The Derwydd
Adventurer is a physically primal, rough and tumble Nature priest well
suited to a life of hardship and danger in pursuit of maintaining the
Natural Order. |
A Derwydd
Adventurer is fun to play because they are capable and durable, able to lend
a hand in a variety of circumstances, particularly with a well chosen
selection of Spell Skills. |
Cost |
Ability |
55 |
Derwydd Package |
3 |
Resistance to Fire & Electricity: Armor 0 PD/5 ED,
Hardened (+1/4) (9 Active Points); Only vs Fire & Electricity (-1 1/2), Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be
removed; -1/4) |
4 |
Trackless Stride: Gliding: 6"; Ground
Gliding (-1/4), Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't
be removed; -1/4) |
2 |
WF: Derwydd Group (Staff,
Sling, Sickle, Dagger) |
3 |
Strong: +3 STR |
6 |
Durable: +3 CON |
6 |
Resilient: +3 BODY |
5 |
Vital: +5 PRE |
15 |
Dexterous: +5 DEX |
106 |
Total Cost of Abilities |
Value |
Disadvantages |
-10 |
Physical Limitation: May Only Use Derwydd
Spells If In Good Standing With Religious Beliefs (Infrequently, Greatly
Impairing) |
+96 |
Total Cost of Package |
The Derwydda Magic System is detailed
NOTE: Practitioners of Derwydda (dur-WEETH-ah) are collectively called
Derwyddon (dur-WEE-thon) collectively, or Derwydd (DUR-weeth) singularly.
Derwydda is a form of Nature Magic that focuses on powerful Magics stemming from
a understanding of the Natural World, and channelling the very power of the Universe
Derwyddon are a type of Magic User skilled at working powerful Magics when given
the chance, but not quite as good in tense situations such as combat. An individual
Derwydd isn't particularly good in a combat situation, but given time and a Standing
Stone a Derwydd can work shockingly powerful Magic, and a clutch of Derwyddon working
together can shake the fundaments of the world.
Derwyddon are also good at preparing powerful Spell Effects on At Will Triggers
in relative safety, which they can later release for devastating results, which
somewhat compensates for the difficulities they suffer when attempting to cast Spell
Effects in combat.
Derwydd Spell Skills
KS: Nature Lore +2
PS: Create Standing Stone
Nature Sense: Detect (Sight): Plants, Animals, Pure Water, (Class of Things
Discriminatory) (10 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Turn, -1); Only Usable While
In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
Immunity to Poison: LS: Immunity to Poison; Only Usable While In Good Standing
With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
+1 Penalty Skill Level to offset Combat Casting Penalty with All Spells
Strong Willed: +5 EGO
Stamina: +14 END
Total Cost of Package
Resistance to Fire & Electricity: Armor 0 PD/5 ED, Hardened (+1/4) (9
Active Points); Only vs Fire & Electricity (-1 1/2), Only Usable While In Good
Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
Trackless Stride: Gliding: 6"; Ground Gliding (-1/4), Only Usable While
In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
More Spell Skills
+1 Penalty Skill Level to offset Combat Casting Penalty with All Spells
Bright: +5 INT
+1 with All INT Based Rolls
WF: Derwydd Group (Scicle, Staff, Sling, Dagger)
Psychological Limitation: Maintain Natural Balance (Common, Strong)
Psychological Limitation: Hatred vs Undead (Uncommon, Total)
Social Limitation: At Odds With Organized Religion (Churches and Religions dedicated
to Deities) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)