Spellswords are Warriors that supplement their martial abilities with Wizardly Magic. They are deadly with both magical attack and steely blade, and their foes often find themselves the recipients of a vicious two pronged assault.
Spellswords are fun to play because they are dangerous Warriors with a sleeve full of tricks, able to take care of themselves starting out and with the potential to advance their magical acumen as the adventure progresses.
Cost Ability
53 Light Foot (recoup AF: Light Armor)
33 Prodigal
17 Combat Casting Package
2 WF: Wizard Group (Dagger, Darts, Staff)
109 Total Cost of Abilities
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
Light Foot
As the name would indicate Light Foot typically fight on foot. They generally wear lighter armor and wield lighter weapons.
Light Foot concentrate on speed, manueverability, skill, and technique over brute force and strength. Reflexes and adroitness are their bread and butter, and they often make use of easily carried thrown weapons which they can hurl at an opponent.
Adept skirmishers, Light Foot are much more dangerous than their lightly armored fast moving nature would suggest, and what they lack in striking power they make up for with accuracy and finesse.
Cost Ability
6 Quick: +2 DEX
10 Nimble: +1 SPD
4 Fleet: +2" Run
10 Precision: Find Weakness 11-: One Attack (choose)
2 AF: Light Armor Proficiency
5 WF: Common Melee, Common Missile, Slings
10 Choose One:
  • Combat Skill Levels: +1 All Combat and
    +1 OCV with Weapon of Choice
  • Combat Skill Levels: +1 HtH and
    +1 DCV
  • Combat Skill Levels: +1 Ranged and
    +1 DCV
  • Combat Skill Levels: +5 OCV with Weapon of Choice
  • Skill Levels: +1 Overall Level
  • Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Range Modifier and
    +2 OCV with Weapon of Choice
  • Penalty Skill Levels: +2 vs. Range Modifier and
    +2 OCV with a Tight Group of Attacks
  • Penalty Skill Levels: +2 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks and
    Telescopic Sight: +4 with Normal Sight only to Offset Range Penalties and
    Enhanced Perception: +2 PER with Normal Sight
1 FAM: Acrobatics
3 Breakfall
3 Fast Draw
1 Warrior Elite: Right to Bear Arms or Equivalent For Culture
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
4 Archer's Strength: +10 STR No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima of Bows (-1)
10 Lethal: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any weapon
7.5 Light Lethality: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any light weapon 
+10 More Precise: Increase Find Weakness to Tight Group
+20 Incredibly Precise: Increase Find Weakness to All Attacks
+10 Reliably Precise: Increase Find Weakness to 13-
+40 Always Precise: Increase Find Weakness to 17-
6 Shifty: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
4 Dodgy: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Not Wearing Armor (-1/2)
4 Second Skin: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Wearing Light Armor (-1/2)
5 Passive Blocking: +3 DCV; OAF: Weapon of Choice (-1), vs HtH Only (-1)
-5 Physical Limitation: Old Injury (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
-5 Psychological Limitation: Warriors Code (Uncommon, Moderate)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Swashbuckler Mentality (Common, Moderate)
-10 Rivalry with other Warriors (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Extention Package Deals
The Wizardry Magic System is detailed here.
The Prodigal may have attended a formal University of Magic, been instructed by a Mentor, or otherwise received instuction in the Wizardly Arts (perhaps by a Spellcasting parent) but either way they received many years of instruction and then either quit, got kicked out, were given up on by their instructors, or something else occured that prevented them from finishing their training. Some continue to educate themselves as best they can.
The Prodigal Package is useful for any half-trained Wizard concept, or even for a "multiclass" character that split their time between Magic and some other pursuit. Also, a Character built on the Prodigal can always improve their Magic capabilities as they progress, so its a good starting point for mixed background concepts.
Cost Ability
17 Wizard VPP (15 Pool)
15 Spellcraft 11-
1 Literacy w/ Native Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Extention Package Deals
Combat Casting
Some Spellcasters are taught how to use their Spellcasting in violent circumstances. Simply add this package to a character that has received this sort of training.
Cost Ability
12 Combat Spellcasting (+3 All Combat, Only for OCV, Only with Spells)
5 +1 DCV or (AF: Light Armor plus +2 Penalty Skill Levels, Only to offset Armor Casting Penalty)
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package