Abyssal Scion

Cambio Repentino (Fabled)

This long hilted claymore (Greatsword) is as elegant as it is dreadful. It only weighs as much as a Short Sword and is effortless to wield.

This fearsome weapon is eager for battle, and its bearer will sometimes find the blade in their hand with no memory of having drawn it.

Despite being a Greatsword, this weapon has the Finesse property and does not have the Heavy property.

Attuned Abilities

Always Ready. Drawing or readying this weapon does not count against your object interaction limit.

Sudden Violence. When you would roll for Initiative, you may instead proceed as if you rolled a 20. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it again until after the next Dusk.

Fabled Abilities

The following abilities are unlocked for an attuned character of the indicated character level or higher.

Fabled Ability
This weapon has a +1 bonus to hit and damage.
Once per combat, you can use your Reaction when another creature starts or ends their turn to make an Opportunity Attack with this weapon against any creature within your reach.
This weapon has a +1 bonus to hit and damage.
In the first round of each combat, the first time you hit a creature with this weapon you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to the damage that creature takes.