Abyssal Scion

Menimar (Wordbearer of Graz'zt)
Class: Cleric (Trickery): 11   Proficiency BonusPB: +4
Alignment: Neutral Evil Speed: 30 feet
Hit PointsHP: 123   Hit DiceHD: 11d8 AC: 14/16
Resistances: Fire, Poison
STR: 11 (+0) Save: +0
INT: 12 (+1) Save: +1
Arcana: +10, Religion: +10
DEX: 18 (+4) Save: +4
Initiative: +4, Stealth: +8
WIS: 20 (+5) Save: +9
Perception: +9
CON: 17 (+3) Save: +7
CHA: 15 (+2) Save: +6
Persuasion: +10
Other Info
Height: 5' 10'' Weight: 165 lbs Lineage: Cambion (humanoid, fiend) Gender: Male Size: Medium
AppearanceLooks: Pitch black skin, six fingered, yellow eyed, devilishly handsome. Obvious Graz'zt-spawn. Temperament: Insidious, patient, sneaky Flaws: You're the scorpion.
Traits: Just remember your ABP's:
* Always Be Persuasive
* Always Be Perfidious
* Always Be Proselytizing
Ideals: Your place in your father's court surely awaits you. Until that day, you put in the work to secure it. Bonds: Verin is your father's closest advisor. A job that should be yours one day.
Languages: Common, Abyssal Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light & Medium Armors, Shields
Attuned: Amulet Of the Six Fingered One, Staff of Last Resort, Grimoire of Dark Reflections
Gear: Dimensional Satchel
  Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
  Resistance. You have Resistance to Fire and Poison damage and Advantage to avoid or end the Poisoned condition.
  Spells. You know the Fire Bolt, Friends, and Thaumaturgy cantrips. As of character level 5 you always have Alter Self prepared, and can also cast it without a spell slot once per Long Rest.
Abyssal Prodigy: +2 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity, Arcana, Perception, Abyssal, Tough.
Tough: Your maximum Hit Points are increased by 2 per character level.
Resilient: +1 Constitution. You have proficiency with Constitution saving throws.
Skill Expert: +1 Wisdom.
Class: Cleric (Trickery)
Class Features: Spellcasting (WIS, Spell Save DC: 17), Divine Order: Thaumaturge (Add Wisdom modifier to Arcana and Religion checks, Guidance cantrip), Channel Divinity (Divine Spark, Sear Undead, Invoke Duplicity) []/LR regain 1/SR, ASI: Resilient (+1 Con), Potent Spellcasting (Add Wisdom modifier to Cleric cantrip damage), ASI: Skill Expert (+1 Wis), Divine Intervention
Cantrips: Toll the Dead, Word of Radiance, Resistance, Mending, Light, Lineage [Fire Bolt, Thaumaturgy], Thaumaturge [Guidance]
Spells: Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Bane, Inflict Wounds, Sanctuary, Blindness/Deafness, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Invisibility, Pass without Trace, Aid, Tongues, Spirit Guardians, Hypnotic Pattern, Nondetection, Magic Circle, Banishment, Confusion, Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Flame Strike, Planar Binding, Dominate Person, Modify Memory, Circle of Power, Planar Binding, Lineage [Charm Person /LR, Darkness /LR]
Spell Slots: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
Subclass Features
Level 3: Trickery Domain Spells: You always have Trickery Domain Spells prepared. Spells. Charm Person, Disguise Self, Invisibility, Pass without Trace, Hypnotic Pattern, Nondetection, Confusion, Dimension Door, Dominate Person, Modify Memory
Level 3: Blessing of the Trickster: As a Magic action choose yourself or a willing creature within 30 feet to have Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. This blessing lasts until you finish a Long Rest or you use this feature again.
Level 6: Trickster's Transposition: When you take the Bonus Action to create or move the illusion of your Invoke Duplicity, you can teleport, swapping places with the illusion.
Armor and Attacks
Armor: Staff of Last Resort: 14/16 AC
Attacks: Staff of Last Resort [+2 AC while wielded]
  1h, 5-feet, +4 to hit, 1d8 Bludgeoning / Slashing / Piercing damage
Toll the Dead 60-feet, DC 17 Wis save, 3d8 Necrotic damage, damage uses d12 if the target is missing HP
  Potent Spellcasting: add Wisdom modifier to damage
Firebolt 120-feet, +9 to hit, 3d10 Fire damage