Magni Sagacio
Magni Sagacio are studious and scholarly and focus on Spells that are either interesting to them for some esoteric reason or are just generally useful. Not often found adventuring for the normal reasons of glory and/or riches, Sagacio do sometimes go questing in pursuit of new knowledge or to acquire rare magical properties. However, despite their more passive approach to life, their erudition can be quite handy when knowledge is needed.
Sagacio are fun to play because they have a broad selection of specialized knowledges to call upon, giving them options in a wide range of situations.
Cost Ability
60 Magni Package (upgrade all School Skills to (9+INT/5) )
24 +15 Pool in Magni VPP
9 Loremastery Package (recoup 4 points from Magic School Skills)
15 Linguist Package
108 Total Cost of Abilities
Value Disadvantages
-0 None


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
The Arcanis Magnicus Magic System is detailed here.
Magni tend to be industrious and capable, with an ability to overcome obstacles in pursuit of their goals. Arcanis Magnicus is a results-oriented, practical and robust form of Magic Use, allowing practitioners great flexibility. However this flexibility comes at a cost; the Magic VPP of Arcanis Magnicus is very expensive, ensuring a slower progression than can be found in some other Magic Systems.
Magni are fun to play because they combine the expansive Magic capabilities of a Wizard with the flexibility and practicality of Sorcery, making for aggressively capable hybrid approach. Magni are powerful complements to any adventuring group, and are capable soloists as well.
Cost Ability
47 Magni VPP (30 Pool)
6 Spell School Skills: Any 3 of:  (KS: Potensium 11-, KS: Fortensium 11-, KS: Fugium 11-, KS: Comprium 11-)
1 Spell School Skills: Any 1 of:  (KS: Potensium 8-, KS: Fortensium 8-, KS: Fugium 8-, KS: Comprium 8-)
1 Literacy w/ Native Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
*24 Better Caster: +1  Spell Level (15 Pool)
5 Bright: +5 INT
10 Brilliant: +10 INT
5 +1 with All Int Based Rolls
3 Scholar
2 WF: Magni Group (Dagger, Darts, Staff)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Self Centered (Common, Strong)
-5 Social Limitation: Disreputable Master (Master is generally scorned, disrespected, or has a questionable past -- this colors peoples perception of character) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with other Magni (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Extention Package Deals
Some characters are accomplished students of languages as well. Simply add this package to such a character.
Cost Ability
3 Linguist
12 Languages: 12 points of Languages
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Extention Package Deals
Some characters are experts on various subjects. Simply add this Package to such a character.
NOTE: This Package assumes the Character does not have the Scholar Skill Enhancer; if they do simply remove it and decrease the Package Cost by -3 points.
Cost Ability
3 Scholar
10 Knowledge Skills: 10 points of Knowledge Skills
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package