Young Sortispexus
The Young Sortispexus is an advanced prodigy who has learned the rudiments of the entire Star of Interaction, the Nexus and all Eight Pinnacles. Perhaps the child of a Sortispexus that benefited from preferential training, an extremely ambitious savant, or just a naturaly talented individual, the Young Sortispexus has the potential to be very dangerous.
Completely focused on Sortilege, the Young Sortispexus are a little one-dimensional, but capable of very powerful and insidious Magics. Any adventuring party should be happy to have one amongst them if they can be trusted, and loathe to have them as an enemy either from within or without.
Cost Ability
55 Basic Sortiligist Package of Choice (Prepared, Gestalt, Spontaneous)
24 Animal Handling (Ina), Conversation (Vex), High Society (Wos), Interrogation (Dib), Oratory (Alo), Persuasion (Fas), Seduction (Nar), and Trading (Ulb)
5 +1 with All Interaction Skills
17 Advanced Spellcasting: +15 VPP
5 Real Cost Doubler for VPP
106 Total Cost of Abilities
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
Sortiligist (Spontaneous)
The Sortilege Magic System is detailed here.
This Package Deal is for Sortiligists using the Spontaneous Model
Sortiligists are Arcane Magic users that organize their theory of Magic into a concept that they call the Star of Interaction, defined as the Nexus of the Star (Power Skill ( Performance) -- called "Ylo") and the Eight Pinnacles of  the Star (Animal Handling (Ina), Conversation (Vex), High Society (Wos), Interrogation (Dib), Oratory (Alo), Persuasion (Fas), Seduction (Nar), and Trading (Ulb)).
In addition to mastery of their brand of Magic, Sortiligists tend to be capable and wily survivors, with a wide variety of skills and abilities. They are often mistaken for Bards, Rogues, Enchanters, and gentlemen adventurers, and are not easily classifiable.
Cost Ability
5 Sortilege MPP 0 Level: MP, 15-point reserve, (15 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2), Requires At Least -1/4 In RSR (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
8 Sortilege MPP 1st Level: MP, 30-point reserve, (30 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2), Spontaneous Casting Discount (-1/2), Requires At Least -1/4 In RSR (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
11 Sortilege MPP 2nd Level: MP, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); Spontaneous Casting Discount (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2); all slots Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
13 Sortilege MPP 3rd Level: MP, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); Spontaneous Casting Discount (-1 1/2), 4 Charges (-1), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2), Requires At Least -1/4 In RSR (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
14 14 points in Spells (Multipower Slots)
3 YLO: Power Skill: Performance
1 Literacy w/ Chosen Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
15 Sortilege MPP 4th Level: MP, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); Spontaneous Casting Discount (-2), 4 Charges (-1), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2), Requires At Least -1/4 In RSR (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
17 Sortilege MPP 5th Level: MP, 90-point reserve, (90 Active Points); Spontaneous Casting Discount (-2), 4 Charges (-1), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2), Requires At Least -1/4 In RSR (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
*5 Any 1 Interaction Skill (Animal Handling, Conversation, High Society, Interrogation, Oratory, Persuasion, Seduction, Trading) at +1
5 Charismatic: +5 PRE
10 Magnetic: +10 PRE
5 +1 with All PRE Based Rolls
2 WF: Sortiligist Group (Dagger, Short Blades, Slings)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Self Centered (Common, Strong)
-5 Social Limitation: Disreputable Master (Master is generally scorned, disrespected, or has a questionable past -- this colors peoples perception of character) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with Other Magic Users (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Basic Package Deals
Sortiligist (Prepared)
The Sortilege Magic System is detailed here.
This Package Deal is for Sortiligists using the Prepared Model
Sortiligists are Arcane Magic users that organize their theory of Magic into a concept that they call the Star of Interaction, defined as the Nexus of the Star (Power Skill ( Performance) -- called "Ylo") and the Eight Pinnacles of  the Star (Animal Handling (Ina), Conversation (Vex), High Society (Wos), Interrogation (Dib), Oratory (Alo), Persuasion (Fas), Seduction (Nar), and Trading (Ulb)).
In addition to mastery of their brand of Magic, Sortiligists tend to be capable and wily survivors, with a wide variety of skills and abilities. They are often mistaken for Bards, Rogues, Enchanters, and gentlemen adventurers, and are not easily classifiable.
Cost Ability
34 Wizard VPP (30 Pool)
17 +1 Spell Level (+15 Pool)
3 YLO: Power Skill: Performance
1 Literacy w/ Chosen Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
*17.5 Higher Spell Level Pool: +15 Pool
*5 Any 1 Interaction Skill (Animal Handling, Conversation, High Society, Interrogation, Oratory, Persuasion, Seduction, Trading) at +1
5 Charismatic: +5 PRE
10 Magnetic: +10 PRE
5 +1 with All PRE Based Rolls
2 WF: Sortiligist Group (Dagger, Short Blades, Slings)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Self Centered (Common, Strong)
-5 Social Limitation: Disreputable Master (Master is generally scorned, disrespected, or has a questionable past -- this colors peoples perception of character) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with Other Magic Users (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Basic Package Deals
Sortiligist (Gestalt)
The Sortilege Magic System is detailed here.
This Package Deal is for Sortiligists using the Gestalt Model
Sortiligists are Arcane Magic users that organize their theory of Magic into a concept that they call the Star of Interaction, defined as the Nexus of the Star (Power Skill ( Performance) -- called "Ylo") and the Eight Pinnacles of  the Star (Animal Handling (Ina), Conversation (Vex), High Society (Wos), Interrogation (Dib), Oratory (Alo), Persuasion (Fas), Seduction (Nar), and Trading (Ulb)).
In addition to mastery of their brand of Magic, Sortiligists tend to be capable and wily survivors, with a wide variety of skills and abilities. They are often mistaken for Bards, Rogues, Enchanters, and gentlemen adventurers, and are not easily classifiable.
Cost Ability
48 Gestalt VPP (30 Pool)
3 YLO: Power Skill: Performance
3 Determined: +3 Presense
1 Literacy w/ Chosen Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
*24 Higher Spell Level Pool: +15 Pool
*5 Any 1 Interaction Skill (Animal Handling, Conversation, High Society, Interrogation, Oratory, Persuasion, Seduction, Trading) at +1
5 Charismatic: +5 PRE
10 Magnetic: +10 PRE
5 +1 with All PRE Based Rolls
2 WF: Sortiligist Group (Dagger, Short Blades, Slings)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Self Centered (Common, Strong)
-5 Social Limitation: Disreputable Master (Master is generally scorned, disrespected, or has a questionable past -- this colors peoples perception of character) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with Other Magic Users (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)