Abyssal Scion

Grimoire of Dark Reflections (Fabled)

This formidable magical tome has pages of blackened leather (skin?) upon which symbols and text appear glistening red, like freshly spilled blood...but when turned in the light they also shimmer foil-like.

If you are Evil, this tome can be used as a spellcasting focus.

Powerful Magic. You gain +1 to hit and damage with spell attacks when using this tome as your spellcasting focus.

Fabled Abilities

The following abilities are unlocked for an attuned character of the indicated character level or higher.

Fabled Ability
Dark Reflections. Once per Dusk, if you are Evil you can meditate while reading the tome for 1 hour to swap one of your prepared spells for another spell on your spell list. Additionally, once per Dusk you can reroll a failed Concentration save.
Dark Secrets. If you are Evil, you can open the tome and select a spell from the Wizard, Cleric, or Druid spell list of a level that you have an available spell slot for, and the tome will turn to that spell within itself. That spell is considered to be prepared by you while it is in the tome. The spell vanishes from the tome if you use this ability again to pick a different spell.
Insidious Magic. If you are Evil and cast a spell that offers a saving throw while holding this tome, the save DC is increased by 1.
Dark Font. Once per Dusk, if you are Evil you can meditate for 1 minute to recover spell slots with a combined level equal to no more than half your character level (rounded up).