF (Sword of Opportunity; -1/2), All hexes
must be adjacent to own hex (-1/2) Costs
7 END |
Real Cost:
33 points
The Rage ability is the biggest class ability
of the 3e Barbarian. There are an almost
endless number of ways to do this in the
HERO System, several of which are provided
here as examples.
Charge Based |
A very straightforward way of doing Barbarian
Rage is via a set list of Characteristic
modifiers on a Continuing Charge. This covers
the "X/Day" mechanic of the source
material and is basically a direct and literal
interpretation of the ability in HERO terms.
However, it has the downside of being cumbersome
to record on a Character Sheet. |
Rage 1/Day: (1 Continuing Charges
lasting 1 Minute each (-1), Side Effects
(-5 STR, -5 Dex, -3" Run for 1 Minute
after Charge elapses), Side Effect
occurs automatically whenever Power is used
(-1/2), Cant use any Full Phase actions
or anything requiring Concentration (-1/4) |
+10 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END;
+1/2) (15 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics
(-1/2) |
+5 CON (10 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2) |
+5 BODY (10 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2) |
+5 EGO (10 Active Points) |
+2 with HTH Combat (10 Active Points) |
-2 DCV (-10 Active Points) |
Real Cost: 15 points |
- Add Rage 2/Day: +2 Real Cost
- Add Rage 3/Day: +2 Real Cost
- Add Rage 4/Day: +2 Real Cost
Total Real Cost for Rage 4/Day:
21 points |
Add Great Rage 4/Day: (4 Continuing
Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (+0); Side
Effects (-5 STR, -5 Dex, -3" Run for
1 Minute after Charge elapses),
Side Effect occurs automatically whenever
Power is used (-1/2), Cant use any Full
Phase actions or anything requiring Concentration
(-1/4) |
+15 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END;
+1/2) (22 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics
(-1/2) |
+10 CON (20 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2) |
+8 BODY (16 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2) |
+8 EGO (16 Active Points) |
+3 with HTH Combat (15 Active Points) |
-2 DCV (-10 Active Points) |
Real Cost: +16 points |
- Add Great Rage 5/Day: +9 Real Cost
Total Real Cost for Great Rage 5/Day:
46 points |
Add Great Rage 6/Day, No Longer Winded:
(6 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes
each (+1/4); Cant use any Full Phase actions
or anything requiring Concentration (-1/4)
+15 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END;
+1/2) (26 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics
(-1/2) |
+10 CON (25 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2) |
+8 BODY (20 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2) |
+8 EGO (20 Active Points) |
+3 with HTH Combat (19 Active Points) |
-2 DCV (-12 Active Points)
Real Cost: +16 points |
Total Real Cost for Great Rage 6/Day:
62 points |
Disadvantage Based |
Another way to do a Barbarian Rage ability
is to take an Enraged or Berserk Disadvantage,
and then take abilities that only work while
the Character is Enraged or Berserk. You
define what causes the character to go Enraged/Berserk
when you take the Disadvantage, and
then assign a Limitation to abilities that
are only usable in that state, with the
size of the Limitation based on how often
the Enraged will apply.
Just about any ability can be taken in this
fashion if it's appropriate, allowing some
highly individualized Characters. |
How common the Enraged will occur is mainly
a GM's call, but as an example at the low
end an Enraged 14- When In Combat is only
worth -1/4 because it will come up often
-- its roughly analogous to Only In Hero
On the other hand an Enraged 8-When Family
Members Are In Danger could be worth between
a -1 1/2 to -2 depending on the GM's determination
of how likely the characters family members
will come into danger, for instance. |
If the Character must be Berserk rather
than Enraged add another -1/4 to the Limitation.
If a Character has multiple Enraged Disadvantages
that can satisfy the condition on a Character's
Power or Powers, then reduce the Limitation
value accordingly. |
The following two examples contrast the
same basic "Rage" effect, but
based on two different Enraged Disadvantages.
One is more common, and thus the abilities
cost more, while the other is less likely
to occur based upon the circumstances and
chance to go Enraged. |
Battle Fury: Enraged: In Battle (Very
Common), go 14-, recover 14-; Disadvantage
Total: 25 Points |
Shrug it off: Armor (5 PD/5
ED) (15 Active Points); Only While Enraged
(-1/4) (Real Cost: 12)
Righteous Anger: +15 STR,
Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (22 Active
Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2),
Only While Enraged (-1/4) (Real Cost: 12)
Painless: +40 STUN (40 Active
Points); Only While Enraged (-1/4), Taken
off after normal STUN (-1/4) (Real Cost:
Unstoppable: +10 BODY (20
Active Points); Only While Enraged (-1/4),
Taken off after normal BODY (-1/4) (Real
Cost: 13)
In your face: Knockback Resistance
-4" (8 Active Points); Only While Enraged
(-1/4) (Real Cost: 6) |
Real Cost: 70 Points |
Anger of the Wounded Bear: Enraged:
When Takes BODY (Common), go 11-, recover
11-; Disadvantage Total: 20 Points |
Shrug it off: Armor (5 PD/5
ED) (15 Active Points); Only While Enraged
(-3/4) (Real Cost: 8) |
Righteous Anger: +15 STR,
Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (22 Active
Points); Only While Enraged (-3/4), No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2) (Real Cost: 10) |
Painless: +40 STUN (40 Active
Points); Only While Enraged (-3/4), Taken
off after normal STUN (-1/4) (Real Cost:
20) |
Unstoppable: +10 BODY (20
Active Points); Only While Enraged (-3/4),
Taken off after normal BODY (-1/4) (Real
Cost: 10) |
In your face: Knockback Resistance
-4" (8 Active Points); Only While Enraged
(-3/4) (Real Cost: 4);
Real Cost: 52 Points |
Aid Based |
Yet another way to do Rage is as a Self-Only
Aid; an example of this type of construct,
designed as a Talent, is given on page 104
of the Fantasy HERO book.
This type of Rage construct starts off at
max power and gets weaker as the fight goes
on. However, by using the Expanded Effect
options for Aid, you can construct and Aid
that work vs. multiple Characteristics and/or
Powers all at once. You can also decrease
the FADE rate, making the boost last longer,
at a correspondingly greater point cost.
Personally I'm not fond of this sort of
construct for "Rage" effects as
the Character has to take the time to use
the Aid on themselves; in effect they have
to "work themselves up", and further
to get max effect it can take multiple attempts,
and also the effect fades over time.
However, for those that like this sort of
approach, the following example is provided. |
Red Rage: Aid: STR, DEX, CON, BODY
3d6, Variable Effect Four Powers Simultaneously
(+1) (60 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2),
Side Effects (-3 DCV), Side Effect occurs
automatically whenever Power is used (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 30 points |
Succor Based |
Similarly, you could base a Rage Construct
off of Succor, which is a variant of Aid
described on page 89 of the HERO System
5th Edition main rule book.
The same principle of the Character having
to "work themselves up" that applied
to the Aid version also applies here since
the Character has to take take actions to
activate Succor on themselves; to get full
effect from the example ability takes two
Actions for instance. However, this variant
will last as long as the Character can afford
to pay the END to maintain it. In some cases
this is a pro, and in others a con. |
Sustained Hate: Succor: STR, DEX,
CON, BODY 3d6 (max. Aided Points: 18), Variable
Effect Four Powers Simultaneously (+1) (30
Active Points); Self Only (-1/2) [Standard
Effect Rule: +9 STR, +3 DEX, +4 CON, +4
BODY; 3 END per Phase per use] |
(Max Effect: +18 STR, +6 DEX, +9 CON, +9
BODY; this takes two Actions to activate
and costs 6 END per Phase to maintain)
Real Cost: 20 Points |
Absorption Based |
To reflect a Character that gets stronger
the longer they fight, which has some "Battle
Rage" aspects to it, you could also
base Rage on Absorption.
One of the benefits to this approach is
that it takes no effort on the part of the
Character. Another benefit is that using
the "Absorption As A Defense"
option presented in the Ultimate Brick,
this form of Rage also grants respectable
protection from damage until it caps out. |
When You Hit Me It Only Makes Me Mad:
Absorption 2d6, Can Absorb Maximum Of 15
Points' Worth Of Physical Damage, Provides
Resistant PD (+1/2), Absorption As A Defense
(x2), STR, BODY, STUN, END simultaneously
(+1) (40 Active Points) |
(Max Effect: +15 STR, +7 BODY, +15 STUN,
+30 END)
Real Cost: 40 Points |
Multiform Based |
With GM permission you could use Multiform
and use it to create a "Rage Form"
that you switch into when angry, with inflated
stats, completely different skills, or what
have you. However, this has the potential
for abuse and should be carefully monitored
for play balance. |
Because the cost of Multiform changes based
on a number of elements, no example is provided;
consult page 137 of the HERO System 5th
Edition main rulebook for details on how
to use Multiform. |
In D&D 3e Barbarians are fleet of foot.
This is easily modeled in the HERO System
by simply buying a couple of extra inches
of run, which any character can do. |
Extra Run |
All HERO System Characters can simply bump
their Run attribute up; this costs 2 Points
per 1" until Characteristic Maxima
is reached (usually 10" unless modified
by a Race Package Deal). |
Fast Mover: +1" Running
Real Cost: 2 Points per 1" up
to NCM; then 4 Points per 1" |
Tireless Running |
For a character that is not only swift but
also tireless, consider buying 0 END Running
instead. |
Fleet: Reduced Endurance (0 End,
+1/2) on 1" of Running |
Real Cost: 1 Point per 1" |
Some D&D 3e Classes gain the ability to
be very dodgy and difficult to flank. Since
Uncanny Dodge is rooted in system-specific
mechanics, it loses a lot of its relevance
in the HERO System. However, the following
examples translate the concept into abilities
that are useful from a HERO System perspective. |
In the HERO System there is an ability called
Defense Maneuver that is somewhat analogous
to Uncanny Dodge, and is a very useful ability
to have for any Character that expects to
be involved in swirling melees. |
Uncanny Dodge (DEX Bonus to AC):
Defense Maneuver IV |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Defense Maneuver IV already prevents Flanking
in as far as the concept exists in the HERO
System. However, a Character could take
this even further and make themselves adept
at using multiple attackers against themselves
to avoid getting hit. |
Uncanny Dodge (Cant be Flanked):
+4 DCV; Only vs Multiple Attackers (-1) |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
This is a concept that has no real parallel
in the HERO System as a separate mechanic.
However, a Character could make themselves
particularly good at avoiding Traps if they
like. |
Uncanny Dodge (+X vs Traps): +X DCV;
Only vs Traps (-2) |
Real Cost: 1.6 Points per +1 DCV |
In D&D 3e as a Barbarian advances, they
become tougher and more difficult to harm.
They gain the benefit of a Class ability
called Damage Reduction, which happens to
work exactly like all defenses work in the
HERO System by default. Thus it is quite
easy to model the Class ability in the HERO
System. Several options are provided. |
Damage Resistance |
The most direct way to model the Damage
Reduction Class ability is with the Damage
Resistance Power, which makes a Character's
Normal damage defense resistant to Killing
damage attack (such as swords and axes and
So Tough: Damage Resistance X PD/
X ED |
Real Cost: 1 Point per normal 1PD
/ 1ED made Resistant. |
Armor |
The next most direct way to model this ability
is with the Armor Power. Slightly more expensive
this option raises a Character's overall
defenses. However if the GM is using Armor
Stacking house rules to prevent Characters
from piling on multiple forms of protection,
this may not be the best option. It is also
a little bit "over the top" for
most normal Characters, being more like
a super power or a Race advantage.. |
Tough As Nails: Armor +X PD / +X
ED |
Real Cost: 3 Points per 1 PD / 1
ED |
Combat Luck |
This ability can also be represented as
Combat Luck. Not as reliable, Combat Luck
does have some pros over the previous examples
in that it is inherently Hardened, but on
the other hand is not persistent. |
Just Missed Me: Combat Luck 3 PD/3
ED (Defined as: Armor [3 PD / 3 ED], Hardened
[+1/4], Non-Persistent [-1/4], Must Perceive
Attack And Be Able To Reasonably Avoid Or
Counteract Damage [-1/2]) |
Real Cost: 6 Points per level |
A variant of Combat Luck, Hard-bitten represents
an "only a Flesh Wound" effect
rather than the "just missed me"
effect of Combat Luck. With this version
if the PD or ED of the ability would completely
negate all damage, instead it lets a point
of BODY and / or STUN through, however if
some damage would get through regardless
then it works normally applying its full
PD or ED to the incoming damage. In this
way a Character that has this ability will
get scratched up, but avoids the full effect
of damage. |
For instance if a Barbarian that had this
ability at the 3 PD / 3 ED level were stabbed
with a knife that did 1 BODY and 3 STUN
they would take 1 BODY and 1 STUN. Similarly
if they were stabbed with a dagger that
did 4 BODY and 4 STUN they would also take
1 BODY and 1 STUN. In both cases Hard-bitten
did not protect them from the first point
of damage from the attacks. |
NOTE: Hard-bitten counts as Combat
Luck for any campaign Guidelines regarding
the amount of Combat Luck that a Character
might have. |
Only a Flesh Wound: Hard-bitten 3
PD/3 ED (Defined as: Armor [3 PD / 3ED],
Does Not Protect Vs. The First Point Of
Body Or STUN From Each Separate Increment
Of Damage Taken [-1/2]) |
Real Cost: 6 Points per level |
Damage Reduction |
Finally, you could model this Class ability
via Damage Reduction; while not an exact
port it's well within the intent of the
original Class ability. Being percentile
based, this ability is more advantageous
in higher powered games with larger amounts
of damage being inflicted on average. |
Tougher Than You:
25% Damage Reduction Physical, Resistant,
STUN Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2),
Non-Persistent (-1/4) |
25% Damage Reduction Energy, Resistant,
STUN Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2),
Non-Persistent (-1/4) |
Real Cost: 14 Points |
Way Tougher Than You:
50% Damage Reduction Physical, Resistant,
STUN Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2),
Non-Persistent (-1/4) |
50% Damage Reduction Energy, Resistant,
STUN Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2),
Non-Persistent (-1/4) |
Real Cost: 26 Points |
A hindrance rather than a feature, as chance
would have it all Characters are assumed
to be illiterate in Fantasy HERO, so unless
the GM declares that this isn't the case
nothing needs to be done to model this in
the HERO System.
On the other hand if characters are not
illiterate by default in your campaign,
then a character that is illiterate may
take Illiteracy as a -1 point modifier for
their native language. |
Barbarians are undisciplined and primal warriors, typically found in the wild lands.
Unspoiled by the corruption of convenience and structure, they fight with their
heart rather than their heads, and are as tough as old roots.
Compared to other professions they emphasize personal skill and natural talent honed
by a rugged existence, backed up by hardy physical conditioning.
Presented below are an assortment of Basic Packages, Extension Packages, and Composite
Packages for your use.