This campaign is based on the main hook of Turn of Fortune's Wheel, which centers on player characters that are Multiversal Glitches, each having multiple variants of the same core character concept. In our version there are ten distinct glitches, including the player characters and some others encountered along the way.
We've followed several storylines, with the players piloting different groups of their variants, learning more about the nature of the multiversal error that has caused their predicament in the process. The main player character concepts (each of which is represented via multiple characters) are provided below.
Some variants of the other Mulitversal Glitches have been encountered, and in one case so far the player of the Unbowed Hero piloted a variant of one of the other glitches in a specific storyline (an option available to all the players). The variants of the other glitches that have full character write ups are provided below.
One living variant of this glitch has been encountered thus far, a silver tongued charmer who tried to make friends but was attacked on first principles. However, multiple remains of small statured glitches that have been stumbled upon were assumed to be versions of this entity. The core theme for this glitch is the belief that the multiverse is unraveling and that this is the best possible outcome. Thus they are willing to cooperate with any effort that will immantize the eschaton. According to Prince Uriel's notes, all variants of this glitch known to him have a deep appreciation for absurdity. The Prince's notes went on to classify this glitch as a 'sometimes useful idiot'
Two variants of this glitch have been encountered thus far, one briefly and at a distances (more of a cameo), and the other was a cold as ice Assassin piloted by the player who usually mains the Unbowed Hero glitch. According to Prince Uriel's notes, this glitch is 'dangerous but usually mercenary and thus tractable'.
A variant of this glitch made a deal with Asmodeus, selling his soul to eliminate all the other variants of themselves and absorb their power. He knows (more or less) what's going on and the role of the glitches therein. He pursues a line of play to bring about an outcome favorable to him...and of course his 'patron' Asmodeus. Prince Uriel's notes had little to say about this glitch other than 'unfortunately, given the situation, we will have to find some kind of common cause with this odious individual'.
One living variant of this glitch has been encountered thus far, a Leonin Beast Master with a bevy of lioness companions. Vainglorious, blustery, and irrepressible, he helped one of the PC groups out of a jam that time they found themselves trapped in the unescapable Labyrinth of Carceri. Not much is known about other variants thus far, though there was some mention of them in Prince Uriel's notes, which summarized this glitch as 'well meaning but emotional and thus unpredictable and unreliable'.