Volomancer Adventurer
Volomancers have some capabilities unusual for an Arcanist; for instance they have the capacity to use Healing Magic. And unlike run of the mill Adepts, Volomancers do not accrue Long Term Endurance loss for using their power to its fullest. However, they do have more overhead involved in the cost of their Adept Talents, and further suffer penalties to their Active Point availablity when wearing Armor.
The Volomancer Adventurer is very adaptable to the sometimes harsh life of an adventurer, with a flexible array of options at their disposal. They are fun to play because they are very competant and always have some potential to lend assistance to whatever problem comes up.
Cost Ability
57 Volomancer Package; Upgrade both 1 point Category Talents to 2 points
12 Add all six other category Talents at the 2 point level.
24 Volomancy VPP: +15 Pool
2 Mana Pool: +10 END and +1 REC
5 +1 Ranged Combat Level
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
Volomancers use the Volomancy variant of Adeptology.
Volomancers are powerful naturally occuring Arcane Magic Users, that dont require any training to use their abilities and are able to work their will upon most situations.
Volomancers are able to will Magic into effect based on inborn access to various categories of Powers. Each Volomancer has a different selection of Adept Talents; few have all of them. The Power Categories are Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, and  Size.
If a Volomancers wants to be able to use the full Active Points of their Volomancy VPP for Spells based on Powers belonging to a Category then they must take a 2 point Talent for that Category at character creation. If they take a 1 point Talent with a Category then they can use up to half of their VPP for Spells based on Powers of that Category. If they do not take a Talent for a Category, then they cannot uses Spells based on a Power in that Category at all.
Cost Ability
48 Volomancy VPP (30 Pool, Arcane)
3 Mana Pool: Endurance Reserve (20 END, 1 REC)
2 Magic Adept (Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, or  Size)
1 Magic Adept (Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, or  Size)
1 Magic Adept (Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, or  Size)
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
var Increase END and/or REC of Mana Pool
16* +10 Pool for VPP
2* Magic Adept (Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, or  Size)
1* Magic Adept (Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, or  Size)
10 Refusal: +10 Power Defense
10 Unshakeable Ego: +10 Mental Defense
5 Bright: +5 INT
10 Brilliant: +10 INT
5 Charismatic: +5 PRE
10 Magnetic: +10 PRE
10 Resolute: +5 EGO
20 Willfull: +10 EGO
10 Durable: +5 CON
10 Adaptable: +1 Overall Skill Level
5 Battle Trained: AF: Light Armor, AF: Shield, Penalty Skill Levels: +1 to Offset DEX and DCV Penalties of Armor
1 Literacy
2 WF: Volomancer Group (Staff, Hand Crossbow, Dagger)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Arrogant (Common, Strong)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Egomaniacal (Common, Strong)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Self Centered (Common, Strong)
-10 Rivalry with other Magic Users  (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)