Pyromancers master fire in all its permutations. Typically the most offensively oriented of Elementalists, Pyromancers often earn a good living as mercenaries or as permanent fixtures on an Army's command staff. Pyromancers like big, nasty damage spells, and what few defensive magics they know are usually also offensive, such as Spells like the feared Flaming Aura and of course the Curtain of Flaming Passage.
Pyromancers are fun to play because they like to blow things up, and thats always entertaining to some degree, and most any adventuring company would be glad to include a Pyromancer among their membership. Of course, some Pyromancers have a tendency to get caught up in the heat of battle and become somewhat indiscriminant. Sometimes a fellow adventurer might need to intervene to sort them out if this happens...assuming any fellow adventurers survive, of course.
Cost Ability
55 Elementalist (Prepared) Package (Chosen School: Pyromancy; Neutral Schools: Aeromancy, Geomancy)
or Elementalist (Gestalt) Package
or Elementalist (Spontaneous) Package
23 Pyromastery Package
17 Combat Casting Package
95 Total Cost of Abilities
Value Disadvantages
-5 School Ineptitude: Phys Lim: Cannot Learn KS: Hydromancy or use Spellcraft to Circumvent (Infrequently, Limiting)


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
Elementalist (Prepared)
The Elementalism Magic System is detailed here.
This Package Deal is for Elementalists using the Prepared Model
Elementalists cast Spells associated with the four classic Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Though they have fewer esoteric and utility spells than some other Magic Systems, Elementalists are powerful spellcasters.
Cost Ability
35 Wizard VPP (30 Pool)
19 KS: Element of Choice + 3, KS: First Neutral Element +1, KS: Second Neutral Element +1
1 Literacy with Native Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
*17.5 +1 Spell Level (+15 Pool)
5 Bright: +5 INT
10 Brilliant: +10 INT
5 +1 with All Int Based Rolls
2 WF: Elementalist Group (Dagger, Darts, Staff)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Self Centered (Common, Strong)
-5 Social Limitation: Disreputable Master (Master is generally scorned, disrespected, or has a questionable past -- this colors peoples perception of character) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with other Elementalists (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Basic Package Deals
Elementalist (Gestalt)
The Elementalism Magic System is detailed here.
This Package Deal is for Elementalists using the Gestalt Model
Elementalists cast Spells associated with the four classic Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Though they have fewer esoteric and utility spells than some other Magic Systems, Elementalists are powerful spellcasters.
Cost Ability
48 Magni VPP (30 Pool)
6 Any two of the following (KS: Aeromancy, KS: Geomancy, KS: Hydromancy, KS: Pyromancy)
1 FAM with any one of the following (KS: Aeromancy, KS: Geomancy, KS: Hydromancy, KS: Pyromancy)
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
*24 Higher Spell Level Pool: +15 Pool
5 Bright: +5 INT
10 Brilliant: +10 INT
5 +1 with All Int Based Rolls
2 WF: Elementalist Group (Dagger, Darts, Staff)
-15 Psychological Limitation: Self Centered (Common, Strong)
-5 Social Limitation: Disreputable Master (Master is generally scorned, disrespected, or has a questionable past -- this colors peoples perception of character) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with other Elementalists (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Basic Package Deals
Elementalist (Spontaneous)
The Elementalism Magic System is detailed here.
This Package Deal is for Elementalists using the Spontaneous Model
Elementalists cast Spells associated with the four classic Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Though they have fewer esoteric and utility spells than some other Magic Systems, Elementalists are powerful spellcasters.
Cost Ability
6 Elementalist MPP 0 Level: MP, 15-point reserve, (15 Active Points); 6 Charges (-3/4), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2); all slots Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
10 Elementalist MPP 1st Level: MP, 30-point reserve, (30 Active Points); 6 Charges (-3/4), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2), Spontaneous Casting Discount (-1/2); all slots Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
13 Elementalist MPP 2nd Level: MP, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); Spontaneous Casting Discount (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2); all slots Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
14 14 points in Spell slots
11 KS: Element of Choice + 1, KS: First Neutral Element, KS: Second Neutral Element
1 Literacy with Native Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
+15 Sorcerer MPP 3rd Level: MP, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); Spontaneous Casting Discount (-1 1/2), 6 Charges (-3/4), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2); all slots Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
+17 Sorcerer MPP 4th Level: MP, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); Spontaneous Casting Discount (-2), 6 Charges (-3/4), Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; -1/2); all slots Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
2 WF: Elementalist Group (Dagger, Darts, Staff)
+4 Replace (KS: Element of Choice + 1, KS: First Neutral Element, KS: Second Neutral Element) with Spellcraft 11-
-15 Psychological Limitation: Self Centered (Common, Strong)
-5 Social Limitation: Disreputable Master (Master is generally scorned, disrespected, or has a questionable past -- this colors peoples perception of character) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with other Elementalists (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Extention Package Deals
Some Elementalists develop a close affinity to fire studying Pyromancy, to the point that they are incredibly resistant to harm by it.
Cost Ability
20 Damage Reduction 75%; Heat & Flame only (-2)
3 Life Support: Intense Heat
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Extention Package Deals
Combat Casting
Some Spellcasters are taught how to use their Spellcasting in violent circumstances. Simply add this package to a character that has received this sort of training.
Cost Ability
12 Combat Spellcasting (+3 All Combat, Only for OCV, Only with Spells)
5 +1 DCV or (AF: Light Armor plus +2 Penalty Skill Levels, Only to offset Armor Casting Penalty)
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package