Militant Metieran
The Militant Metieran focuses on using his Magic in combat. Militant Metieran tend to favor Matrixes that are either attacks or protections, or else grant a battlefield advantage. They are ideally suited to the rough life of an adventurer, though their lack of utility Matrixes seldom win them any friends among their fellow adventurers.
Cost Ability
55 Metieran Package
17 Self Defense Techniques
17 Combat Casting
10 MP Ultra Slots
6 END Reserve: +30 END, +3 REC
105 Total Cost of Abilities
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
The Metier Magic System is detailed here.
Metierans learn to work Magic via a gamut of differing Styles. Most Metierans focus on mastering one Style, but some learn two or even three.
Due to the diversity of Metieran Styles the following Basic Package is particularly vague, but should be modifiable to cover many different permutations of Metieran characters.
Cost Ability
30 Metieran Style MPP with 30 point Reserve
9 9 points in Metieran Matrix Ultra-slots
6 Metieran END Reserve (30 END, 3 REC)
9 Power Skill (Metieran Style) + 3
1 Literacy w/ Native Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
var Second Metieran Style MPP
var More Ultra-slots
-6 Remove END Reserve
-10 Rivalry with other Magic Users (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Extention Package Deals
Self Defense Techniques
Some characters are taught basic techniques to help defend themselves versus physical assailiants, while others are just naturally intent on saving their own hide as much unfortunate impact as possible.
Cost Ability
5 Dodgy: +1DCV
12 Martial Dodge, Martial Block, Martial Escape
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Extention Package Deals
Combat Casting
Some Spellcasters are taught how to use their Spellcasting in violent circumstances. Simply add this package to a character that has received this sort of training.
Cost Ability
12 Combat Spellcasting (+3 All Combat, Only for OCV, Only with Spells)
5 +1 DCV or (AF: Light Armor plus +2 Penalty Skill Levels, Only to offset Armor Casting Penalty)
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package