Abyssal Scion

Demaine (The Nail of Verin)
Class: Warlock (Fiend): 11   Proficiency BonusPB: +4
Alignment: Neutral Evil Speed: 30 feet
Hit PointsHP: 124   Hit DiceHD: 11d8 AC: 18/20
Resistances: Fire, Poison, 1 Other
STR: 11 (+0) Save: +0
INT: 16 (+3) Save: +3
Arcana: +7
DEX: 18 (+4) Save: +4
Initiative: +4
WIS: 12 (+1) Save: +5
Insight: +5
CON: 16 (+3) Save: +3
CHA: 20 (+5) Save: +9
Deception: +9, Intimidation: +9
Other Info
Height: 5' 10'' Weight: 165 lbs Lineage: Cambion (humanoid, fiend) Gender: Male Size: Medium
AppearanceLooks: Pitch black skin, eyes that shift colors between red and gold, six fingered hands, devilishly handsome. Obviously Graz'zt-spawn. Temperament: Unctuously charming while secretly scheming. Persistent despite rejection or rebuff. Flaws: Only a great fool would ever trust you, but you are virtually compelled to try to worm your way into people's good graces.
Traits: Just remember your ABC's:
* Always Be Charming
* Always Be Cunning
* Always Be Conniving
Ideals: One day, when you are powerful enough, your father will look upon you with pride and bid you take your place by his side. Until that day, you put in the work. Bonds: You owe your existence to Verin. He has ever been your patron. Serving his interests is the least you can do...for now...
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Elvish, Draconic Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor
Other Abilities: Damage Reduction 1/Force (Armor)
Attuned: Princely Azzagratian Armor, Staff of Last Resort, Grimoire of Dark Reflections
Gear: Dimensional Satchel (Handy Haversack equivalent)
  Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  Resistance. You have Resistance to Fire and Poison damage and Advantage to avoid or end the Poisoned condition.
  Spells. You know the Fire Bolt, Friends, and Thaumaturgy cantrips. As of character level 5 you always have Alter Self prepared, and can also cast it without a spell slot once per Long Rest.
Abyssal Prodigy: +2 Charisma, +1 Dexterity, Insight, Deception, Abyssal, Tough.
Tough: Your maximum Hit Points are increased by 2 per character level.
Elemental Adept (Fire): +1 Charisma. When you deal Fire damage by any means, you ignore Resistance to Fire. In addition, when you cast a spell that allows a saving throw to resist Fire damage the saving throw DC is increased by 1, and spell attacks that deal Fire damage score a critical hit on a roll of '19' or '20' on the d20.
War Caster: +1 Intelligence. You have Advantage on Concentration saving throws. When a creature provokes an Opportunity Attack from you by leaving your reach you can instead take a Reaction to cast a spell with a casting time of one action that targets only that creature. You can perform Somatic components while holding weapons or a Shield.
Class: Warlock (Fiend)
Class Features: Eldritch Invocations, Pact Magic (Cha, Spell Save DC: 17), Magical Cunning, ASI: Elemental Adept [Fire] (+1 Cha), ASI: Warcaster (+1 Int), Contact Patron, Mystic Arcanum
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Minor Illusion, True Strike, Lineage [Fire Bolt, Thaumaturgy]
Spells: Armor of Phlegethos (Agathys/Fire), Firestream (Witchbolt/Fire), Detect Magic [Ritual], Comprehend Language [Ritual], Burning Hands, Command, Scorching Ray, Suggestion, See Invisible, Hunger of Gehenna (Hadar/Fire), Fireball, Stinking Cloud, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Fire Shield, Wall of Fire, Fly, Banishment, Geas, Insect Plague, Contact Other Plane, Mislead, True Seeing, Lineage [Charm Person (1/LR), Darkness (1/LR)], Pact [Find Familiar (at will)], Gear [Hellish Rebuke]
Spell Slots: Pact Magic level 5: , Mystic Arcanum level 6:
Subclass Features
Level 3: Dark One's Blessing: When you reduce an enemy to 0 Hit Points, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier plus your Warlock level. You also gain this benefit if someone else reduces an enemy within 10 feet of you to 0 Hit Points.
Level 6: Dark One's Own Luck: You can call on your fiendish patron to alter fate in your favor. When you make an ability check for a saving throw; you can use this feature to add 1d10 to your roll. You can do so after seeing the rool but before any of the roll's effects occur. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), but you can use it no more than once per roll. You regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
Level 10: Fiendish Resilience: Choose one damage type, other than Force whenever you finish a Short or Long Rest. You have Resistance to that damage type until you choose a different one with this feature.
Pact of the Chain: You can cast Find Familiar as a Magic Action without using a spell slot. You can choose one of the normal forms or one of the following special forms for your familiar each time you cast the spell: Imp, Psuedodragon, Quasit, Skeleton, Slaad Tadpole, Sphinx of Wonder, Sprite, or Venomous Snake.
  When you take the Attack action you can forego one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one attack of its own with its Reaction.
Agonizing Blast (Fire Bolt): You can add your Charisma modifier to Fire Bolt's damage rolls.
Devil's Sight: See normally in Dim Light and Darkness (magical / nonmagical) up to 120 feet. Devil's Sight: You can see normally in Dim Light and Darkness (magical and nonmagical) with a range of 120 feet.
One With Shadows: Cast Invisibility on self w/o spell slot if in Dim Light / Darkness. One With Shadows: While you're in an area of Dim Light or Darkness, you can cast Invisibility on yourself without expending a spell slot.
Investment of the Chain Master: When you cast Find Familiar you infuse the summoned familiar with eldritch power, granting the following benefits: The familiar gains either a Fly or Swim Speed of 40 feet.
  As a Bonus Action you can command the familiar to take the Attack action. Whenever the familiar deals Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage you can make it deal Necrotic or Radiant damage instead. If the familiar forces a creature to make a saving throw, it uses your spell save DC.
  When the familiar takes damage, you can take a Reaction to grant it Resistance against that damage.
Gaze of Two Minds: As a Bonus Action you can touch a willing creature and form a connection with them that allows you to perceive through its senses until the end of your turn, benefiting from any special senses they have. As long as you and the connected creature are on the same plane of existence, you can take a Bonus Action on subsequent turns to maintain the connection for another turn.
  If you and the connected creature are within 60 feet of one another, you can cast a spell as if you were in your space or in the connected creature's space.
Agonizing Blast (True Strike): You can add your Charisma modifier to True Strike's damage rolls.
Armor and Attacks
Armor: Princely Azzagratian Armor: 18/20 AC
  DR: 1 (not vs Force)
Attacks: Staff of Last Resort w/ True Strike [+2 AC while wielded]
  2h, 5-feet, +9 to hit, 1d8+5 Bludgeoning / Slashing / Piercing / Radiant damage
  Agonizing Blast (True Strike): +5 Radiant
  ...w/ True Strike: +2d6 Radiant damage
Firebolt 120-feet, +9 to hit, 3d10+5 Fire damage, (ignore Fire Resistance, crit on 19-20)
Firebolt w/ Grimoire of Dark Reflections 120-feet, +10 to hit, 3d10+6 Fire damage, (ignore Fire Resistance, crit on 19-20)
Mind Sliver 60-feet, DC 17 Cha save, 3d6 Psychic damage, on fail target has -1d4 to next save