Fighter (Armiger)
Fighters are premier warriors that have been trained and honed into killing machines. Able to do battle with any of a vast array of weapons and skilled at moving around in medium and heavy armor as if it were a second skin they are the mainstay warriors against which all others are measured to determine their lethality.
Armigers are a Fighter's Fighter; skilled, physically fit, well equipped, and having a vast competancy with the essential skills of a armed warrior. They make excellent additions to any adventuring group.
Cost Ability
55 Heavy Foot Package
48 Medium Foot Package (recoup Common Melee, Sheild Proficiency, PS: Warrior, Warrior Elite)
7 Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, weapon of choice 
110 Total Cost of Abilities
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
Heavy Foot
Heavy Foot typically fight, as the name would indicate, on foot. They generally wear heavy armor and wield heavier two-handed weapons.
As you might imagine physical strength and stamina are necessary for this type of fighting, and Heavy Foot train exhaustively when learning their trade to develop the physical traits needed in their line of work. Most Heavy Foot start their training in their mid teens, as their bodies are better able to adapt to the stress and develop the necessary body mass to excel at this trade.
Cost Ability
5 Strong: +5 STR
6 Sturdy: +3 CON
6 Durable: +3 BODY
4 Resilient: +2 REC
5 Great Stamina: +10 END
4 Willpower: +2 EGO
2 Choose One:
  • Load Bearing: +6 STR; No Figured (-1/2), Only for Encumbrance Purposes (-1 1/2)
  • Strength of Will: +5 STR (5 Active Points); Requires An EGO Roll (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)
  • Weapon Strength: +4 STR, No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima (-1/2)
10 Choose One:
  • Combat Skill Levels: +2 HtH
  • Combat Skill Levels: +1 HtH and
    +1 DCV
  • Combat Skill Levels: +2 DCV
  • Skill Levels: +1 Overall Level
  • Defense Manuever IV
2 AF: Heavy Armor Proficiency
1 AF: Shield Proficiency
2 WF: Common Melee
4 Penalty Skill Levels: +2 to Offset DCV and DEX Penalties of Heavy Armor
2 PS: Warrior
1 Warrior Elite: Right to Bear Arms or Equivalent For Culture
1 Expensive Equipment: Wealth 3; Only For Purposes Of Determining Starting Equipment (-2)
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
10 Follow-through Attack: Trigger on up to 60 Active Points of Killing Attack  (Trigger: when current opponent is killed in battle and there is another opponent  in HtH Range attack that opponent, +1/4); OIF (weapons of opportunity; -1/2); Costs 1 END to use; Note: takes a Half Phase Action to "Reset Trigger"
20 Superior Follow Through Attack: Trigger on up to 60 Active Points of Killing Attack (Trigger: when current opponent is killed in battle and there is another opponent  in HtH Range attack that opponent; Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/2) for up to 60 Active Points (30 Active Points); OIF (Weapon of Opportunity; -1/2); Costs 3 END to use;  Note: Trigger resets automatically after an opponent is slain; the character has no choice about using the ability -- if there is an opponent in HtH range they must attack them and further if there are multiple opponents the GM can decide which is attacked based upon events in play.
4 Weapon Strength: +8 STR, No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima (-1/2)
10 Lethal: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any weapon
7.5 Heavy Lethality: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any heavy weapon =
6 Shifty: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
4 Dodgy: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Not Wearing Armor (-1/2)
4 Second Skin: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Wearing Heavy Armor (-1/2)
6 Passive Blocking: +3 DCV; OIF: Weapon of Opportunity (-1/2), vs HtH Only (-1)
-2 Bad Knees: -1" Run
-5 Physical Limitation: Old Injury (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
-5 Psychological Limitation: Warriors Code (Uncommon, Moderate)
-5 Social Limitation: Grunt (Services command less money; thrown into the thick of battle, get fewer considerations of comfort, afforded less respect, etc) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with other Warriors (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Basic Package Deals
Medium Foot
Medium Foot typically fight, as the name would indicate, on foot. They generally wear chain or other medium armors and wield heavier one-handed weapons in conjunction with a shield. Medium Foot concentrate on a powerful mix of manueverability, quickness, skill, technique and brute force.
Medium Foot provide a potent middle ground between the various extremes of fighting, and might possibly be the best all-around type of generalist fighter.
Cost Ability
3 Strong: +3 STR
3 Quick: +1 DEX
10 Nimble: +1 SPD
2 Sturdy: +1 CON
2 Durable: +1 BODY
2 AF: Medium Armor Proficiency
1 AF: Shield Proficiency
4 WF: Common Melee, Common Missile
2 Penalty Skill Levels: +1 to Offset DCV and DEX Penalty of Medium Armor
16 Choose One:
  • Combat Skill Levels: +2 All Combat
  • Combat Skill Levels: +2 DCV and
    +2 OCV w/ Tight Group
  • Skill Levels: +1 Overall Level and
    +2 OCV w/ Tight Group
2 PS: Warrior
3 Tactics
3 Fast Draw
1 Warrior Elite: Right to Bear Arms or Equivalent For Culture
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
10 Follow-through Attack: Trigger on up to 60 Active Points of Killing Attack  (Trigger: when current opponent is killed in battle and there is another opponent  in HtH Range attack that opponent, +1/4); OIF (weapons of opportunity; -1/2); Costs 1 END to use; Note: takes a Half Phase Action to "Reset Trigger"
20 Superior Follow Through Attack: Trigger on up to 60 Active Points of Killing Attack (Trigger: when current opponent is killed in battle and there is another opponent  in HtH Range attack that opponent; Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/2) for up to 60 Active Points (30 Active Points); OIF (Weapon of Opportunity; -1/2); Costs 3 END to use;  Note: Trigger resets automatically after an opponent is slain; the character has no choice about using the ability -- if there is an opponent in HtH range they must attack them and further if there are multiple opponents the GM can decide which is attacked based upon events in play.
4 Weapon Strength: +8 STR, No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima (-1/2)
4 Archer's Strength: +10 STR No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima of Bows (-1)
10 Lethal: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any weapon
7.5 Median Lethality: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any medium weapon 
7.5 Coup de Morte: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, when opponent at 5 or less BODY, any weapon
10 Precision: Find Weakness 11-: One Attack (choose)
  • More Precise: Increase Find Weakness to Tight Group
  • Incredibly Precise: Increase Find Weakness to All Attacks
  • Reliably Precise: Find Weakness to 13-
  • Always Precise: Find Weakness to 17-
6 Shifty: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
4 Dodgy: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Not Wearing Armor (-1/2)
4 Second Skin: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Wearing Medium Armor (-1/2)
5 Active Sheild Defense: Armor (4 PD/0 ED) (6 Active Points); OAF (Shield; -1), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Only When Using Shield For DCV (-1/4); Costs 1 END per Phase
5 Passive Blocking: +3 DCV; OAF: Weapon of Choice (-1), vs HtH Only (-1)
-2 Bad Knees: -1" Run
-5 Physical Limitation: Old Injury (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
-5 Psychological Limitation: Warriors Code (Uncommon, Moderate)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Swashbuckler Mentality (Common, Moderate)
-5 Social Limitation: Grunt (Services command less money; thrown into the thick of battle, get fewer considerations of comfort, afforded less respect, etc) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with other Warriors (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)