Dutiful Student | |
The Dutiful Student has learned all that their master has labored to teach them and is now ready to test their modest but well rounded abilities in the crucible of adventuring life. With a rote mastery of the basics and an assortment of minor Powers, the Dutiful Student has much to learn, but a strong foundation of fundamental principles to build upon. | |
Cost | Ability |
55 | Monastic Package |
9 | Psychometabolic Gift Package |
9 | Telepathic Contact Package |
9 | Interspatial Comprehension Package |
9 | Precognitive Avoidance Package |
9 | Psychokinetic Will Package |
10 | Psionic Powers (10 points in ultra slots) |
110 | Total Cost of Abilities |
Value | Disadvantages |
0 | None |
+110 |
Total Cost of Package |
Monastic | |
The Psionic System is described here. | |
Monastic Psions are typically taught in a school, at a monastery, at a retreat, or some other formalized environment. They benefit from a coherent approach to the teaching of Psionic manifestation, and have a well rounded array of capabilities. | |
Monastic Psions are sometimes literally monks in the shaven head robe wearing sense, but not always. Many monastic Psions are the product of a family of Psions, taught at their grandfather's or parent's knee from childhood. Still others are the product of a warrior caste or group, trained in a militaristic fashion to hone themselves into living weapons. | |
Monastic Psions are fun to play because they are well balanced and provide a strong foundation to build upon with experience. | |
Cost | Ability |
30 | Psionic MPP (30 Pool; May use Personal END or END Reserve (+1/4); All slots must take RSR: Discipline Power Skill (-1/4)) |
3 | Psionic Strength END Reserve: 20 END / 1 REC |
15 | Broadly Capable: PowS: Clairsentience (INT), PowS: Psychokinesis (EGO), PowS: Psychoportation (INT), PowS: Telepathy (EGO), PowS: Psychometabolism (CON) |
3 | Serene: PowS: Meditation (EGO) |
3 | Crystal Mastery: KS: Imprinting |
1 | Literate: Literacy w/ Native Language |
Value | Disadvantages |
0 | None |
+55 | Total Cost of Package |
Cost | Options |
10 | More Powerful: Higher Psionic MPP: +10 Reserve |
5 | Bright: +5 INT |
10 | Brilliant: +10 INT |
5 | Smart: +1 with All INT Based Rolls |
10 | Steady: +5 EGO |
20 | Resolute: +10 EGO |
5 | Stubborn: +1 with All EGO Based Rolls |
10 | Fit: +5 CON |
20 | Tireless: +10 CON |
5 | Gritty: +1 with All CON Based Rolls |
2 | WF: Psion Group (Dagger, Short Sword, Throwing Blades) |
-15 | Psychological Limitation: Overly Introspective (Common, Strong) |
-5 | Social Limitation: Disreputable Master (Master is generally scorned, disrespected, or has a questionable past -- this colors peoples perception of character) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures) |
-10 | Rivalry with other Psions (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo) |
Psychometabolic Gift | |
One of the first tricks many Psions learn when studying Psychometabolics is how to accelerate their bodies healing capacity. | |
Cost | Ability |
7 | Cellular Reconstruction: Regenerate 1 BODY/Turn |
2 | Hardy: +1 BODY |
Value | Disadvantages |
0 | None |
+9 |
Total Cost of Package |
Telepathic Contact | |
Many Psions receiving training in the Telepathic Arts develop a fundamental ability to find minds at a distance, so that they can then use their other powers upon them. | |
Cost | Ability |
9 | Contact: Mind Scan 6d6 (30 Active Points); Concentration 0 DCV, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (-1), Extra Time 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate Constant or Persistent Power (-1/2), Character May Take No Other Actions (-1/4), Stops Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2) (Costs 3 END per use) |
Value | Disadvantages |
0 | None |
+9 |
Total Cost of Package |
Interspatial Comprehension | |
Many Psions studying Psychoportation develop keen awareness of space and the correlation of objects within space. | |
Cost | Ability |
3 | Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions |
3 | Absolute Range Sense |
3 | Bump Of Direction |
Value | Disadvantages |
0 | None |
+9 |
Total Cost of Package |
Precognitive Avoidance | |
Many Psions studying Clairsentience develop the ability to sense danger and avoid it. However this ability is fickle and not to be relied upon for the future has many paths and they are difficult to see clearly. | |
Cost | Ability |
9 | Precognitive Avoidance: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Activation Roll 13-, Jammed (-1 1/4) |
Value | Disadvantages |
0 | None |
+9 |
Total Cost of Package |
Psychokinetic Will | |
Many Psions studying Psychokinesis develop the ability to manipulate things at a distance as easily as with their hands. | |
Cost | Ability |
9 | Strength of Will: (Total: 25 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) Extra Limbs (5 Active Points); 1 Limb (-2), Linked to Stretching (-1/2) (Real Cost: 1) plus Stretching 2", Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Sight Group, Hearing Group; +3/4) (20 Active Points); Cannot Do Damage (-1/2), Always Direct (-1/4), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), Limited Body Parts (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8) (Costs 2 END per Phase) |
Value | Disadvantages |
0 | None |
+9 |
Total Cost of Package |