Dwarven Exemplar
Cost Ability
33 Mountain Dwarf
Add So Tough from Dwarven Options
Add Tougher Than You from Dwarven Options
  Add Longevity: Double Longevity
92 Militant Priest (exclude Spell Resistance and Unassailable)


Total Cost of Template

Race Package Deal
Mountain Dwarves
Mountain Dwarves typically live below mountains in elaborate Dwarven "Halls". Mountain Dwarves are sometimes self sufficient, but often have to trade with their hill-living cousins and with other races for food and other living amenities; they rarely have trouble enticing trade however, for their weapons and jewelry are usually reknowned for their quality. Mountain Dwarves are typically shorter and more powerfully built than their Hill kin, but more dour in outlook.
Cost Ability
5 Strong: +5 STR
10 Durable: +5 CON
10 Durable: +5 BODY
4 Stubborn +2 EGO
3 So Tough: Damage Resistance 3 PD, 3 ED
5 Doughty: Power Defense: 5
15 Magic Resistance: Damage Reduction 25% Resistant; Only vs Magic (-1)
7 Disease Resistance: Immunity to Disease, Activation 14- (-1/2)
8 Poison Resistance: Immunity to Poisons, Activation 15- (-1/4)
5 Infravision: Infrared Perception
4 Find the Path: Detect Way Out, Discriminatory, Underground Only (-1)
6 Stalwart: +5 Mental Defense, +5 Power Defense,  +5 PRE; Only to Resist Fear (-2)
2 Longevity: LS: 400 Years
Value Disadvantages
-20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Distinctive Feature: Dwarf (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
-2 Slow: -1" Running
-2 Stone-like Flesh: -2" Swimming
-1 Cumbersome: -1" Leaping
-15 Thick-limbed: -5 DEX
-2 Ruminating: -2 INT
-2 Rough-hewn: -4 COM
-5 Physical Limitation: Short but Heavy (3.75 ft - 4.75 ft; 250 to 400 lbs)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Dour and Curmudgeouny (Common, Moderate)
+20 Total Cost of Package

Race Package Deal
Dwarf Options
With the GM's permission you may upgrade the Race Package Deal listed above with options selected from the list below, where appropriate at Character Creation. You may not later add any of these abilities to the existing Package Deal, though you might be allowed to buy them separately. The GM must approve all additional Disadvantages take for a given package; simply loading up on extra Racial Enmities and similar should only be allowed if valid for the character's background.
Cost Ability
3* Racial Enmity: +1 All Combat, vs. Orc-kin Only (-2)
3* Racial Enmity: +1 All Combat, vs. Giant-kin Only (-2)
3* Strong Willed: Resistance 3
3 So Tough: Damage Resistance 3 PD, 3 ED
14 Tougher Than You:
  • 25% Damage Reduction Physical, Resistant, STUN Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Nonpersistant (-1/4)
  • 25% Damage Reduction Energy, Resistant, STUN Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Nonpersistant (-1/4)
26 Way Tougher Than You:
  • 50% Damage Reduction Physical, Resistant, STUN Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Nonpersistant (-1/4)
  • 50% Damage Reduction Energy, Resistant, STUN Only (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Nonpersistant (-1/4)
4 Find the Path: Detect Way Out, Discriminatory, Underground Only (-1)
1 Walk the Path: Bump of Direction, Underground Only (-1)
6 Stoneworker: KS: Stonework; PS: Mason
8 Stone-eyes: Detect Concealed Stone\Rock Features, Discriminatory
4 Underground Senses: Detect Depth & Slope Information, Discriminatory, Underground Only (-1)
15 Blindfighting: Combat Sense 11-
25 Dwarven War Art: (Weapon Art)
  • Side Slash: Martial Strike {3d6 location}
  • Stroke: Defensive Strike {2d6+7 location}
  • Chop: Offensive Strike {2d6+1 location}
  • Block: Martial Block
  • Avoidance: Martial Dodge
  • KS: Dwarven War Art (INT)
  • Art used with Axes/Maces/Hammers/Picks
10* Dwarven War Art Training:
  • +2 with Dwarven War Art
  • +1 DC with Dwarven War Art
1 Weapon Skilled: WF: Axes/Maces/Hammers/Picks
1* Longevity: Double Longevity
14 Spell Resistance +2
15 Magic Resistance: Damage Reduction 25% Resistant; Only vs. Magic (-1)
22 Magic Resistance: Damage Reduction 50% Resistant; Only vs. Magic (-1)
30 Magic Resistance: Damage Reduction 75% Resistant; Only vs. Magic (-1)
* May take Multiple Times
Value Disadvantages
-1 Stone-like Flesh: -1" Swimming
-10 Psychological Limitation: Racial Enmity: Orc-kin (Uncommon, Strong)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Racial Enmity: Giant-kin (Uncommon, Strong)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Goldlust & Greed (Common, Moderate)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Antisocial and Untrusting (Common, Moderate)
-10 Social Limitation: Clan is in very poor standing  (Frequently, Major, Not Limiting in Some Cultures)

Package Deals
Militant Priest
Devoted to a Patron of a martial bent, the Militant Priest is a glowing beacon of unassailability. A talented fighter in their own right, the Militant is often an active adventurer, prefering to press his deities cause by taking it to those in need of smiting. Though not as powerful in the weilding of Divine Magic as some, the Militant makes up for it with what seems like a graced existance. Blows turn from their skin, Spells fizzle around them, and they can shake off many effects which lay others low.
Militants are fun to play because they have a well rounded selection of abilities and are action oriented, allowing them to take part in combat heavy adventures.
Cost Ability
55 Devoted Package
20 War Domain Package
20 Destruction Domain Package
11 Battle-wise: AF: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shield; Penalty Skill Levels: +2 to Offset DEX and DCV Penalties of Armor
106 Total Cost of Abilities
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
The Dominine Magic System is detailed here.
This Package Deal is for Domini using the Prepared Model
The Devoted aren't usually the most cerebral of people; in some cases they hail from the backwoods and can barely even read, but they don't need booksmarts to know how they feel about their chosen Patron. The Devoted puts all of their energy and vigor into forwarding the interests of their religion and spreading the word to those who need to hear it. More erudite or cereberal Priests might look askance at them, but nonetheless the Devoted's Patron often seems to favor them with Divine protection.
A Devoted can be fun to play for players that like holy-roller "biblos-thumping" type characters, out to spread the word of their faith and take on any challenges that arise in the process.
Cost Ability
18 Prepared VPP  (15 Pool)
5 Power Skill: Faith (EGO) +1
1 Literacy w/ Native Language
10 Divine Favor: Combat Luck 6 PD/6 ED; Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
3 Unshakeable: Mental Defense +5; Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4); Activation 15-  (-1/4)
3 Unassailable: Power Defense +5; Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4); Activation 15-  (-1/4)
10 Divine Resistance: Magic Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2)
1 Reputation: Blessed by their Patron; within their religion, 11-
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
*19 Higher Spell Level Pool: +15 Pool
6 Unshakeable: +10 Mental Defense; Requires a Faith Roll (-1/2), Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)
10 Resolute: +5 EGO
20 Willfull: +10 EGO
5 Battle Trained: AF: Medium Armor, AF: Shield, Penalty Skill Levels: +1 to Offset DEX and DCV Penalties of Armor
2 WF: Priest Group (Mace, Hammer, Morning Star)
-5 Social Limitation: Religion at Odds with Governement  (Hassled by local officials, gaurdsmen, patriots, etc) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
-10 Rivalry with other Priests (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)

Cost Ability
10 Domain Granted Power
10 Access to Domain Spells
+20 Package Total Cost
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Real Cost: Active Points:
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Spell List
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Cost Ability
10 Domain Granted Power
10 Access to Domain Spells
+20 Package Total Cost
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Real Cost: Active Points:
Provider: Source:
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Real Cost: Active Points:
Provider: Source:
Spell List
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