Rangers are skilled at living
in and protecting natural environments, typically woodlands. They leaven
their combat ability with skill at existing in harmony with and using their
environment to best advantage. |
As a gameism
that has evolved over years of play, there has been a
marked tendency for Rangers to concentrate on
archery skills, perhaps due to some subconscious
connection to Robin Hood in the minds of some players, although the
Ranger Class of games like D&D had no actual mechanical advantage for doing so. |
For a Ranger with Nature Magic,
consider using the Ranger (Animi) Package
Deal. |
For an archery based Ranger, consider defining the
Weapon of Choice for the abilities detailed in the Light Foot Package to be
a Bow; alternately, use the Archer Package
Deal and modify it by dropping some abilities and taking the Forest
Fighting Skills package (or one of the other Environment based Packages). |
Cost |
Ability |
55 |
Light Foot Package (Select Weapon
of Choice) |
10 |
Fighting Skills (minus Tracking only in Forests) |
6 |
Reduce Off Hand Penalty to -1 |
10 |
Two Weapon Fighting: HtH |
2 |
AK: Any 1 Forest |
2 |
KS: Nature Lore |
5 |
Tracking +1 |
90 |
Total Cost of Abilities |
Value |
Disadvantages |
0 |
None |
+90 |
Total Cost of Package |
Cost |
Options |
+10 |
Precise: Find Weakness to 13- |
+8 |
Combat Archery (+5 OCV with Bows, Only to
Prevent Hitting Non-Enemies When Firing Into Melees (-2)) |
+4 |
Penalty Skill Levels: +2 vs
Range Modifier with Any Bow |
+2 |
Keen of Eye: Telescopic
Sight +2 with Normal Sight only to Offset Range Penalties |
+5 |
Rapid Attack: Ranged |
+4 |
Rapid Archery (+2 with
Rapid Fire for Any Bow) |
+7 |
Friendship (Animal Handler [All Categories], PRE +3); 1
Charge (-2) |
+12 |
Forest Awareness: Danger
Sense (Area: Immediate Vicinity, Function as a Sense, Intuitional,
Sensitivity: Out of Combat) 14-; Only in Natural Settings
(-1) |
var |
Nature Magic: Buy Nature
Magic VPP; See Druid for details |
var |
Not a Forest-bound Ranger:
Drop Forest Fighting Package Deal and replace with some other
environment-oriented Packaged Deal; change AK: Any 1 Forest to appropriate
land feature. |
-5 |
Social Limitation: Wood
Warden (Honor-bound to defend a particular woodland area from depredation;
Occasionally, Minor) |
-15 |
Green Man: Enraged when
Woodlands destroyed/damaged (go 11-, recover 11-, Uncommon) |
As the name would indicate Light Foot typically fight on foot. They generally wear
lighter armor and wield lighter weapons.
Light Foot concentrate on speed, manueverability, skill, and technique over brute
force and strength. Reflexes and adroitness are their bread and butter, and they
often make use of easily carried thrown weapons which they can hurl at an opponent.
Adept skirmishers, Light Foot are much more dangerous than their lightly armored
fast moving nature would suggest, and what they lack in striking power they make
up for with accuracy and finesse.
Quick: +2 DEX
Nimble: +1 SPD
Fleet: +2" Run
Precision: Find Weakness 11-: One Attack (choose)
AF: Light Armor Proficiency
WF: Common Melee, Common Missile, Slings
Choose One:
- Combat Skill Levels: +1 All Combat and
+1 OCV with Weapon of Choice
- Combat Skill Levels: +1 HtH and
+1 DCV
- Combat Skill Levels: +1 Ranged and
+1 DCV
- Combat Skill Levels: +5 OCV with Weapon of Choice
- Skill Levels: +1 Overall Level
- Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Range Modifier and
+2 OCV with Weapon of Choice
- Penalty Skill Levels: +2 vs. Range Modifier and
+2 OCV with a Tight Group of Attacks
- Penalty Skill Levels: +2 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks and
Telescopic Sight: +4 with Normal Sight only to Offset Range Penalties and
Enhanced Perception: +2 PER with Normal Sight
FAM: Acrobatics
Fast Draw
Warrior Elite: Right to Bear Arms or Equivalent For Culture
Total Cost of Package
Archer's Strength: +10 STR No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima
of Bows (-1)
Lethal: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any weapon
Light Lethality: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any light weapon
More Precise: Increase Find Weakness to Tight Group
Incredibly Precise: Increase Find Weakness to All Attacks
Reliably Precise: Increase Find Weakness to 13-
Always Precise: Increase Find Weakness to 17-
Shifty: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
Dodgy: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Not Wearing
Armor (-1/2)
Second Skin: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Wearing
Light Armor (-1/2)
Passive Blocking: +3 DCV; OAF: Weapon of Choice (-1), vs HtH Only (-1)
Physical Limitation: Old Injury (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
Psychological Limitation: Warriors Code (Uncommon, Moderate)
Psychological Limitation: Swashbuckler Mentality (Common, Moderate)
Rivalry with other Warriors (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)