Abyssal Scion

Nine-Tenths (Extra-planar Purloiner)
Class: Rogue (Arcanoklept): 17   Proficiency BonusPB: +6
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Speed: 40 feet
Hit PointsHP: 175   Hit DiceHD: 17d8 AC: 21
Resistances: Fire, Poison, Imm vs Necrotic
STR: 12 (+1) Save: +1
Athletics: +13
INT: 20 (+5) Save: +11
Arcana: +17
DEX: 22 (+6) Save: +12
Initiative: +6, Acrobatics: +18, Sleight of Hand: +18, Stealth: +18
WIS: 15 (+2) Save: +8
Insight: +8, Perception: +14, Survival: +8
CON: 16 (+3) Save: +3
CHA: 11 (+0) Save: +6
Other Info
Height: 5' 10'' Weight: 165 lbs Lineage: Cambion (humanoid, fiend) Gender: Male Size: Medium
AppearanceLooks: Pitch black skin, six fingered, yellow eyed, devilishly handsome. Obvious Graz'zt-spawn. Temperament: Standoffish. Patient and persistent regardless of danger. Flaws: You are a consummate professional and keep everything completely impersonal.
Traits: Just remember your ABP's:
* Always Be Patient
* Always Be Planning
* Always Be Purloining
Ideals: As far as you know your father thinks you're dead. You put in the work to keep it that way. Bonds: You were once under the thumb of Verin. You faked your death to slip the noose, and are determined to stay free.
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Elvish, Drow, Draconic, Thieves Cant Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Finesse & Light Martial Weapons, Light Armor, Thieves' Tools, Navigator's Tools, Vehicles: Space, Playing Cards
Attuned: Void Echo Armor, Doomfang Dagger, Grimoire of Endless Possibilities, Ring of the Ram, Gem of Summoning: Elemental Myrmidon (Stone)
Gear: Dimensional Satchel, Eyes of Minute Seeing (make Investigation checks within 1' at Adv)
Ring of the Ram: This ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at Dawn []. While wearing the ring, you can use a Magic action to expend 1 to 3 of its charges to make a ranged spell attack against one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The ring produces a spectral ram's head and makes its attack roll with a +7 bonus. On a hit, for each charge you spend, the target takes 2d10 force damage and is pushed 5 feet away from you. Alternatively, you can expend 1 to 3 of the ring's charges as an action to try to break an object you can see within 60 feet of you that isn't being worn or carried. The ring makes a Strength check with a +5 bonus for each charge you spend.
Bracers of Salvoing Shivs: These matched black leather armbands each have the shape of a small throwing dagger branded into them. As a Magic action during your turn, you can pull up to two dagger-shaped Force constructs from the bracers and immediately hurl them at one or two visible targets within 120 feet. Each target takes 1d4+1 Force damage for each projectile hurled at them. The Force constructs vanish if you don't hurl them right away, and they disappear right after they affect their target. These Force projectiles are considered to be magic missiles as per the spell.
  Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  Resistance. You have Resistance to Fire and Poison damage and Advantage to avoid or end the Poisoned condition.
  Spells. You know the Fire Bolt, Friends, and Thaumaturgy cantrips. As of character level 5 you always have Alter Self prepared, and can also cast it without a spell slot once per Long Rest.
Abyssal Prodigy: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, Arcana, Survival, Abyssal, Tough.
Tough: Your maximum Hit Points are increased by 2 per character level.
Telekinetic: +1 Intelligence. You learn the Mage Hand spell. You can cast it without Verbal and Somatic components, you can make the spectral hand Invisible, and its range increases by 30 feet when you cast it. The spells spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this feat. As a Bonus Action, you can telekinetically shove a visible creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + PB + the ability modifier of the score increased by this feat) or be moved 5 feet forward or away from you.
War Caster: +1 Intelligence. You have Advantage on Concentration saving throws. When a creature provokes an Opportunity Attack from you by leaving your reach you can instead take a Reaction to cast a spell with a casting time of one action that targets only that creature. You can perform Somatic components while holding weapons or a Shield.
Sharpshooter: +1 Dexterity. Your ranged attacks with weapons ignore Half and Three-Quarters cover. Being within 5 feet of an enemy doesn't impose Disadvantage on your attack rolls with Ranged weapons. Attacking at Long Range doesn't impose Disadvantage on your attack rolls with Ranged weapons.
Speedy: +1 Dexterity. Your Speed increases by 10 feet. When you take the Dash action on your turn, Difficult Terrain doesn't cost you extra movement for the rest of that turn. Opportunity Attacks have Disadvantage against you.
Skill Expert: +1 Dexterity.
Thrown Weapon Fighting: When you hit with a ranged attack roll using a Thrown weapon, you gain +2 damage.
Class: Rogue (Arcanoklept)
Class Features: Expertise [Athletics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Perception], Sneak Attack 9d6, Thieves' Cant, Weapon Mastery (Dagger, Hand Crossbow), Cunning Action (Bonus Action Dash, Disengage, Hide), Fighting Style (Thrown Weapon Fighting), Steady Aim (Bonus Action gain Adv on attacks, 0 Speed), Spellcasting (INT, Spell Save DC: 19), ASI: Telekinetic (+1 Int), Cunning Strikes [Poison (-1d6), Trip (-1d6), Daze (-2d6), Knock Out (-6d6), Obscure (-3d6)], Uncanny Dodge (Reaction to take half damage vs 1 attack), Evasion (Dex save for half damage == no damage), Reliable Talent (Proficient d20 rolls can't be less than 10), ASI: Warcaster (+1 Int), ASI: Sharpshooter (+1 Dex), ASI: Speedy (+1 Dex), Slippery Mind (Proficiency with Wisdom and Charisma saves), ASI: Skill Expert (+1 Dex)
Cantrips: Mind Sliver, Minor Illusion, True Strike, Prestidigitation, Lineage [Fire Bolt, Thaumaturgy], Feat [Mage Hand (Invisible, +30-feet)]
Spells: Shield, Feather Fall, Invisibility, Spider Climb, See Invisible, Misty Step, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Fly, Mirror Image, Ambush Rift, Lineage [Charm Person (1/LR), Darkness (1/LR)]
Spell Slots: 1: 2: 3:
Subclass Features
Level 3: Arcane Knowledge: You gain Expertise with Arcana if already proficient, otherwise you gain Proficiency with Arcana.
Level 3: Spellcasting: You have learned to cast Wizard spells, using the Spellbook rules described for Wizards and the Spell Slots, Prepared Spells of Level 1+, Changing Your Prepared Spells, Spellcasting Ability, and Spellcasting Focus rules described for Arcane Tricksters.
  Cantrips: You know two cantrips of your choice form the Wizard spell list. Whenever you gain a Rogue level you can replace one of these cantrips with another Wizard cantrip of your choice. You learn another Wizard cantrip of your choice at Rogue levels 7 and 15.
Level 3: Scroll Tricks:
  Crib Sheet: If you have a blank scroll, a writing implement, ink, and access to a spellbook, you can spend 1 minute per spell level to craft a crib sheet with notes describing how to cast a selected Wizard spell (of any level) in that spellbook. While reading the crib sheet you are considered to have the spell prepared and can copy it into a different spellbook, meet the prerequisite to scribe a Spell Scroll, cast it using an available spell slot of sufficient level, or cast it as a Ritual if the spell has the Ritual tag. Also, a crib sheet is considered to be an Arcane Focus for the spell it describes.
  You can maintain one crib sheet at a time, preparing another crib sheet causes a previously enscribed one to disappear from its scroll. Your crib sheets are only usable by you.
  Spell Scroll Usage: You can attempt to use any Spell Scroll, regardless of spell list restrictions.
Level 9: Spellfilching Tricks:
  Steal Spell: When you see a creature within 60 feet of yourself casting a spell with Verbal, Somatic, or Material components, you can take a Reaction to attempt to interrupt their casting and steal the magic of their spell if you are not already storing a stolen spell.
  The creature makes a Constitution saving throw against your spellcasting DC. On a failed save you steal the magic of the spell, causing it to dissipate with no effect, and the action, Bonus Action, or Reaction used to cast it is wasted. Any consumable Material components necessary to cast the spell are consumed, and if a spell slot was used to cast it that spell slot is expended.
  Store Spell: The magical energy of a spell stolen in this way is stored within yourself until you die or expend it, but you can only store one stolen spell at a time. While you are storing a spell in this way, it is considered to be on your spell list and you are considered to have the spell prepared.
  Use Spell: To expend a stolen spell, you can harmlessly release it (no action required), or you can enscribe the spell onto a Spell Scroll if you know how, or you can cast it without need of a spell slot or spell components as a Magic Action during one of your turns. If you cast a stolen spell that requires a spell slot higher than your highest spell slot, you must complete a Short or Long Rest before you can use this feature again.
Level 17: Magic Device Tricks:
  Sense Magic Devices: You gain the ability to sense the presence of magic items. As a Magic action during your turn you can begin concentrating as if on a spell. While your Concentration is maintained your Speed is halved but you are able to sense the presence of magic items within a range equal to 20 feet for every 8 Rogue levels you have (rounded up). This sense can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
  While your Concentration is maintained, as a Bonus Action you may choose a magic item you have sensed and learn its general potency (weak, strong, overpowering), if it requires attunement, and how many charges it currently has (if any). You don't learn anything else about the item, such as what it looks like if it is not visible, its properties, command words, or if it is cursed. If you take a second Bonus Action to learn more about the same item in your following turn, you also learn its properties and how to use them, whether any ongoing spells are affecting the item and what they are, and if the item was created by a spell you learn that spell's name. If you take a third Bonus Action to learn more about the same item in your next turn after that, you learn if the item is cursed, and if you cannot see the item you develop a mental image of what it looks like.
  Use Magic Devices: You ignore all class, species, level, and spell requirements on attuning to or using magic items other than Spell Scrolls.
Armor and Attacks
Armor: Void Echo Armor: 21 AC
Attacks: Doomfang Dagger
  Melee 1h, 5-feet, +15 to hit, 1d4+6 Piercing +1d4 Necrotic damage, Finesse, Light, Nick
  ...on crit bonus Necrotic damage cumulatively increases by 1d4 for rest of combat
  ...w/ True Strike: +3d6 Radiant damage
  ...w/ Sneak Attack: +9d6
  Thrown 1h, 45/60, +15 to hit, 1d4+8 Piercing +1d4 Necrotic damage, Finesse, Light, Nick, Fighting Style
  ...on crit bonus Necrotic damage cumulatively increases by 1d4 for rest of combat
  ...w/ True Strike: +3d6 Radiant damage
  ...w/ Sneak Attack: +9d6
Hand Crossbow +2 1h, 100/400, +14 to hit, 1d6+8 Piercing damage, Light, Loading, Bolt, Vex
  ...w/ True Strike: +3d6 Radiant damage
  ...w/ Sneak Attack: +9d6
Mind Sliver 60-feet, DC 19 Int save, 4d6 Psychic damage, on fail target has -1d4 to next save
Firebolt 120-feet, +11 to hit, 4d10 Fire damage
Grimoire of Endless Possibilities This magical tome might theoretically have infinite pages as there is seemingly always more blank pages to write new spells onto, and it enjoys the indestructibility of an artifact. It is hefty and solidly bound, with metal corner caps and reinforcement. The elaborate front cover is adorned with a variety of mystical symbols around a magic circle bearing a prominent five-pointed star.
Cantrips: All Wizard cantrips
Level 1 Spells: Ambush Rift, Comprehend Languages [Ritual], Detect Magic [Ritual], Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Fog Cloud, Grease, Identify [Ritual], Jump, Magic Missile, Protection from Good and Evil, Shield, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk [Ritual], Unseen Servant [Ritual]
Level 2 Spells: Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Rope Trick, See Invisibility, Spider Climb, Web
Level 3 Spells: Blink, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Haste, Fireball, Fly, Leomund's Tiny Hut [Ritual], Remove Curse, Scryscrambler, Stinking Cloud, Water Breating [Ritual]
Nine-Tenths once stole a Deck of Many Things from right under the snout of an ancient red dragon, and relinquished it to the Knights of the Solar Bastion, along with other sundry items. Consequently, he is greatly favored by that organization and its members and is a favorite freelance agent of theirs. He is allowed the use of the facilities and resources of The Solar Bastion, including a respectable furnished apartment, access to Bastion controlled portals to the Infinite Staircase and elsewhere, and other perks.
While delving one of Acererak's funhouse dungeons, Nine-Tenths lucked into a folio similar to a Manual of Quickness of Action. It raised his Dexterity Maximum by 2 and allowed him to increase his Dexterity to higher than 20 via ASI's (up to his increased maximum). It also granted him Advantage on Initiative checks.
Expanded Spells
Ambush Rift: Level 1 Evocation (Ranger, Wizard), Bonus Action, 120-feet, V, Instantaneous. A Tiny rift opens in front of you, and another Tiny rift opens in an unoccupied space you can see within range. The second rift can have any facing when you create it. The rifts are one way, passing from the one in front of you to the second rift. Creatures adjacent to the first rift can perceive through the second rift in the direction it is facing. Living creatures moving through the space of either rift are not teleported and instead pass through the space normally as if the rifts are not there.
  However, Tiny or smaller objects moving through the rift in front of you are teleported, emerging from the other rift. You can also make ranged attacks and ranged spell attacks through the rift in front of you. Such attacks emerge from the other rift from the direction it is facing, and range and cover are calculated from the second rift instead of from yourself. You must be adjacent to the first rift to toss items or attack through it. Both rifts close at the end of your turn.
Scryscrambler: Level 3 Abjuration (Artificer, Wizard), 10 minutes, Touch, V, M (mechanical parts for a device that weighs one pound and fits in one hand, worth at least 100 gc), 10 minutes. Casting this spell takes the form of you assembling the intricate parts of a complicated mechanical device (the material component of the spell) while reciting repeated mystical incantations. Upon successfully casting the spell, the assembled mechanical device is magically empowered and can be used by yourself or any other creature in possession of it who knows how it works.
  As an action, a creature that has the device in their hand and knows how it works can activate or deactivate it by manipulating its mechanisms using one hand. While the device is activated, the area within a 10-foot radius of the device cannot be perceived through magical scrying sensors and persons and objects within the area cannot be targeted by any divination magic that originates from outside of the area. Additionally, sounds originating from within the affected area cannot be heard from outside of the area. The device can be activated for 60 total rounds, but the rounds do not have to be contiguous. The spell lasts while any rounds of activation remain, unless the mechanical device is broken or the spell is dispelled. Any creature that knows this spell knows how a scryscrambler works. As an action, a creature that is holding the mechanical device but does not know how a scryscrambler works can succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) check against DC 15 to learn how it works. If told how it works by someone who knows, the creature gains advantage on this check. If a creature rolls a '1' on their Intelligence (Arcana) check, they break the device and the spell ends.
  Upcast. The device gains another 60 rounds of activation time for every two slot levels above 3rd.