Midkemian Dwarves
Midkemian Dwarves typically live in highland villages or in mountain holdfasts, typcially farming and/or maintaining livestock for sustenance. They favor pipe smoking, ale drinking, and growing luxurious beards. They speak the speech of men with a distinctive brogue. Most Midkemian Dwarves love a good fight, particularly against goblins and dark elves.
Cost Ability
3 Strong: +3 STR
10 Durable: +5 CON
10 Sturdy: +5 BODY
6 Stubborn +3 EGO
4 Tireless: +2 REC
5 Infravision: Infrared Perception
6 Stalwart: +5 Mental Defense, +5 Power Defense,  +5 PRE; Only to Resist Fear (-2)
2 Keen Senses: +1 PER with Normal Hearing and Normal Touch
2 Longevity: LS: 400 Years
3 So Tough: Damage Resistance 3 PD, 3 ED
4 Find the Path: Detect Way Out, Discriminatory, Underground Only (-1)
1 Walk the Path: Bump of Direction, Underground Only (-1)
4 Underground Senses: Detect Depth & Slope Information, Discriminatory, Underground Only (-1)
3 Racial Enmity: +1 All Combat, vs Dark Elves Only (-2)
3 Racial Enmity: +1 All Combat, vs Goblins Only (-2)
Value Disadvantages
-20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Distinctive Feature: Dwarf (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
-5 Physical Limitation: Short but Heavy (4 ft - 5 ft; 250 to 400 lbs)
-2 Slow: -1" Running
-2 Dense Flesh: -2" Swimming
-1 Cumbersome: -1" Leaping
-6 Thick-limbed: -2 DEX
+25 Total Cost of Package